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    "MOTHER," BEGAN GREGORY CAUTIOUSLY AT THE DINNER TABLE. He struggled to get down his food. He'd eaten with Christophe already, but they couldn't know that. "What happens if I'm not a Christian?"

   "We'll have your father beat it back into you, dear," She replied simply. "Have you finished your homework?"

    Gregory felt sick. "Yes, Mother."

  "That's a good boy."

     But he didn't feel like it. Was he reading too far into it? Surely they'd love him still. Surely he was still himself. Surely he was more...

    "Eat up, Gregory, don't be a waste," chastized the man across the table.

    "Yes, father," he choked out.

   But he was still a waste, for later on, he threw it all up. In response, he slumped in the corner of the bathroom and whimpered. He really was useless, wasn't he?

   "I want to get out," he whispered. Gregory stood up and avoided the mirror. He didn't want to look at the beast he'd see.

    When he made it out of the bathroom, he beelined towards the window and climbed out. On autopilot, he slowly trekked towards Christophe's house. His wobbly legs did the trick and soon he was face to face with the only man who made him feel whole.

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