Four• Big secret!

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The distant sound of Seagulls singing and crickets chirping woke me up, I saw as Kiara was awake but Sarah was still sleeping.
I quietly got up making sure not to wake up Sarah, I walked to the deck and sat down beside Kiara.
"Good morning" I smiled
"Morning" Kiara smiled back
"So, are we good now" I asked
"Yeah, but let's not give them the satisfaction of thinking they did something" Kiara chuckled as she stared at the boys on the boat coming our way in the distance.
I looked back to see Sarah walking up to us
"Morning" I smiled
"Morning" Sarah yawned as she walked behind us
"So, we are all good now right?" Sarah asked
"Uh yeah, but shhh they don't get to know" I said as I put one finger over my mouth and the other pointed at the boat getting closer to us.

"How'd it go?" JJ yelled from there boat as they pulled up closer
"Well, we are, willing to work together" Kiara said as she climbed to the other boat.
Sarah and I climbed on the boat after Kiara and we began driving back to land.

As we got back to the Chateau I went straight to my truck to get my phone, I had 10+ calls and texts from Rafe.

"Shit" I said as he called rafe back
"Where are you?!" Rafe yelled threw the phone
"I'm so sorry, it's a long story" I said as I put my phone on speaker, placed it on my middle console and got in my truck.
"What do you mean long story?" Rafe said
"I'll explain just meet me at my house" I said as I cranked my truck
"Fine, fine" rafe said as he angrily hung up
"Fuck" I said as I sped off not even saying bye to the others.

As I pulled up to my house I could already see Rafe and Barry sitting outside.
"Y'all work it out?" I asked as I walked up to them
"Where the fuck were you?" Rafe asked
"Calm down, I was with Sarah" I said technically not lying
"Where though?!" Rafe said as his rage grew bigger
"On a boat, in the middle of the marsh" I said
"So you stayed on a boat all night?" Rafe asked sarcastically
"Yeah, like a said long story" I said as I walked closer to rafe
"Care to explain?" Barry asked
"I will" I said
"Please do" rafe said
"The pogues wanted me and Sarah to get along with Kiara so they left us on a bot together in the middle of the marsh, with no gas" I smiled
"That enough?" I asked as I began walking inside
Rafe shook his head as he began following me inside.

"Where we you really at?" Rafe said angrily as we walked into the kitchen
"Like I said, on a boat, with Sarah and Kie, you think I'm lying?" I asked as I turned around quickly
"Little bit actually" Rafe said
"I promise, and I would have called but I left my phone in my truck" I said as I softly grabbed his wrist
Rafe pulled his hand back angrily still not believing me
"What can I do you prove to you where I was?" I asked
"Nothing, it doesn't matter" rafe said
"Great, I'm going to see Sarah" I smiled and I kissed rafes cheek and walked outside

I walked to my truck and began driving to Tannyhill.
When I arrived Sarah met me outside as we walked upstairs to her room, we laid on her bed and talked for the most part.
"Got my period cramps are killing me" Sarah said as she rolled to her stomach
"Shit, I'm late" I said as I sat upright on her bed
"How long?" Sarah asked
"3 days, fuck" I said
"I mean if you really think you may be, I have some tests under the sink" Sarah said
"No I'm serious Sarah, me and rafe, about three days ago" I said seriously as I walked to her bathroom
"Gross" Sarah said as she got up
"These ones?" I asked as I grabbed a random brand
"Yeah" Sarah said as she stood by the door
I closed the door as I use the test. I put the test in the box to wait for the results, and walked out the bathroom.
"This is crazy" I said as me and Sarah sat in the bed waiting to hear the "ding" of the test
I began sweating and shaking
"Hey, it's ok, I'm sure you're not" Sarah smiled
"Okay, okay, okay" I breathed as I stood up and walked back and forth in the room

I heard the ding, everything when into slow motion.
I grabbed the box and slowly pulled the test out...

