Five• Take off

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But what he pulled out was not was he expected...

He pulled out the positive pregnancy test I forgot about.
Rafe's smiled faded as he pulled the test out farther
"Oh my god" Rafe said slowly as he stood up
"What's wrong" I said as I walked up to him
"We're you not gonna tell me?" Rafe said as he looked at me
"Tell you wha-" I said as my face faded and my eyes began filling up
"You're pregnant?" Rafe stuttered
"Y-yeah" I stuttered as looked up at rafes face of shock and my face of fear and sadness
"Now, tell me honestly, were you gonna tell me?" Rafe asked
"I was, b-but something this this you just don't know how or when" I said to him
"When, uh, when did you find out?" Rafe asked as he breath shook
"Earlier today" I said
"But, but, hey we don't even know if it's true or not, sometimes they aren't true, rafe" I stuttered
"I cant, I cant do this right now, I'm sorry" Rafe said as we began walking off
"So you're just gonna leave me here!?" I yelled
"Rafe!" I yelled as I started walking
I watched him get in his truck and leave, leave me stranded on the beach. Tears fell from my eyes as I grabbed my phone and called Sarah, the only other person I could trust
"Sarah, can you please some pick me up?" I asked with sniffles and tears
"Yeah girl, what happened where are you?" She asked
"I will tell you when you get here, I'm at the beach please hurry" I said as I grabbed my bag and began walking up the beach
"Okay I'll be there in a minute" Sarah said
I didn't even have to energy to say okay, so I just hung up..

"fuck! Shit!" Rafe screamed as he hit his wheel
Rafe began crying and yelling as he drove
Almost crashing multiple times.
I drove to get coke from Barry.
"Barry!" I yelled as he went in the house
"I need, I need some" I  stuttered as he began looked around for Barry's stash of drugs and what not.
"Yo! The fuck you doing, get out my shit!" Barry yelled as he pushed I 
"Don't do that shit! Fucks wrong with you?" Barry asked
"I, I just, I need some Barry now" i said as he sat down and covered his eyes with his face
"What'd you do country club?" Barry asked
"No- nothing, just please give me some, I'll pay you by next week" I said
"Yeah sure, sure" Barry said as he pulled a bag of coke out of his pocket, threw it on the table and walked outside

Sarah finally pulled up, I quickly got in the car as I was cold.
"What the fuck happened?" Sarah asked as she began driving
"He knows" I said as I wiped tears from my eyes
"Did you tell him? Or what" Sarah asked
"No, um, I went to get something out the truck and he got the test out my bag I guess" I said as my hands shook
"And he just left?" Sarah asked
"Yep, yeah he did, I mean he asked me if I was gonna tell him and stuff then just left me" I said
"Asshole" Sarah said as continued driving to my house

We pulled up to see Rafes truck in the drive
"Shit" I said as I saw rafe on the porch
"Want me to wait here, or what?" Sarah asked
"I don't know, I don't really want to talk to him" I said as I rubbed my forehead
"Can I just sleep at yours please" i asked
"Yeah, yeah that's fine" Sarah said as she drove away
I sent a text to Barry telling him to make sure Rafe slept over there
"Make Rafe sleep overs there I'm sleepin at Sarah, no questions"
"Alr whatever"

We arrived at Tannyhill and went inside quietly,
We went up to her room making sure not to wake up anyone.
We both laid in her bed side by side
"Do you think he will stay, like with me?" I asked Sarah
"I know he's my brother, but I honestly don't know, he's never dealt with something like this Maeve" Sarah said as she turned over
I sighed as I turned over making us back to back.

I woke up on the couch at Barry's
"Morning country club" Barry said
I rubbed my eyes I sat up
"So, you gonna tell me why you was going all crazy on me and shit?" Barry asked
"She's pregnant." I said with a straight face remember how I left her.
"What? Who?" Barry chuckled
"Maeve" I said as I stood up quickly and ran outside to my truck
I started it and drove of fast knowing I needed to find her.
I texted and texted her trying to find where she was.

I woke up to constant beeps from my phone
I picked up my phone to see texted from rafe
"I'm sorry"
"Where are you"
"Please Maeve"

"Shit" I said a sat up
"What?" Sarah said as she rolled over
"Rafe, he texted me" I said as I began texted him back
"I'm at your house, Rafe. And you should be sorry."
"Please let me talk to you, I'm sorry I was scared and mad and I just need to talk to you please!"
"Okay met me outside then"

I got up quickly and put my phone in my bag
"Do you have some clothes I can borrow, please" I asked Sarah
"Yeah whatever" Sarah muttered half asleep
"Thanks" I said as I pick something out of her closet
After getting dressed I went outside rafe had just pulled up.

"Meave, meave look I'm sorry" rafe said as he walked up to me
I crossed my arms as he apologized
"You left me on the beach rafe, your lucky your sister was awake or I wouldn't be speaking to you right now" I said
"I know, I'm sorry okay, I didn't know how to react" rafe begged
"Please" rafe said
"I'm still furious with you right now, but all I'm gonna say is that you WILL be here for me and for this baby forever, you don't get any other choice, Rafe" I said angrily
"Okay, okay, I love you, and I wanna be there, I just wasn't expecting this right now" rafe said
"Okay then" I said
"Promise you'll stay" I asked as I looked deeply in his  blue eyes
"Promise" Rafe smiled at me as he wrapped his big arms around me and hugged me
I smiled from his warmth.
"Did you tell Barry?" I asked
"Uh, yeah" Rafe said
"Was he mad?" I laugh
"I don't know I left to quickly" rafe said
"Oh okay" I said
We stood there for a few more minutes just admiring each others Beauty.
"He's gonna be pissed" I chuckled as I laid my head on rafes shoulders
"He is gonna lose his shit" rafe chuckled and he tightened his hands around my waist and kissed my head softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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