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As I was getting in my truck Sarah hopped in the passenger side.
"Can you take me home, please" Sarah asked
"I gotcha"I said as I put my seat belt on and waited for Sarah to have her seatbelt on
"She's such a bitch" Sarah said rolling her eyes and putting her seat belt on
"I know, so I have a question" I said as I turned on my truck
"Yeah?" Sarah replied as she took out her phone and began texting
"Are you Macking John B?, I won't judge" I said as I pulled out on the chateau driveway
"It's complicated" Sarah stuttered as she crossed her legs
"What do you mean complicated? Talk to me" I said as I began driving to Tannyhill
"Well we went to the mainland together, and we, we kissed.." Sarah said with a chuckle
"Y'all kissed! So you are Macking him?" I said with a big laugh
"Well I thought, but a bit before you got there Kiara said that John b said that he was just using me, so I honestly don't know" Sarah said as she bit her lip out of spite
"Well you definitely need to talk to him then" I explained
"Yeah, yeah I know, but also Kiara, she's a bitch I can't handle her honestly" Sarah said as she slapped her thigh
"Definitely" I exclaimed as I pulled into Tannyhill
"Definitely talk to him Sarah, I think he really likes you" I said as I smiled at her
"I will, bye" Sarah said as she got out the truck and began walking towards Tannyhill
"Bye" I exclaimed

As I began driving back out I saw Rafe and Barry, I watched as my brother grabbed my boyfriends hand and threw it on the hot part of his bike.
I put the car in park fast and ran over there

"Barry what the hell!" I said as I pushed Barry of Rafe
Rafe fell to the ground, groaning in pain.
"What the fuck is your problem!" I said throwing my Hand in the air and helping Rafe up
"Country club is late on his payment, consider this your down payment" Barry yelled as he jumped in Rafes bike and sped away
"Fucking asshole!" I yelled at Barry as I helped Rafe
"Do you need anything?" I asked
"No, just go please" rafe said
"Are you sure? I can help you inside" I said as I crouched to his level as he was sitting on a bench
"No, no! Just go please, I love you" Rafe said
"Oh,ok" i breathed. "I love you too" I said as I walked back to my truck.

I rested my head on the head rest, I took a deep breath as I started my truck and speeded off.

As I got home I was furious with Barry, I mean I know he was a Asshole but come on!

"Barry!" I yelled as I walked heavily inside

"Would you stop doing your damn coke and think about what the fuck you just did!" I said as I slammed my hands on the table

Barry rubbed his nose and he had just hit a line.
"Barry!" I yelled

"I don't know what you want from me?" Barry said as he laid back on his chair

"You understand that Rafe could press charges on you!?" I said
"Yeah, that's where you come in, you can convince your boy toy to not press charges" Barry explained

I licked my lips and I took a deep breath.
"I'm done talking to you" I said as I went back outside and sat in my truck

Just as I was about to start my truck for a joy ride I got a call from JJ

"Is this bad timing?"
"No, just Barry being an ass, now what do you need"
"So the boat broke down in the marsh we need your help, for Mechanical"
"Are you gonna come get me from the dock?"
"Alright ill be there soon"

I began driving to the dock, when I arrived I saw Sarah on the boat, not Kiara. That was kinda sus but whatever

"Hello" I said as I jumped on the boat

"Howdy" JJ replied

We began driving to the boat in the middle on the marsh, once we got there Sarah and I jumped on, I began looking at the problem, then I heard water splashing and yelling

"John b! JJ! pope! Let me out!" Kiara muttered as she banged on the door from the cubby under the boat
"Oh hell no! JJ!" I yelled

"JOHN B!" Sarah yelled

I let Kiara out the cubby.
"There is a blunt in the cabinet! Just be friends for fucks sake!" Jj yelled from the other boat as they sped off

"I'd rather drown then be here" Kiara said as she took off her shorts and jumped from the boat to the water
"Fine by me" I mumbled as I sat down on the deck
Kiara began swimming, pfft like she's gonna get anywhere.
"Your not gonna make it far!" I yelled with a chuckle
Kiara began swimming back to the boat fast
I rolled my eyes as I sat down watching hour by hour as the sun set.

"Hey Maeve" Kiara said as all three of us sat in a circle
"Hmm?" I mumbled as I lifted my head up
"I'm sorry, for what I said, I was being a bitch and I-"
"It's fine, I get it, I just want you to know I'm not a kook, no offense Sarah" I said
"None taken" Sarah said
"I guess I should say sorry to you kie, I should have never ghosted you" Sarah said
"Yeah, why did you do it though?" Kiara said as she took a hit of a blunt jj packed us
Sarah scrambled to find the right words to explain why.
"When people, when people get close to me I, I feel like a stuck, I don't know how to explain it" Sarah said as she scratched her forehead
Kiara shook her head as she laid back on her clothes
"I'm sorry to Kie, I shouldn't have called you a kook, you're a pogue" I said as I laid back beside her
"Good night" Kiara said
"Night" Sarah said as she laid down completing the line of girls
"Night" I mumbled as I slowly fell asleep.

Light The Match~ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now