29: Scar

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I'm sat next to Cub - who's still not woken up but is doing a lot better - when I hear it. An attempt to speak quickly turning to a scream for help.


'I'll be right back.' I mutter to Cub, letting his hand go and sprinting down and outside. Pix is already there, hugging him, asking over and over what happened.

'Impulse, are you ok?' I fall next to him. It's like he's not even there, just staring at the ground, scratching at his wrist, muttering.

'F... first Tango... then Zedaph and then Skizz... Tango, then Zedaph, then Skizz... Tango... Zedaph... Skizz... Tango... Zedaph... Skizz...'

'I... Impulse?'

'First Tango... Zedaph... Skizz...'

'He's been like this since I got out... I think he's in shock.'

'Impulse, it's ok. You're safe. Just tell us what happened.' I focus closer on his hands. His scratching. The lines along his wrist. 'Woah... hold on... that's not very good for you...' I prise his hands apart. He flinches away, whimpering, continuing to mutter to himself, but doesn't scratch for a moment. 

'What happened to... to... Tango, Zed and Skizz?'

'First Tango...'

'We know the order... what happened to them?'

'Skulk.' Another word. Impulse starts crying. Pix continues hugging him.

'Did it hurt them?'

A shaky nod. 

'First Tango... then Zedaph...' A pause, probably reliving whatever happened 'Then S... Skizz...' 

'And why did it let you go?'

'What's going on?'

With a squeak, Impulse huddles closer to Pix, his scratching starting up again, at the sound of EX's voice.

Of course.

It sounds like Xisuma's.

'I think it would be best to wait a bit.' I advise, turning to face him. EX's stopped in the doorway, frowning.

'Where's Zedaph?'

'All we've heard is that the skulk's got them.' A glance at Impulse, still muttering away.

'First Tango... then Zedaph... then Skizz...' 

'We should get you inside.' Pix attempts to help Impulse to his feet, but he doesn't move.

'No- not inside...'

'Alright. We'll stay outside... EX, grab some blankets, he's shivering.'

He doesn't move for a second. 

'Seriously, EX. Don't take it personally. Xisuma probably hurt him or his friends. He doesn't want to think about him.'

'Alright.' EX disappears inside. I can tell he's upset, but he emerges a couple minutes later with some blankets and a curious Badtimes.

'Oh, go away...' I groan. 'We don't need you here messing everything up and being insensitive.'

'I'm here to help. I'm part of your f***ing group.'

'You can stay. Pass the blanket over here.'

Badtimes grabs the blankets, chucking it towards Pix, who catches it and wraps it around Impulse's shoulders. It seems to work to pacify him, his hands fiddling with the corners as he snuggles silently in it.

'Whenever you're feeling better, we'd like to know what happened.'

'Tango was possessed.' He begins. 'Caught me. X said I'd die. I waited. Trapped.' He starts scratching again. 'And then...'

Corrupted - A Hermitcraft (and Empires) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now