31: Grian

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Reminder (because even I forgot when I started writing): the Skulk turns watchers (aka, Grian) completely blind. So he cannot see anything, but has really good hearing and can detect where skulk is

'We need more allies.' Xisuma decides, the day after we let the prisoner free. Zedaph has been trapped in his place - he is worthless unless another one of us can control him. 'And we need to start the true spread of the skulk across this server. Tango, that will be your job. Grian, you will go out and find us another ally. And if you are smart enough, it will be Scar.'

'What about Cub? We know they've stolen him from us.'

'They don't know we know that,' Xisuma replies. 'We can use it to our advantage when they try to lie to us. We can see if we can trap another of the foolish non-believers. Does everyone understand?'

Me and Tango nod. 

'Then go.'

I follow Tango out of the dungeon, through the twisted paths of skulk, to the surface. Tango tells me it's it's early sunset, so we decide to wait until it's night - it won't be too long. Besides, he can   start spreading skulk from the darkness.

'How do you feel about yesterday?' I ask at last.

'What do you mean?'

'You were their friend.'

'I don't care about them. Just as much as you don't care about Mumbo or Scar.' 

'Stupid Scar,' I agree

'Stupid Scar. And stupid hermits, falling for our plans.'

'Stupid hermits.'

Tango steps out, crouching down, hand to the ground. It's night. I feel the skulk spread from them, beautiful black tendrils winding out. I follow into the cool shade. 

'Good luck.' He speaks. I glance over. 'Don't get caught.'

'I won't.'

Without another word, I take to the air, gliding through the dark until I sense the skulk of the rock-base and beyond that, the sound of speaking. I land silently on the tower, spreading skulk to find the edges.

'...strike back, plan something big.'

'We don't have enough people for that. We need to gain more support... you know what they did... last time.' Scar. He's here. At his words, the screams rise in my mind again. I grin. Impulse did tell them after all. But that won't help me catch my prey before day comes.

'Oh come on, Scar. We know how to kick their a**es, so why won't we?'

'Because Cub's a Vexling. And that probably meant he wasn't hurt as much by Vex magic. Plus, it definitely isn't the easiest method.'


'Badtimes, shut up. Scar's right.' Another voice, like Xisuma's. 'We need to find something safer. Cub nearly died.'

'And I hurt Scar. If Scar's supposed to do that too much, I'm not in.' Cub. Stolen back from us.

'You don't even know what's going on, skulky.'

'Badtimes, enough.'

'They'll still be after us... we need to prepare for that...'

I continue listening, growing increasingly impatient. The moment it becomes day I'm in trouble. And I can't return empty-handed...

'...Then I guess we're agreed. Tomorrow we meet at the crastle to get everyone's help. Now, I need sleep. This meeting's gone on far too long.'

I creep towards the edge of the building, hearing their moving, chatting and final goodbyes. I follow, dropping to the ground out of sight. I can't hear Scar's voice among the group leaving. But I do catch another the furthest part of my mind recognises.


I know exactly where she is, creeping closer. There's no reaction as I wrap Skulk around her leg, marking her out. I'm just in time; she takes to the air just a moment later. I dart back into the darkness and follow undetected.

I sense the Skulk I marked her with, letting it guide me across the world until she lands. 

I pounce.

I land squarely on her shoulders, hands over her eyes, spreading skulk. A scream back, trying to dislodge me. I laugh.

'Hey Pearl... long time no see...' 


She grabs my hands, pulling them away, knocking me backwards. I hit the ground, twisting, bounding up and attacking again. I hit the ground. She wasn't there. 

'Yeah, I found the skulk you trapped me with.' Comes Pearl's voice from behind me. I turn, growling. 'Sorry.'

Skulk spreads across the ground until I know exactly where Pearl is and she can't move away, bringing it up her legs too. She tries to break away. But she can't. My skulk is too strong. 

And then she's gone.

'As I said, sorry.' Again, behind me. How is she behind me?!

'How?' I try to find her again. There. Across the way. I turn, approaching.

'Do you remember Ender Pearls, Grian? They make you teleport.'

'Do you remember skulk, Pearl?' I pounce again, this time hitting, pinning her, claws around her neck. 'It makes me stronger than you.'

She fights again, but skulk on her arms stops any attempt to teleport away or stop me again. Another scream for freedom, that I'll never take her alive. But the skulk around her neck stops that soon. 

Her struggle slows to nothing.

And the Skulk takes control.

The skulk shifts to protect her, not hold her down, and a laugh escapes her. I let her go, still smiling, and hold out my hand to help her stand.

'Welcome to the family.'

She takes it. 

'Grian.' She recalls


Skulk at her hands, controlled with slow curiosity, and then bold effortlessness, into an axe at her side. Another laugh, a realisation of her power.

'Wait, I have another idea.'

Pearl crouches. For a moment I don't know what she's doing, until I realise she's made the figure of a lying dog. 

'Now... do I just control skulk or...'

A flicker of light, all I can see, soul-fire at Pearl's hand, moving to rest within the skulk dog.

It stirs, then stands. Pearl giggles, stroking it.

'Hello there, Tilly... do you want to go and turn all of our old friends skulky? Yes we do... oh yes you do, don't you, Tilly?'

She turns to me. I don't have to see to tell she's got a huge grin on her face.

'Who's first?'

5AM Pearl? More like skulk-AM Pearl... :)

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