The Calm

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*Aris's POV*

I looked around the vehicle as is blazed through the desert. Everyone, including myself, seemed to be enjoying the both the ride, and music. I looked up to the front passenger seat where Newt was, a wide grin on his face. He sat directly opposite of where I was in the back seat, next to me was Brenda, and Thomas.

They were almost in eachothers laps they were so squished together. Then Minho and finally Tris, Tris partially in Minho's lap while trying to not be squished into Thomas. Frypan and Teresa are in the back of the car with their legs pulled into their chests from sharing the small space with the groups packs.

Everyones spirits were high. It was fun driving in a car, dispite the situation, and seating arrangements. I noticed Tris would smile when someone joked, or at the terrible attempts to sing along with the music. But shed always look around outside her window, looking for something. I guess she didnt want to risk letting her guard down. Brenda called out to Tris.

"Hey, relax for once! It's like you have no idea how to let loose." Brenda laughed as she taunted Tris.

Tris looked at her friend with an amused smirk and an eyebrow raised. "You do realize that I worked at a club for a living correct?" Tris replied, now grinning happily as her friend rolled her eyes.

Minho chimed in "Yeah, when we were told we're going to visit his old friend" he said nodding in Jorge's directions "and get backup, I wasn't expecting to pick someone like you up." He slightly shifted uncomfortablely once Tris whipped her head around to look at him.

Minho grabbed Tris's waist and lifted her as he spoke, "Alright shank hold on swap legs, this one fell asleep." Swapping their seats so she was right next to the window. "Ah~ that's better, to many hours not enough circu- oof!"

Tris elbowed Minho in the gut while he spoke, a playful yet slightly irritated smirk on her face. "That hurt ya shank!" Minho whined.

Tris simply shrugged with a smile, an eyebrow raised in amusement

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Tris simply shrugged with a smile, an eyebrow raised in amusement. Everyone laughed at the situation.

*Narrators POV*

Tris returned to gazing out of the window, scanning both the sky, and the distant horizon for another 2 hours. Occasionally making remarks to what the group said.

As the car slowed to a crawl Tris's guard shot up, she prepared herself to be ready for anything. Everyone began to quiet down.

"When we get out of the car, make sure we have everything, and stay together. Try not to get to far ahead of me." Tris instructed calmly.

When the car came to a stop everyone slowly filed out of the car and grabbing their bags. A few slowly creeping twords the traffic jam of old abandoned cars. Tris was still strapping her pistol to her side since wearing it while in a cramped car would have been uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.

Tris glanced up after hearing footsteps getting softer. Seeing Thomas and Minho were about halfway to the cars with Newt not far behind she quietly called out to them in a snappy tone.

"Hey!" She whisper yelled, Newt noticed, and grabbed the other boys attention. "You tryin to get us killed? Act with caution." She scolded quietly as she made her way to meet up with them along with the others. She locked eyes with Thomas as she caught up to him and spoke, "Not curiosity." she hissed.

She nodded her head in the direction of the cars, motioning the boys to keep going, and turning around to note where everyone else is. Everyone starts going forward with caution now as Tris finds her place next to Aris.

"Here." Aris whispers, taking off the bracelet he got from rose, and holding it out to Tris. Tris stared at the item and glanced back up at Aris before staring back at his hand. "It's your's right?" He asked, tilting his head to try to read the girls face. "I figure Rose would've wanted me to give it back to you if I ever got to see you before she did."

Tris hesitated a moment before stepping in front of Aris, blocking him from continuing to walk forward. She gently took the bracelet Rose had made for her in her hands and using her thumb to gently caress it for a moment. She took a deep breath, grabbed Aris's hand gently, and returned the bracelet back to his wrist.

"Wha-" Aris tried to question her actions and was cut off with a swift response.

"Right now, I think your friendship with Rose is the only thing that makes sence to you." Tris responded quietly. "The few times you've interacted with me, youve gotten a different person every time, and I know you cant tell who I really am." She lifts her gaze to meet his after securing the knot on the bracelet and letting his hand go. "I love Rose, I won't forget everything that's happened or how much she means to me.. How much they both do."

Tris spoke calmly, her voice sounding certain about what shes saying. Aris watched as the gentle expression she had never wavered while she spoke and he found her phrasing to be strange.

"I don't need that to be sure of how I feel." A small smile pulling at her lips as she spoke. "She's always going to be my friend and you will always have this to remember your time together." She concluded, seemingly satisfied with her explanation, but Aris spoke before she could completely turn away.

"Why-," he hesitated "do you talk about her like that?" He asked sheepishly. Tris stared at him a moment, confused by his question. She answered his question with one of her own. "Do you stop caring about your friends when they're not around anymore?" Her question was genuine, as if the thought had never crossed her mind. Aris stood there in a mild shock, unable to find the words to answer her question. They stood in silence a moment before Tris started to turn to continue with the group.

"I didn't stop loving her just 'cause shes not here, she still means a lot to me, and she'll always be my friend." Tris said at a low volume just loud enough for Aris to hear.

Aris watched Tris walk away, slowly starting to walk behind her. He knew she was right, he'd seen so many sides of Tris the past few weeks.

A playful and kind protector from the moment they met.

A overwhelming force that protected him from the girls who attacked him by taking their ability to move.

An understanding person when standing accused of being a monster that did what was best for the people that were afraid of her.

She was a talented temptress in a strange place, putting on a show for strangers.

A actress and ruthless killer. One who tricked and threw a man out of a window without batting an eye.

A girl full of passion and loyalty for her friends. Her will so strong you can feel the air shift once she sets her mind to something.

And now a kind girl who seems to be able to see into my mind, who put my own peace of mind first before herself, and proved her caring nature goes beyond what most people believe is the end.

Aris ponders to himself for a few moments as the group reaches the canyon wondering who the real Tris is. He watches her scan the mountain cliffs with absolute concentration in search of something. When she looked down to examine the cars her eyes widened and once he blinked the girl was gone.

Hello Loves!!!!

👉🏻👈🏻 So you know when I said it wouldn't take another 8 months to post another chapter.... Yeahhhhhhhh 😅 I'm sorry loves!

But heres another chapter haha! I promise I've already started the next chapter as I'm posting this one.

Be ready, things are about to get crazy.

Have a wonderful morning, noon, day, or night wherever you are in this world! Be safe, stay humble, commit arson.. in your head! Don't actually do it haha!

1300 words! (Before ending quotes)

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