Two• Make up regret

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I woke up alone, Rafe had already left.
I grabbed some clothes out my dresser and got dressed before going to the bathroom to do my hair.


I began walking out the house before Barry stopped me"Where are you headed too?" Barry asked"Just going to hangout with some friends, why?" I asked "Just wondering" barry said"Ok then" I said as I continued walking out the houseI got in my truck, ...

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I began walking out the house before Barry stopped me
"Where are you headed too?" Barry asked
"Just going to hangout with some friends, why?" I asked
"Just wondering" barry said
"Ok then" I said as I continued walking out the house
I got in my truck, turned the key and got my phone out, began calling jj to make sure it was alright for me to come over.


Maeve:"hey jj, it's me Maeve, do you mind if I come by to see you? It's been a while so I just thought maybe I should come see you"
I said with my phone tucked between my jaw and shoulder as I Began pulling out the driveway

Jj:"yeah, yeah that's fine but if you don't mind can you come to the Château? That's basically where I live" Jj said

Maeve:"Of course, I don't mind, I'm gonna assume that everyone there don't have a problem with me, right?" I said knowing me and Kiara didn't get along well

Jj:" well, I sure it will be fine, I mean Sarah's here, you like her right?" Jj said

Maeve:" yeah, I do but I wonder why she's there? wait, is she hooking up with John b!?" I said shocked

Jj:" I'm pretty sure." Jj mumbled into his phone

Maeve:"no fucking way!" I said as I made a turn onto john bs road

Maeve:"well I'm almost there so I'm gonna go" I said

Jj:"okay bye" jj said

Maeve:" bye." I said as I grabbed my phone and hung up, sitting my phone on my middle console while pulling in the driveway.

I said in the driveway for a moment just thinking.

"So, I hope y'all don't mind that Maeve is coming over." Jj said as he hit a joint
"Maeve, rafes girl?" John b asked
"Yeah." Jj said with the joint in his mouth
"Oh, yay, I won't be the black sheep anymore" Sarah said with a smile
"What?! First Sarah now Maeve? Y'all have got to be kidding me" Kiara said
"Kie, don't even start, Maeve didn't do anything to you." Jj said blowing smoke out his mouth
"He's got a point" pope said
"Pope, shut up!" Kiara yelled
"She's such a kook! What happened to p4l guys?!" Kiara yelled
"Kie! She's more of a pouge then you will EVER be" jj let out
"I'm sorry, kie just give her a change" jj said
"She's gets one chance." Kiara said she sat down


I texted rafe that I made it here safely as I walked to the porch

"Uh, hey everyone" I said as I waved
"Hey" jj said
"Hello." Sarah said
The others smiled forcefully and waved
"I'm not sensing a good vibe, what, what's the problem?" I said as I lean against the wall
"Nothing, that I know of." Jj said looking at Kiara
"Your the problem" Kiara mumbled
"What was that, kie" I said
"Nothing, just that you're the problem." Kiara said
"Kiara!" Jj yelled
"Kie don't start" John b said
"Ok, we all like her, so deal with it" John b said

I smirked at Kiara then looked away with a straight face

"So how's life been Mae?" Jj asked
"Good, I guess" I said
We all stood there awkwardly, in silence. I cleared my throat before standing up right.
"Well, I'm gonna go" I said as I pointed at the doorway
"K" John b said
"Finally" Kiara mumbled
"Okay, Kiara, what's your problem, I have no problem with you, so tell me what the fuck your problem is bitch?!" I said annoyed.

"It's you, I mean your a kook, and Sarah! Y'all are both kook sluts" Kiara said
"Oh shit!" Pope said
"She's gonna get humbled real quick, moneys on Eve" jj said as he pulled out $10 bucks from his back pocket
"woah hold the fuck up! I'm not a fucking kook, I live on the cut Kiara! You live on figure eight Kiara, so shut the hell up! You are more of a kook then I've ever been!" I yelled pissed off
"And don't bring Sarah into this you cunt" I yelled as I walked out to my truck
"I'm gone" Sarah said following behind me
Kiara rolled her eyes and stayed quiet
"Told you" jj whispered.

Light The Match~ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now