The Ambush

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*Narrator's POV*

Tris's grip on Aris's wrist was tight as she rushed past him; yanking him with her. He stumbled at first but found his footing and kept pace with Tris as she quickly guided the two of them down the mountain. It would be more accurate to say Tris adjusted her speed as to not overtake Aris and cause him to fall. The girl ran through thousands of possibilities while surveying the area. She called out to the two Dryads at the bottom of the hill.

"Get away from the light!" Tris yelled. "W.C.K.D. is coming!" She yelled louder, alerting part of the camp a bit further from the mountainside.

The other girls moved to speak only for them to be taken aback by a nearby explosion. W.C.K.D. shot a rocket into one of the larger tents in the middle of the camp just as the berg came over the cliff. The girls flinched and ducked slightly with their arms above their heads to protect from falling debris. Aris flinched, and tried to mirror the Dryad's actions only to continue to be dragged by Tris without stopping. Tris ran past the girls and twords the far side of the camp. She pulled Aris down behind some barrels, catching a glimpse of Brenda moving past the open pathway across from Tris before she ducked out of sight. The medical tent between them was engulfed in flames.

Tris released Aris's wrist and grabbed her holstered gun before spinning around to the sound of quickly approaching footsteps. Thomas appeared through the dark haze of the chaos and slid into a crouching position next to the duo. When the boy saw the tent in flames he ran out from behind cover calling out for Brenda in a panic. Tris couldn't grab him in time before he slipped out of her reach and she didn't want to risk calling out in concern that she may alert the guards to their location.

Tris watched as Brenda sprinted out of cover to grab Thomas and drag him back over to her side.

"Tris-" a nervous Aris asked, "-what do we do?" He continued as the girl turned her gaze to him. The boy then watched as she scanned the area. Tris's eyes darted around, seeming to analyze everything that could be seen in only a few seconds, and returning to look at Aris before she spoke again.

"The choice is yours." She stated clearly. "We can escape so you'll be safe. An option where we're likely to succeed." She paused a moment before suggesting the other option. "Or.. we stay here and fight back. Which if we do that I can't guarantee I'll be able to protect you and help fight against these bastards." The girl cautioned the boy in front of her.

Tris saw resolve in the boy's eyes through the nervous exterior he wore."We fight." Aris said with mild confidence. Tris smirked slightly. She was unable to resist the satisfaction that would come from the impending fight. The girl nodded in return before she spoke.

"Let's give 'em hell." Tris said quietly. The tone of her voice intimidated Aris as it sent a small shiver down his spine. The murderous intent radiating off of the girl was almost palpable. Aris could have sworn the fire in her eyes seemed to dance with the surrounding chaos and destruction in camp like a perfect waltz. She seemed like she was in her perfect element amiss this deadly battlefield. This side of Tris gave Aris a sence of both hope for victory and fear for the future.

"Ammo!" The duo heard Vince yell from a truck with a mounted machine gun on it. The two looked at eachother and nodded in understanding before bolting out from behind the barrels twords Vince.

Tris fired two shots from her pistol while the duo ran, killing two W.C.K.D. soldiers that were approaching them from the front of the truck. Harriot, who was getting Vince his ammo, had only just noticed them as they were shot dead. Vince initially panicked at the sight of Tris sprinting at his truck with a gun pointed at the vehicle. When he saw the bodies hit the ground he found a sence of relief and comradery twords W.C.K.D.'s supposed ex-weapon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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