Chapter 1: The Boy From Earth

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(A/N: This is my first Star Wars story so please don't judge. Play the intro to go along with it as you read. Use headphones for a better experience. The intro is pretty long so strap yourselves in for a read.)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Star Wars...

Chapter 1: The Boy From Earth





On a beautiful planet known as Earth. It was filled with beautiful green lands and pure blue ocean water that swarmed with aquatic life that varied in size and length. On the lands of this beautiful planet animals big and small roamed the grounds hunting and scouring for food and fruits to feed their faces. But even though these wondrous animals roamed the planet, they weren't the only things that existed on it.




Besides the various creatures that roam the planet, there were intelligent beings. A species called humans who had roamed the earth just as long after the birth of the animals. Humans were an intellectual species surviving on the planet earth for centuries through evolution and development. They went from building small villages to large cities, from riding on the backs of mammals to driving inside of moving machines that could move at top speeds. But even with this sudden evolution, their came wars. Across the earth were different countries all with their own differences. They differentiated in culture, religion, and beliefs. They each had a world leader figure who governed over the country with a mighty thumb. Each citizen in every country abides by their rule and statements. Through the years they continued to grow amassing weapons, creating nuclear bombs that could destroy an entire state and possibly an entire country, or starting wars to gain power and democracy over other states. In the process of doing all of this they ended up harming the planet rather than harming one another. But soon that had all changed. In a hospital, a newborn baby was born, and it emitted a bright light from its body. The doctors who were in the room were confused by this and didn't have any source of information from it. Then after that day, people all across the globe began to experience some kind of change within themselves. Developing some kind of change that allowed them to change their form or develop some kind of power that allows them to blast energy or control the natural elements. With everyone popping up with powers the people had no idea of what was going on. Unable to have a firm control of those, some people began to take matters into their own hands and use their powers against the law. The government didn't know how to stop it nor keep everyone from getting out of hand or breaking the very rules that were set for them, but one day it had all changed.





One day a large ship filled with robots known as droids and a man wearing all black with a distinctive appearance. This man had red skin with small spikes protruding from around his head, he had yellow eyes, and black markings across his face. He wore black clothes as well as a black robe and held a weapon with a red glowing blade. As this man walked off of the ship he and his army of battle droids were met with the army of this government but were soon wiped out by his strength and control over the force in which they had no understanding of how it happened. The army of droids proved they were also dangerous as they held weapons that blasted bolts of energy at fast speeds that tore through bullets, walls, and even cars like wet paper. As they went to the main hall of the government in Japan they went to their world leader and appointed that he was a Sith from the Galactic Republic and he was here to take over this world for the Galactic Republic to have. In response, everyone disagreed all the world leaders from each country and all of their citizens. They declared they each had a weapon to defend themselves against them in which caused the Sith to prove they had weapons they were even powerful then their weapons. From above in space there was a very large Star Ship that was stationed above the planet and had ships ready to deploy all over the planet to attack. With this the country world leaders deployed their nuclear missiles to fire at the star ship as they thought it would've done something, but in the end everyone single one of them fell to the blaster's coming from the ship. Watching in distress and panic, the world leaders ended up giving up and rendering to their control. But even though they did some citizens didn't follow so quickly. So, an act of order had to be set in place. For any citizens who disobeyed their orders were either thrown in jail or killed to show where they all stood in their government.

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