The Predicament

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*Tris's POV*

When we arrived at the camp many people were moving about with each person seeming to have a place to be. I looked over our group to do a head count, only taking note of a few things while Harriot asked a man where someone was.

As I scanned the group, Thomas looked antsy, and overzealous about meeting the leader of the Right Arm.

Teresa seemed uncomfortable as if she felt out of place. I don't quite trust this girl, something seems off with her.

Lastly Brenda, she looks unwell. Very unwell.

The man known by Vince, as Harriet called him, emerged from the crowd. My attention was on Brenda as I could tell she was about to collapse.

"Well I don't, check 'em." Is all I heard from Vince before I sprinted around our group, placing myself between the strangers, and Brenda. Catching her before she hit the ground and helping her lay down slowly. Thomas and Jorge dropped to her side opposite of me, while Vince dropped to my right.

"What's wrong with her?" Vince asked, alarmed.

"I-i don't know!" Jorge replied panicked, trying to help Brenda regain consciousness by calling her name repeatedly.

I caught Vince glance at me from the corner of my eye, he then moved his attention to Brenda's ankle. I moved my hand to my holster and readied my gun.

"CRANK!" Vince yelled, jumping away, and pointing his gun at Brenda. "We've gotta crank!"

I spun around, shielding Brenda with my own body as I held my pistol trained on the leaders head. "Don't even try it." I said coldly.

"If we let cranks in here now, the sanctuary won't last a week." Vince announced in panic as Thomas and Jorge tried to protest. "Dont make me shoot you kid." He said to me as I remained in the same position.

"You better hope the first shot kills me or you're dead." I replied calmly.

Someone was making their way through the crowd while Thomas begged Vince to help Brenda. Vince argued that it wasn't possible as one of my old doctors emerged from the crowd.

"No. But he can." She argued to Vince, signalling for him to lower his weapon. She turned her attention to Thomas, "Hello Thomas."

Thomas looked at her in confusion. "Do we know each other?" He questioned.

The doctor pondered a moment before speaking again. "Interesting. It makes sence that they sent you into the maze, although, I was afraid they'd kill you after what you did."

I listened to the conversation closely. Vince had lowered his gun but hadn't holstered it so I remained unmoved. They went back and forth a moment, realizing that Thomas was the informant for the resistance. The doctor introduced herself as Mary and moved to examine Brenda's ankle, stopping to look at me, as she would have to cross my line if fire to reach her.

"If it isn't 'The Bellatrix' herself." Mary remarked, sounding surprised.

"Wait- WCKD's super soldier?!" Vince stepped back and retrained his aim on me, this time he was ready to kill me if needed.

"Call me that again and I'll rip your throat out!" I growled with a raised voice. "Drop the gun, the only blood I want on my hands is Ava's and Jensen's. I'd rather not waste the ammo on you." I spat coldly, my expression unchanged. Mary walked right between us during this exchange, she was not afraid of me, it was something I'd question her about later.

Sonya stepped in front of me to face Vince. I immediately holstered my gun. "Don't. You can trust her." Sonya stated breathlessly.

"Like hell you can." Harriet chimed in from beside Vince.

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