The letters

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Anya's POV
I've been finding letters on my desk all week. It's almost as if someone is trying to express their feelings to me but doesn't quite know how. I wonder who it is. Becky and I talked as we walked into class where I found another letter on my desk. I opened it and silently read it.

"My Dearest Anya,
I don't know why I have these feelings for you but I like you a lot and it's not necessarily bad that I like you this way but I don't know why I have trouble expressing myself but I needed to tell you."

The person leaving these letters for me never signs their name. "Another one?" Becky asked. "Yep it's the third one this week" I responded. I could hear the boys at the front of the class talk about me but I didn't really care I'm just glad papa decided to keep me after he finished his mission. I wonder if I should tell him about my telepathy.

"Hey look at Anya she's really grown she doesn't look like a baby anymore " one boy said. My hair has grown long since then and I've matured since when I first came to this school when I was six. I walked down the hall as the bell rang. Damian who is taller than me sees me and pushes me up against the wall. He puts his arm on the wall above me. "Hello Anya" he said. "Hey Damian do you need something?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see those pretty eyes of yours up close" he said. I blushed. I pushed him away after I had regained my composure. "Sorry Damian but I really must get to class" I responded. I could feel him smile at me as I walked away. I got to class and sat down in my usual seat at the back of the class by the window. I looked out the window. I wonder what it would be like to be in love I thought.

Damian's POV
I tried to corner the pink haired girl I have fallen for and I made her blush so that was a win for me. She was so adorable. We have a lot of the same classes together. I looked back at her from the front of the row. She looked out the window so wistfully. She is beautiful. How did I fall in love with this girl who punched me in the face in first grade I wondered.

I looked at the girl again. I wonder what she's dreaming about right now. "Hey Damian!" Emile,One of my friends shouted. I looked up at them as I was already sitting down in my seat. "What's up guys " I said. "So Damian guess what happened?" Ewen,my other friend said. "What?" I asked now very interested. "A girl talked to Emile" he said.

"Like I told you it's because she's my girlfriend " Emile shouted. I looked at him completely shocked. I let it sink in for a minute. "What?!" I said. "....Oh that's right I didn't tell you guys" he said realizing what he just did. "So Damian, you interested in any girls?" Ewen asked. "No,not really" I responded. "Come on you're the most popular guy at school and all the girls love you you've gotta like somebody " Emile said. "I may be popular and a lot of the girls like me but I don't like any of them like that" I said briefly looking back at Anya.

"Well whatever " Ewen said. "Good if they didn't stop I was going to go punch them" I thought I heard one of the girls behind me say. I looked behind me and saw all the girls doing their own thing. Then I noticed that Anya has gone from looking out the window to talking to a girl next to her I can't really remember her name though. She seems happy.

Then the teacher walked in. "Class please take your seats and shut your mouths" he said. We all paid attention. "Anya Forger" he said. "Yes sir" she responded. "I said shut your mouth" he said. "Sir I assure you I wasn't talking " she responded. "Miss I know who I heard" he said. "Sir your ears might not be what they used to be because I was not talking " she said.

The whole class began laughing. "I'm sorry miss Forger what did you say? I couldn't quite catch that last part" he said. "Sir are you mocking a student?" a boy on the other side of the class asked. "No I honestly didn't hear her" he said. "Sir quite frankly I don't believe you, I ask that in the future you refrain from accusing me of talking at the beginning of class to get me in trouble just because you don't like my father" she said confidently.

A blush appeared on my face. "Hey Damian are you feeling okay? Your face is a little red" Ewen said. "Yeah I'm fine I was just feeling a little warm that's all" I said. She was so cute and confident that I couldn't help it.

My dearest AnyaWhere stories live. Discover now