I gasped as I placed my hand on my face out of shock

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I gasped as I placed my hand on my face out of shock. I dropped the test and put both hands over my face trying to cover the tears forming in my eyes. I watched Sarah bend down and pick up the test, she looked at me with the same reaction in her eyes as in mine. I was numb.
My breathing became shaky, I couldn't even hear Sarah talking to me all I heard was ringing. I was In shock, no, no, no, no, this cannot happen right now. No.
"Maeve?, hello?!" Sarah said tapping my shoulders
"Yeah, yeah?" I said as my turned around
I looked up to stop the tears falling from my eyes.
"I, I don't know" I stuttered as I began biting on my nails
"Is it Rafes?" Sarah asked me
"Of course it is Sarah! God, fuck, I don't know what I'm gonna do" I said as I threw my hands down and let out a deep breath
"I need to call Rafe" I said as I grabbed my phone of Sarah's bed
"I wouldn't do that right now" Sarah said as she grabbed my phone not pulling it out my hand but pulling it down
"Why not?" I asked as I looked up at her
"He's been, more then usual, mad, and coked out" she said as she shook her head
"I should go" I said as I grabbed my bag off Sarah bed, put the test in my bad and stormed out her room trying to avoid everyone
As soon as I got in my truck a water fall fell from my eyes not being able to contain myself.
I put my head into my hands on the wheel before starting up my truck and driving away.

I sat in my truck in the driveway of my shared trailer house, I wiped the tears and mascara of my eyes as I looked in the mirror
"It's okay" I breathed as I smiled at myself in the mirror.
I grabbed my bag and walked in the house keeping my head slightly down so Barry wouldn't notice my red and swollen eyes.
"Where you been, E?" Barry asked me as he sat at our kitchen table smoking a cigarette
"Sarahs" I said as I sniffled and kept walking trying to ovoid conversation
"Yo, you alright?" Barry asked as he stood up and walked over to me
"I'm fine, just leave me alone" I said as I turned around
"Are you crying? Maeve what's wrong?" Barry said as he grabbed to arm
"Nothing! Just leave me alone!" I yelled as I jerked my arm out of his grip and stomped to my room, I slammed my room as I slid down the door in tears.

Meanwhile Barry called Rafe not knowing what was wrong with me but hoping I would talk to Rafe.
"Please go talk to her, she was crying, and I may not seem like caring brother but I am so please talk to her rafe" Barry said to rafe in the kitchen

I heard footsteps coming to my room, I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up quickly as Rafe knocked
"What do you want?" I asked
"It's rafe, I just wanna talk to you, please baby. Look if this is about me being mad I'm not anymore ok" Rafe said
"It's not, I'm fine okay just give me a minute" I said as I began changing clothes as my shirt has tear drops on it,
"I'm fine" I said as I opened my door
"How about we go somewhere" rafe said
"Where?" I asked
"You'll see, go change into something nice" rafe smiled
"Okay" I smiled back as I went back into my room
To change

 Look if this is about me being mad I'm not anymore ok" Rafe said"It's not, I'm fine okay just give me a minute" I said as I began changing clothes as my shirt has tear drops on it, "I'm fine" I said as I opened my door "How about we go somewhere"...

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I wore a dress and sandals not wanted to dress up to much, this is something for casual for the obx.

"Wow, you look beautiful" Rafe said as I walked out of my room
"Really? I think I look stupid" I laughed
Rafe smiled as he grabbed my hand and walked me out to his car
Like the gentleman we is he opened and shit the door for me.
"So where are you taking me?" I asked as rafe began driving
"Somewhere" rafe said as he held my hand with one hand and drove with the other.

I was still freaking out, I was trying my hardest not to show it.
My phone buzzed from a message
"Who's that?" Rafe asked as he looked over at my picking up my phone
"Just Sarah" I said as I opened the text
"Does she ever leave you alone?" Rafe laughed
"No, not really" I chuckled back more focused on her texted
"So, what are you gonna do? Not tell him? Keep it a big secret?😂"
I sighed as I turned of my phone and put it in my bag, trying not to think about it.
We continue our drive to the "place"
"Here we are" rafe said as he pulled onto a clear part of the beach
"I have a blanket in the back, I was thinking we could just chill and watch the sunset" Rafe said
"That will be perfect" I smiled
"Great" rafe smiled as he got out and grabbed a blanket out the back of his truck before coming over to my side to help me out his truck.
We walked down the beach to a perfect spot with a breeze.
We sat there for atleast 10 minutes.
"Hey I'll be right back im gonna go get something out the truck" I said as I stood up
"Okay" rafe smiled at me
"Fuck, Sarah" rafe muttered as my phone kept dinging from my back
Rafe grabbed my bag searching for my phone to turn it of, but what he pulled out was not what he expected...

Light The Match~ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now