The twins first birthday

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Anya's POV
We've had our twins for a year now. Today is their first birthday. It was hard at first to deal with them because they cried a lot. Eventually we got the hang of it though. They have only met my parents. We're not ready for them to meet Damian's side of the family. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me as I put the icing on the first small cake. I look up to see Damian standing there hugging me. "What do you think?"i ask as o finish with the icing.

"I think it looks wonderful and our kids will love it" he says. I smile. I finish with both cakes and then I feel two small pairs of arms around my legs. I look down and see Leo and Elizabeth hugging me. I smile at them. "Mama!!" They both shout. I put the two small cakes in the fridge. Damian let's go and leaves the room. He's going to wrap their presents while they're distracted. "Hey guys" I say crouching down to their level. "Happy birthday" I say. They both smile. Elizabeth has short hair. It's down to her shoulders now. Leo has short black hair just like his father. I kiss both of their heads. They hug me.

I stand up with the two in my arms. "What do you guys want to do for your birthday?" I ask. "Can we spend time with grandma and grandpa today?" They ask. "Let me call them and ask and if they say yes then we'll take you over to them okay?" I say. They nod. I put them down and they run to their shared bedroom. I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone. I call Mama. "Hello" she says as she answers the phone. "Hey Mama the twins want to spend some time with you and Papa today do you guys have any time to spare?" I ask. "Oh I think we do. Do you want us to come get them and we can take them out for their birthday?" She asks. "Sure Mama I'm sure they'd love that just do me a favor and don't spoil them okay?" I say. "Alright" she says.

"Oh also we're meeting at their favorite restaurant tonight for their birthday dinner" I say. "Okay we'll be over shortly" she says. We hang up. I walk up to the kids room. "Grandma and Grandpa will be here soon okay?" I say. They nod. "Mama?" Elizabeth asks. I turn back. "Yes princess?" I say. "Are you sad?" She asks. "No why?" She asks. "You seem sad" She says. "I'm not just a little tired I didn't sleep much last night" I say. She nods and I leave. I walk to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. Damian walks out of our closet. "Everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah i feels like our kids are already leaving us and they're not even in elementary school yet" I say. He walks over to me. "Darling it'll be okay they're not leaving us I'm sure they just want to spend time with different people right now" he says. I nod. He places a kiss on my forehead and I smile. Soon enough the doorbell rings. I walk downstairs and answer the door. I see Mama and Papa standing there. "Hey Mama, Papa" I say. "Anya!! How have you been?" Mama asks. "I've been alright would you like to come in?" I ask. They agree. I lead them to the living room and they sit down. "Would you like anything to drink?" I ask. They shake their heads.

I walk upstairs to the twins room. "Hey guys grandma and grandpa are here" I say. They get these bright smiles across their faces as they race down the stairs. "Hey be careful" I say. I doubt they heard me. They were too excited. I smile at their antics. I come downstairs to see them hugging my parents. Damian walks down the stairs and hugs me. I hug him back. "Bye guys have fun" I say waving as they leave the house. Damian and I just sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments. "I kinda wish they wanted to stay here for their birthday but then again they don't see my parents much and this gives us time to finish preparing for their birthday" I say. Damian nods.

Damian's POV
Since the kids left the day went by fast. Anya and I finished making their requested birthday dinner and wrapping their presents. A few hours go by and the kids come home. They run inside each with a bag in their hand. "Mama!!" They shout. "Yes?" Anya says as the twins hug her. "Guess what?!" Elizabeth shouts. "What?" She asks. "Grandma and grandpa got us these" she says holding up the bag in her left hand. "That was very nice of grandma and grandpa did you say thank you?" She asks. They both nod.

"Well you both certainly look like you had fun" I say. "We did!" They say in unison. I smile. "Would you guys like to stay for dinner?" I ask Yor and Loid. They look at each other and then nod. After dinner we sit in the living room and talk while the twins watch a cartoon on the tv. "Were they good today?" Anya asks. Yor smiles. "Yes they were" she says. "That's good" Anya responds. After a while we have cake and then send the kids off to bed. Soon after Yor and Loid leave. We lock the doors and then head up to our room for the night.

"Do you think they had a fun birthday?" Anya asks. I look down at my wife who's laying in my arms. "I think they did. I'm glad they had fun" I say. She nods. "Me too" she says. We then both fall asleep happy.

Hey everyone!!! This feels like a filler chapter to me even though it was not intended that way. Anyway I think I have one or two more chapters left before this story is officially over. Have a great day/night!!!!!

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