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"Do you have any secret hobbies that you never told me about?" Nya asked Jay suddenly while they were sitting on Nya's bed in her room.

"I tell you everything," Jay said.  "I don't have any secret hobbies."

"Really?" Nya said like she knew something about Jay and Jay didn't like it.  "Then, what was this I heard about you learning how to play guitar when you were younger?"  Jay knew he shouldn't have left her alone with his parents for a couple of minutes while he used the bathroom last time they visited them.  That's always a mistake.

"Yes, I took lessons, ok?" Jay admitted.  "It's not a big deal.  It's not like I really play anymore."

"Then, why did I find a guitar hiding under your bed?"

"You really went digging in my room?"

"Well, I needed to know for sure and I knew you wouldn't tell me.  I think it's really cool that you know how to play guitar."

"I'm not that good."  Jay actually hates the fact that Nya knows about him playing guitar.  He insisted on learning how to play an instrument when he was a kid and, so his parents pulled some money together to buy him a guitar, but they couldn't afford lessons for him.  He ended up finding a way to teach himself, but he doesn't think of himself as that great.  He knows how to play a few songs.  He definitely wouldn't call it a talent.  He would say that maybe it's a hidden hobby.

"I heard you playing something the other day while I was walking past your room and you were even singing a bit and it sounded pretty good, I think.  What song were you playing?"

"If you walked by when I think you did, it was probably "Sing" by Ed Sheeran."

"I love that song.  You hold back on us too much.  You're more talented than you let on."

"Well, I don't know about that."  Jay doesn't feel that way with the others sometimes, no matter how much Nya tries to tell him otherwise.  He always feel like he's not as good as the others.

"Come on.  Please play something for me."

Jay knew that the others weren't there currently, so he could just do it for Nya.  "Fine.  Meet me in the training yard in 10 minutes."

Nya smiled.  "Sounds perfect."

Jay quickly got up and went to his room to grab his guitar from under the bed.  He doesn't really play it all that often, but he plays it often enough to not forget how to play it.  He had an idea on the perfect song to sing to Nya and he hopes that she will like it.  "Are you ready?" he asked her as he sat down on the step in front of the monastery in the training yard.

"Yeah," she said happily.  "I've been waiting since your parents told me.

Jay started strumming the strings before he started singing along.

"Called you for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missing part of me
Felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say
Jay looked at Nya and saw how wide her smile was and knew she recognized the song.  The way she was smiling made Jay feel a bit more confident about doing showing her his hidden hobby.
"Now I'm speechless
Over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
So far.  So good.
"I can't get your smile out of my mind
(I can't get you out of my mind)
I think about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful, but you don't even try
(You don't even, don't even try)
Modesty is just so hard to find
He saw Nya start swaying a bit to the beat showing how much she was enjoying it.  He was just glad he hasn't hit a wrong note yet.
"Now I'm speechless
Over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
While he was playing, it seemed like everything around him just faded away and it was just him and Nya and he thinks that she's feeling the same way.
"I kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wished that it would be
Suddenly I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, breathless, baby can't you see?
The next part is a part that Jay tends to mess up on, so he hopes that he can do it perfectly this time.  It would be embarrassing to mess up the first time he's playing for Nya.  Just focus.  Focus.
"Now I'm
Yeah, oh
Now I'm speechless
Over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Now I'm hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
Lovebug again

Jay looks up at Nya again once he's finished.  He actually didn't mess up this time which was amazing and he saw how happy she looked.  Maybe this was something he didn't need to feel embarrassed about sharing with Nya.  She doesn't judge him like the others.  She never has and she seems impressed that he can play guitar.

"You need to teach me," Nya said.

"I mainly just know the basics," Jay responded.

"I don't care.  I think you're a lot better than you think you are after what you just sang to me."

Jay smiled at his Yang.  She always did know how to make him feel better about things and also how to manipulate him into doing what she wants.

Two hours later, Nya had the guitar in her hands with Jay right behind her helping to guide her hands to strum the strings when the others came back.

"What's going on out here?" Kai asked.

"Jay is teaching me how to play guitar," Nya said.

"Yeah right.  Like Jay knows how to play guitar."

"For your information, he's actually very talented."

"Then, play a little something for us," Cole said, cutting in before Kai could speak again.

"I don't know," Jay said.

"Come on," Lloyd said.  "You can't just let Nya hear you play."

Jay looked at Nya who gave him an encouraging smile.  "Ok."  He started playing another song to allow the others to hear him play.

A/N: I'm doing yet another Jaya Week!  Yay!  I hope you enjoyed!

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