Chapter 2: Padawan Training & The Gathering

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After flying from Earth. Breevus and Izuku rode on the Aurora Serenity through hyperspace as the entered the planet's space system. In the cockpit Breevus had checked to systems of his ship to make sure everything was clear as Izuku was looking outside of the ship amazed by seeing space for the first time.

Izuku: Whoooooaa...THIS IS SPACE?!

He asked bewildered as he looked back at Breevus who only chuckled at his expression and reaction. The entire time they were flying through Hyperspace he watched and looked at how amazed he was by seeing the bright blue lights flying past them as they moved at lightspeeds within the ship.

As Breevus smiled at Izuku he moved the ship towards the planet as they began to fly down to the capital. Seeing the capital Izuku was even more amazed seeing this place that was ever so different then his homeworld.

The sky were orange and the city below was so refined and so well structure

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The sky were orange and the city below was so refined and so well structure. There were flying speeder's unlike the ones back home that flew in the air due to its traffic system as none of them seemed to fly on the ground like the older ones. As the ship flew towards the docking bay, Breevus landed the ship as the engines cooling system began to cool the jets as Breevus turned off the switches to the ship to power it off as he stood up and unbuckled Izuku from his seat.

Breevus: Come on Izuku. You must meet the High Council before you continue on.

Izuku: Okay.

He said as he stood up from his seat and followed Breevus off the ship as Izuku was met with two droids running in to the ship behind them. As he looked around, he saw multiple people and aliens running amongst the bay repairing and refueling ships as it was their job to do so.

Breevus: Don't get distracted Izuku. We must not keep the masters waiting.

Izuku: Okay.

He said running up behind him as he followed him into the building. As he followed him down the hall Izuku looked around seeing the intricate designs and layout of the inside of the building. While he continued to walk behind Breevus he saw a large door at the end of the hallway. Looking at the door Izuku wondered what was behind it as he and Breevus stopped before it.

Breevus: Izuku. Behind these doors are the masters of the High Council. When you meet them greet them with the utmost respect as you should with your parents.

He told him as Izuku looked back at him and then to the doors as they opened. Inside Izuku was met with 12 masters that sat down in their chairs as he walked to the middle of the floor as he stood beside Breevus.

Breevus: Masters. I have returned from Earth with the youngling. This here is Izuku Midoriya.

He said to him as he greeted Izuku's presence as he looked at the masters.

Izuku: Hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya it is nice to meet you all.

He said saying what his parents had taught him to say when he met new people as he bowed before them in respect just as he was taught to do so. Seeing this the masters were already impressed by his manners as they looked at him.

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