Chapter 1

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I walked up the stairs to my new academy.

The Death Weapon Meister Academy.

I don't need to come here considering I am a Shinigami's daughter and one myself but I got bored in hell, so yeah here I am.

I finally reached the top of the long staircase and admired the academy.


"Hey! You there! Are you one of the new kids everyone is talking about!?" A guy with blue spikey hair and a loud voice said at the top of the building. And then I noticed another guy with white hair sitzing on the floor.

"Yes I am-" I was cut of by a calm voice behind me.
"Are you here to show me around." The boy who was behind me asked.

"Oh and you must be the grim reapers son. You sure are your dad's seven lights." The white haired boy said.

"What? Seven lights?" The boy with black hair and three white stripes on the left side of his hair said kind of angry at that boy's comment. I was pissed of too. I wanted to say something but he then pointed at the boy and shouted to him:

"Don't use seven!Use eight!Eight!"


"If you cut seven in half, it can never be symmetrical. So why not use eight? It can be perfectly symmetrical in both ways horizional and vertical." He then got to his knees and bowed down to the white haired.

"Don't say seven......say eight... I'm begging you."

"Are you okay?"


"No he is totally screwed up." Two blond girls said behind him.

"YAHOO!" We all looked up and saw the blue haired boy again shouting something on top of one of these big red spikes.

"Is that a monkey?" The tall blond asked.

"Must be one. Oi , Kid I think he is talking to you." She said to the black haired boy who was still on the floor. He looked up and let out a huh?

The blue haired kept talking till the tip of the spike broke and he fell.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Me and the black haired screamed in unsion.

The blue haired landedbon his feet and spoke:
"I guess my greatness is too much for you to handle."

"You broke the symmetry, you little punk..."he(kid) said angryly at him.

"Uh-uh you did." the tall blond said.

Huh. I know! He will kill him I would have also done that but I don't want to do anything on my first day here.

"You disgust me! If you pick a fight with a god of death, I wont guarantee the safeness of your soul Liz,Patty transform."

The two girls transformed into two guns. Twin guns. And just then I looked closely at the boy.
He...he was..perfect! Everything was just so symmetrical! His face, his outfit, his hair kind of. And even his weapons. He was just like me just in a boy form.

I have long black hair that almost touched the ground even if they were in two high ponytails to the side. I had also three white stripes on my hair but on the right side. I had a black dress on which was shoulder free and it had one big white ribbon on the chest part. The skirtpart of the dress was fluffy and also black with eight smaller white ribbons on the bottom. It went above my knees and under my knees begun my long black socks. And then on my feet were black bandage boots. I then had on as acessories my white fingerless gloves and a necklace with a gold heart on it. Everything was perfect. Everything was symmetrical.

They started to fight and I was impressed by the Shinigamy boy even though I know he isn't giving 100%

They continued and the two twin guns transformed intp two giant ones. He then shot the two and they blew up.(not really)

In the meantime a professor and two girl came out. I over heard their conservation and found out that that black haired boy was the grim-reapers son, Death the kid.

The boy who was a weapon, a sycht to be exactly, went over to him and landes inbetween his legs. The blue headed then was pulled onto the sycth and knocked his head on it by Death the kid who was jumping back.

He fell back and spit out blood.Liz and Patty then transformed back to humanform and Liz sighed
"Here we go again."
"Hehehehhehehehehhe!"Patty laughed. I ran towards him to see what happened.


Everyone then went over to us.

"What happened?"the professor asked.

"THESE TWO GUYS HERE"I said pointing to the blue and white headed"RUINED HIS PERFECT SYMMETRY!!!"

"Looks like we found another one."Liz sight.

"Hehehe yes we did sis"Patty agreed.

"What happened here?" I heard two familiar voices say in sync. My weapons.

"THEY RUIND IT!!" I said turning my head to see my two weapons.

"HIS BEAUTIFUL BANGS!!" I kneeled down next to Death the kid and held my hand over his cut of bangs. Then they started to glow green. I put my hand away and it was grown back. My irkmark fadded away and I looked over to the opponent of Dtk(Death the kid)

"You two are lucky I can fix such things like that. Don't ruin it again or you will die" I said coldly glaring over to them. Then they all froze expect for the Dtk's and my weapons.

They all went home since school was already over when the fight ended but I went over to Dtk.

"Um, Death the kid would you mind if you bring me to Shinigami-sama your dad?"

"No it will ve the least I can do for you since you brought back symmetry to my hair!" He said cheerfully.
We qalked to a room full of clouds and a little bit of windows. In the center there was a mirror like thing and the Shinigami.

"Oh I see you have arrived Hanabi.

"Hai,Shinigami-sama. Thank you for having me here." I said while making a closed eye smile.

"So i guess you don't have anywhere to stay. But I have already prepared something for you." He explained and me and Dtk looked curios.

"You will be staying at Kid's house. It's big enough."

So this was the first chapter hope you liked it make sure to comment your thoughts vote and fan thank you!!!!

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