Part Eleven♡

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Demetria Summers

"And nothing's ever easy, that's what they say."

I woke up the next morning, tracing my arm over where Sammy would be sleeping if I were home. I sighed and dragged myself out of bed, heading downstairs.

I saw Sammy standing in the living room, talking to Nate as Paige sat on her phone in the kitchen, obviously still annoyed at Sammy.

I poured myself some cereal and sat next to Paige.

"Morning honey." She locked her phone before speaking.

"Morning, can you help me get ready at like 4? Sammy's taking me out somewhere." I mumbled as I lifted up my spoon, eating some Lucky Charms.

"Yeah, a date eh?" She playfully hit my shoulder.

"Yeah it is." Sammy walked in, grinning widely. He walked over to me and kissed me, acting as if we weren't on a break.

"Sammy remember, were on a break. What time do you think we'll be back?" I questioned, eating more cereal.

He shrugged. "You can stay over if you'd like."

I gulped and shrugged as Paige gave me a look.

"She can't were shopping early tomorrow morning." Paige said, saving my butt as usual.

He nodded. Nate kissed Paige.

"Babe, me and Sammy boy here are going out for a while. See you soon, I love you." Me and Sammy used to be like that, why'd it change?

I felt a familiar emotion run through my veins, jealously. Jealous of Paige's beauty, Jealous of how nice Nate is to her, Jealous of how she didn't get cheated on.

I walked upstairs, going to shower. I heard the downstairs door close and soft footsteps come upstairs.

After a while of showering, I'd got out and dried off. I brushed my teeth and hair, leaving the bathroom.

I picked up my black bodycon dress that was extra tight with some Prada heels.

Paige did my hair and makeup. By the time we had finished, it was 4:57.

We heard a knock as Paige ran downstairs to open the door for the boys. I walked downstairs to see Sammy with red roses, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt.

It must be very fancy. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, so he closed his mouth and smiled widely at me. He shyly handed me the roses. Paige took them, placing them in a vase.

"You look stunning, babe." He said grinning widely. "I fall in love with you more every second of the day." He whispered in my ear, taking my hand as I smiled widely at him. He kissed my hand as Paige squealed.

I could tell she was still mad at Sammy, but found his actions adorable. He led me out to his car, opening the door for me to get in.

He ran round to his side and quickly got in.

I turned on the radio to hear Don't Be Gone Too Long playing. This sort of connected with mine and Sammy's situation.

"Don't be gone too long,
Cause you won't be there to love me when you're gone.
Don't be gone too long,
Tell me who's gonna love me when you're gone?" I sang quietly.

I could see him grinning.

"Where are we going?" I looked around the area we were in.

"It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises." I pouted, crossing my arms as I leant back jokingly.

"Well baby girl, were almost here."

Little Bit Of Your Heart♡ - S.WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now