3: Cub

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I run.

I hear my heart racing as I sprint through the trees... No. No not trees. I'm in the Ancient City. It's just a game. It's just a game. It's just a game. I'll be fine if I die.

But Xisuma...

No. No. He's not possessed. He's not possessed.

'You'll be perfect...'

And then I can barely breathe, the skulk tangling around my neck again. Grabbing at my ankles... I have to keep going. I have to keep going. I have to keep going or the skulk will get me. The warden will get me. It'll be over... 

My communicator buzzes. Twice. 3 times. A glance down. Grian, Mumbo and Bdubs are dead. To the warden. Another warden. I climb up onto one of the structures again, finding another chest, grabbing whatever's in there and continuing. I risk a few hearts of damage to get back to the ground and past 2 wardens. How are there so many? How has this gone so badly? Where's the exit? Where am I? How do I get out?

I don't care about getting treasure any more.

All I care about is survival. 

A flash of light ahead. I sprint for it, diving for freedom. 

I'm safe.

'How much?' Grian's immediately asking. 'How much loot did you get?'

'Not... not much.' I have to reply, depositing my limited treasures on the ground. 'I was more focussed on... other stuff.'

'Other stuff?'

A glance at Scar, then Xisuma. He knows what I mean. He saw what happened,

Something's up with X.

'So...' I accept Scar's hand up as Grian continues, awarding Team ZIT with all the treasures plus some extra. Xisuma's still focussed on the skulk. But... no. No, there can't be anything going on. 

'You are not an enemy of the skulk, Cub. Trust it.'

'Xisuma?' I have to ask. Barely a glance over. 'What were you talking about in there? About the skulk?'

'It was the truth.'

'The truth?! You got yourself and Scar killed!' Memories return of being there alone. Facing the skulk alone. The whispered voice, constantly there. Constantly reminding me. 'You were talking nonsense... are you alright, Xisuma?'

'I'm fine.' He stands, towering over me. 'If you wanted to survive, you would've trusted me.'

'Trusting you led to me being left on my own out in that forest. City.'

'Do not be scared, little vex... this won't hurt for long.'

'You're paranoid. Come on, Cub. You're just worried after last time.'

'You'll be perfect...'

'How do I know you're not lying?' 

'Cub, it's ok. Xisuma, it's ok. Everything's alright. It was just a game.' Grian cuts between us, wings forcing us apart. 'And maybe if you're still scared of skulk... this wasn't the best game for you to try.'

I know it's a valid point. I know he's just worried for me. But all I hear in his voice is accusation. Calling me stupid.

'Yeah... you're... you faced a lot. Just don't take it out on Xisuma.' And now Tango. Impulse and Zed nod in agreement. Bdubs and Mumbo agree. No one believes me. No one's on my side 

'Yeah. Alright.' Tears blur my vision, as much as I try to stay calm. 'Yeah, I'm sorry I can't get over the stupid skulk. It doesn't matter that I was running around terrified there after Xisuma started acting weird and trusting the skulk. No one cares that I was scared, because it's my fault I chose to join this game. It's my fault for thinking I might be over it after 9 months, even though I'm still having nightmares about the skulk, because I'm just that PARANOID!'

I shove X, sprinting into the bubble elevator and up out of the deep-dark. The light above me is just a blur as I fight the urge to start crying... onto the surface and...

Of course.

I forgot to get my stuff.

I forgot to get fireworks, or armour, or any of my tools or stuff in my inventory after the game.

And now I'm just stuck 2000-3000 blocks away from spawn.

I can't go back down to get it. All I can do is run to the nearest tree, hide behind it, and cry. 

'Cub?' Scar. Of course he's followed me. 'It's ok. I got your stuff.'

I don't reply, as much as I try.

'I'm here if you want to talk. You're not the only one who thought X was acting weird. Your stuff... it's just here.'

'Thanks.' I manage to mumble back. For a few seconds Scar just stays there, but then I hear fireworks as he flies off. I grab my stuff quickly, donning armour, grabbing fireworks, and fly back to my base.

A whispering voice.

The fog closing in.

The skulk around my neck...

I wake up.

I fight a scream as I sit up. It's a few days after the Grian's ancient city game. I haven't seen Xisuma since. I haven't seen anyone since. My outburst still sticks sore in my mind. Xisuma wasn't even acting that weird. It was just the odd phrase. He might've even found some trick that stops you being heard by skulk and forgot to tell anyone else. I don't know. I shouldn't have judged. I should just apologise, try and talk to some hermits. Talk to Scar. 

cubfan135: anyone around for TCG?

GoodTimeWithScar: I've got a couple hours

Joehillssays: yeah! :D

FalseSymmetry: can spare half an hour or so

Xisuma: I'm around

I pause at the last message, but refuse to think too much about it, taking to the air and flying over to the pyramid. Joe's already there, as cheerful as normal.

'Howdy Cub! How's everything going?'

'Alright. You?'

'I've been working on the pinball machine. As per usual... I'm glad Xisuma can come. He's been very busy the last few days and hasn't really socialising so much.'

'What?' I pause, halfway into the pyramid.

'Yeah... though apparently you got upset at him recently for... messing up a game.'

'It was nothing. I was just paranoid.' 

'Hey Cub! Hey-' Luckily, a convenient distraction appears in the form of Scar dying as he tries to enter the pyramid. Following is the slightly more successful False, mid-laugh about Scar's very Scar-ish actions. 

'Hey Cub. You feeling better now? Scar was just saying...'

'I'm fine.' I interrupt. 'You said you couldn't stay long... want the first game against me or Joe?'

'Sure... tournament game? Have we played each other enough times yet?'

'I don't know. One of us should check the grid...'

'I can ask Scar to do it while he's flying over.'

'Scar doesn't understand it. Let's just play a game and see afterwards if it counts...' I enter my cards, just as Joe welcomes Xisuma in with a 'glad you're feeling better!' False does the same.

'Hey... Cub... I'm sorry about how I... acted.' I turn, frowning. I can't see Xisuma's eyes beneath the helmet to know if he's serious, but it sounds genuine. 'I was being stupid. I should've known you... would be unwilling to trust me about the skulk.' 

'I'm sorry too. I was paranoid.' I admit. 

'Friends?' He holds out a hand to shake. I pause. I know I should take it, accept his apology, but even now... I can't decide if the problem is me or him. But I can't leave him hanging, seem like I don't accept his apology. 

I shake his hand.


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