15: Scar

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I wake at Impulse's yell, hitting the ground as I roll out of bed... 

'What is it? I'm tired!' I struggle to stand but manage, leaving the room, down the stairs...

Mumbo's here. 

In tears.


'Scar, I know this may come as I shock...' Impulse, stepping closer, eyes wide and shining with tears. 

'No... no... this isn't happening...' 

'Scar... seriously... as... as far as we know it's not as bad as we think...'

'You don't know that.'


'You don't KNOW that! You haven't seen him!'

'And for all we know, Grian's fine. I just called you down because Mumbo's here in tears and that normally means...'

'No... no Scar's right. He's been taken.'


I punch the wall magic flaring. Impulse yells my name, pulling me away.

'Scar, listen to me. Scar, calm down... I SAID CALM DOWN!' I shove him away, a vex knife flashing into my hands. Pix yells something, standing. Impulse hits the ground, but is quick to stand, running to stop me again. I won't stop. Grian's gone. Cub's gone. There's no way we're going to win.

There's no reason to keep trying.

I hit the wall. Impulse holds me there, still speaking, terror filling his voice.

'Scar drop the knife.' I struggle against him, screaming back. 'Drop it. Scar, drop it. DROP IT.' I let the knife disappear back into nothing, sink to the ground and sob. 'It's ok... it's going to be ok.'

'Why him?!'

'He was out alone.' Another voice, Tango. 'He went back to his base... oh crud, we could've stopped him going out...'

'That's not helpful, Tango.'

'It's the TRUTH! Do you want me to start lying and pretending everything is peachy?!'

'No! I want you to have some decency when Scar's over here sobbing, Mumbo's over there sobbing, and Grian's just been taken by the Skulk!'

'Would I get some sympathy if I start crying too? Because that would be nice!'

'Tango- I'm sorry just... Tango, come back. Tango... TANGO!' All I hear is the slam of the door as Tango leaves and Impulse loudly swearing, kicking the bookshelf and then apologising for both. I glance over, blinking away tears enough to see him sink to the ground, just staring down at it, not talking. Mumbo's still crying, Pix trying and failing to comfort him. At any thought of Grian or Cub the emotion rises again and I start sobbing. It feels like we're here forever, just being upset, until Pix starts pacing.

'We need more help.'

'Why is that the ONLY THING you can think of?!' I snap back. 'Why can't you come up with any other plans?!'

'Idid. And my other plan almost got me and Grian caught, and our last attempt to get help failed. If you're so unhappy about getting help, then gather everyone and tell them we're meeting to discuss any other next step.'

'Sure.' Impulse mumbles. 'Whatever.'


We all look over at Mumbo, who hasn't spoken, but has stopped crying. All we get is a non-committal 'mmm'. 

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