One•Make up sex.

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Ignore anything that that's says "Isabella" I meant to Put maeve when I changed her name

The birds loud chirping woke me, my head was pounding and my throat was scratching.
I sat staring into space, I didn't remember shit that happened last night.
"What the fuck" I said as I walked out my room
"Good morning sunshine, you look like shit" Barry said
"Thanks Barry, like I didn't notice" I said sarcastically
I grabbed a cup and filled it with tab water, that's all we had.
"Have fun at yo little getaway?" Barry asked
"What ever you wanna say" I said
"You know, Rafe came by earlier, he said he needed to talk to you" Barry said
I raised my brows "I don't wanna talk to him" I said as I put my water down and sat down on the couch by Barry
"Why not?" Barry asked
"We aren't on the best terms right now, you can blame him for that" I said
"Why, what did he do?" Barry asked
"What he did, he did another bitch"I said
"Damn, I'm sorry" Barry said
"No need, he will come crawling back, he does every time" I said
"True, true" Barry said
"Well I'm gonna go get dressed, and probably go see Sarah or something" I said as I stood up and stretched
"Alright then" Barry said as some of his clients walked in
I walked to my room and picked out a pair of clothes. I didn't have much but I managed
"Bye" I said walking down the porch stares
"Bye." Barry said
I got in my old beat up truck & headed to the Cameron's. When I got there I saw Rafes bike, I knew he was home.
"Fuck me" I mumbled as I got out my truck
I walked to the door the see Sarah already standing there. She opened the door letting me in
"Hey girl" Sarah said as she hugged me
"It's been a while" Sarah said still hugging me
I hugged her back to see rafe coming out the other room, I zoned out seeing him just walking around with no regret for what he did.
"Eve You ok" Sarah said snapping her fingers in my face
"Huh? Yeah I'm ok" I said
"Sarah, you don't mind if I barrow her for a minute do you?" Rafe asked
"Uh, no" Sarah said
"Great" Rafe said
I rolled my eyes as Rafe wrapped his arm around me and walked me outside
"What Rafe?" I asked
"I wanna apologize" Rafe said
"I, I was high, I thought she was you" Rafe said
"Well she's not me so now you are gonna deal with the consequences for fucking another woman" I said
"Mae, everyone makes mistakes please, I'm sorry" Rafe said
"I accept your apology, only this once" I said
"Thank you" Rafe said
He kissed me and walked off
"Not even an I love you!?" I yelled
"I love you!" Rafe yelled
I smiled and went back inside
"What was that about?" Sarah asked as we began walking to her room
"He was just telling me something" I said
"Oh, about what?" Sarah asked
"Nothing, did you here about hurricane Agita coming here?" I said trying to change the subject
"Oh hell yeah, it's gonna be crazy" Sarah said
I laughed as we made it to her room, her big room always made me a bit jealous, she has everything I ever wanted, now I live with my addict brother in the cut.

About 2 hours later I was leaving. I said bye to everyone and headed home, when I arrived home of course Rafe was there getting his "stuff"
"Welcome home" Barry said
"Did y'all make up, or whatever?" Barry asked
"Yeah" I said as I sat down by rafe giving him a kiss
"Oh shit, well keep it down because I'm going to bed" Barry said
Rafe bite his lip holding in his laughter

"Oh shut up you prick" I said as Barry laughed and walked to his room

"So." Rafe said

"So.." i replied

"My periods about- 5 days away" I said checking the period tracking app on my phone

"Hold on, before you say anything else how do you know?" Rafe asked

"Period tracker" I said as I bit my lip and giggled waving the phone with the app in his face

I wrapped my hands around him and kissed him with passion, of course we were outside, on the couch-

We wrapped one hand around me, the other on by cheek. I bit my lip as a sat up grabbing rafes hand leading him seductively to my bedroom. I threw myself on my bed removing my shirt and shorts quickly leaving me just in my bra and underwear as rafe shut the door behind us, locking it.

Rafe crawled on top of me
"I love you" Rafe mumbled as he kissed me
"I love you too" I breathed

i slide my hand to his shirt pulling it up, rafe sat up not leaning over me to help remove his shirt, I threw his shirt, it hit my desk knocked over a candle

"I'll replace it" rafe laugh as we both stopped for a second to see what we broke

I giggled as we continued kissing. He began kissing his way to my boobs, I placed one hand on his hand as he kissed my stomach and boobs threw my bra.

I leaned up a bit so he could unclasping my bra.
he looked into my eyes before looking back at my boobs kissing the and softly rubbing them.

I tilted my head back letting out a quiet moan as kissed his way to my underwear.

"I hope you don't like this pair" he exclaimed

Before I could answer him he ripped the underwear from my body
rafe breathed as he began kissing my thighs
In that moment my stomach was twisting, I NEEDED HIM.. I HAD HIM...

His eyes came back up to my face, he kissed my neck, making his way to my collar bone.

My breathing got faster as he slide his fingers down my body, he pumped two fingers inside me.

I let put a breathy moan as he continued to speed up his pace. Still kissing my collar bone I lifted my head up to his ear, I bit his ear lobe softly which made his speed up even faster. My nails dug into his back almost drawing blood.

I threw my hands to the bed sheet and grasped onto the sheets, I bit my lip trying not to let out any moans.

He was hitting me in all the right spots.

He pulled his fingers out of me, making my hole body unclenched.

"Use your words" Rafe muttered.
"What?" I muttered back. "Tell me what you want, I'm not gonna do something if you don't want me to" rafe said as he rubbed my hips

"I want you.. I need you" I explained. I closed my eyes and lifted my head to catch my breath. I heard the jangling of his belt being pulled out.

He thrusted up against my thighs, with nothing on this time. I pulled him towards me, our lips made contact, as our tongues twisted, I felt him push himself inside me. I bit his bottom lip to stop myself from moaning.

"Fuck.." Rafe groaned as I bit his lip. He began thrusting himself in and out of me at a fast pace

I threw my head all the way into the pillow as I put my hand over my mouth biting down on the skin to stop the moans.

Rafe threw his hand on the headboard behind me, the other still on my waist as he sped up his pace.

A few moments later Rafe pulled out and rolled his body off mine. He pulled the covers up over us as he rolled over towards me, I rolled over too so we're face to face.

"Hi.." I groaned as I threw my leg over his waist

"Hello there.." Rafe said as he placed his Hand on my upper thigh, I kissed him softly before he grabbed my waist and turned on his back making me sit on his chest.

I threw my hair to one side of my face before kissing his lips.

I laid my head on his chest and rubbed his abs. Rafe kissed my forehead before we both fell asleep.

Light The Match~ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now