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Ella was sat in a little cafe with Remus.

"Here you are" The worker says placing Ella's hot chocolate and Remus's tea on the table.

"Thank you" Remus says before she walks away. "So how's your summer going so far?"

"It's going good. Saw Harry yesterday"

"How is Harry?"

"He's good, not thrilled about still having to live with the Dursleys not that i can blame him for that. He got excited about being about to live with dad and then Peter escaped" Ella takes a sip of her drink.

"Hopefully we can find a way to prove your dad's innocence eventually"

"I hope so. Its weird i spent most of the year hating him and now I miss him"

"Have you heard from him?"

"Heard from him the other day. He's okay well as okay as he can be obviously won't say where he is but that's expected" She shrugs taking another sip of her drink as Remus does the same.

"So how did you do on your exams then? Obviously I know the answer for mine"

"Passed everything with top marks"

"Well done see I said you were a smart student"

"Thank you but its a shame my favourite teacher decided to leave and he was the only one so far that didn’t try to kill my best friend" Ella smirked at her godfather. "Was there a part in your contract that said you had to kill Harry Potter or you'd be fired?" Remus rolls his eyes at her.

"You're not funny missy"

"I thought I was now I'm heartbroken at learning that I'm not as funny as I thought"

"So much like your father" Remus smiles at her.

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" She raises an eyebrow at him.

"I'll get back to you when I figure that out" Remus smiles at her.

•····················•✦•・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆.•✦•····················•


Dad got tickets for the Quidditch World Cup and he said I can invite you, Harry and Hermione. Let me know what your parents say. Hope you can come.

From Ron

Ella runs downstairs to find her parents.

"Mum" She says as she finds her mum sat reading the newspaper.

"Yes sweetheart"

"Can I go to the Quidditch World Cup with Ron and his family please and stay there for the rest of the holidays. Harry and Hermione are going as well"

"Yes you can"

"Thank you mum"

"I'll get your dad to take you and Hermione as well" Ella kissed her on the cheek before running back upstairs to write to Ron.

Hey Ron,

Mum said I can come. Dad's going to drop me and Hermione off

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