Chapter 4

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"Hey guys. Just put your bags here and join us in the livingroom. Wait, change first! We are going to watch a movie and so it'll be more comfortable." Maka said letting us into their appartment.

We put our bags on the floor next to a lamp and we each went into the bathroom to change. When we all changed we sat in the livingroom.

I sat on the small couch next to Kid and our four weapons sat on our left on the big one and the rest sat on the floor with blankets.

Maka and the boys desided to watch a scary movie. I hated them they are so scary. The movie started and half way through it an extrem scary part came and I crawled to Kid and burried my face in his chest.

He seemed suprised but then put an arm around me. I blushed terribly and he had a light one too.

"Don't be scared I'll protect you." He said sweetly smiling to me. I smiled back and we continued watching.

When it ended I headed to Maka's room where the girls were staying and the boys to Soul's. I as soon as my head hit the pillow fell aslept.

Third's persons view

"So guys are you tired yet?"Liz asked.

"No. But it looks like Hanabi is." Tsubaki said pointing to the girl who was sound aslept.

"I think the guys are also awake. Let's go to them." Maka said. They all nodded and went to Soul's room.
They knocked and Soul opens the door.

"Hey guys what do- ahh!" He couldn't finish because the girls ran him over and sat in a circle in his room.

"So you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Leo smirked and they nodded. "So I'll go first. Ummm... Dan" Dan tensed up." Truth. Who would you rather pick as girlfriend Liz or Patty and why?"
That made Dan blush"P-... P-..Patty. Because we are so alike and she is really sweet. Nothing against you Liz but I'll choose Patty."

Patty went over to hug him and he blushed dark.
"Aww you are sweet too Dan. I would also choose you over your brother." She smiled sheeply at him.

"Okay my turn"Daniel said looking at Kid who has now wide eyes, afraid of what will happen next.

"Kid I dare you to..." everybody came closer wanting to know what he had to do." Kiss Hanabi for at least 7 seconds." He froze and dropped the chocolatebar he was eating.He now had a light blush on his pale cheeks.

"Wh-why 7 say 8."

"If you want to kiss her longer."

"Okay seven but why? She maybe doesn't want to be kissed."

"Well she is sleeping and as I know Hanabi she won't wake up, even if this appartment exploded."

Kid sight and went to where the Shinigami girl was sleeping. Everybody following close behind.

When he stood infront of her matress he kneeled down and stared at her beautiful face. His cheeks becam redder and then Soul said "Hurry up and kiss her already!"

And so did Kid do. He pressed his lips on her's. He heared a click but didn't mind. He blushed darker by every second and he eventually lost track on time because Black Star had to grab his shoulder and pull him away.

"You can eat her face off another time. It's been 30 second Kid." And they went back to Soul's room and continued playing. Eventually after some hours they went to sleep.

Next morning
Hanabi's POV

I woke up by the smell of food.
But when I licked my dry lips I tasted...chocolate? I didn't eat chocolate yesterday? What the.

Anyways I walked into the dinningroom and sat across Kid he had a slight reddish colour on his cheeks.

I tilted my head wondering why.  Then I heard the girls giggling looking at a camera.

I shrugged my shoulders when Maka came out of the kitchen with food. We ate and went home.

A few weeks later again at the academy

It was already noon and I should start getting dressed.(on pic)

I walked down the staircase when Kid saw me. He looked so handsome in his white suit. And I blushed seeing him smile at me.

"Hello Hanabi you look beautiful." That made you more blush.

"Thanks Kid. You look pretty handsome yourself." He then held out his arm signaling me to grab it. I gladly took it and we went out I looked behind me seeing the boys who were wearing their suits in partner look just like Liz and Patty.

Outside we saw the others and they all looked fancy.

"Hello everybody. Thanks for comming. You all sure know that we celebrate the foundation of the DWMA. Please come in." He led them in" My father will be holding his greeting shortly."

"Hello. Heya. Nice to see you and thanks for comming. ... Okay that was all I have to say. Have a great time tonight." Lord Death spoke.

I sweat dropped that was kinda short.

Then Kid cleared his throat.

"All if I may speek as well thank you all for comming. Tonight in this gala we will be celebrating something dear to our hearts. The found of our academy.If you will kindly indolge me, I Death the Kid would say a few words to this occation. We all know the mission to centain peace and glory." And then I couldn't listen anymore because Black Star began shoutimg how amazing he was.

"So as I was saying.." " I am so amazing!!" "Anyways..." "It's me the one and only Black Star" then Kid couldn't hold it anymore and kicked his head to the ground and they started fighting.

I sight and swooshed my hands(from left to right like a magician✋) and they seperated. They were now beeing hanged in the air by my power(to manipulate gravity like I did to Liz eyebrows. Smt like telekenisis) All the people looked confused and I quickly set them down. I gave them a look which ment 'behave or I'll kill you' they then froze.

I faced the crowd and clapped my hands together and said"Alright everybody. I am sorry for that but thanks all for coming and celebrating the found of our dear academy. Have fun." Then they all clapped and went to the buffey and talked. I turned on my heel and was now facing Black Star and Kid. I smaked their head up side down and they held their heads.

They apologized and I forgave them.  
Music started to play and Kid,Liz and Patty stood in a line each arm on the others shoulder.

"Alright guys keep you legs up in a 90° angle" Kid demanded

"How emberasing"Liz muffled.
I giggled.

Maka took out her camera and walked over to me.

"Hanabi would you mind if you take a picture of me and Soul" I said no and took the pic. I went to the gallery to see how it was and when I acidentally pushed the button to preview I saw something I wouldn't expect.

It was a picture of Kid kissing me while I was sleeping.

I turned it of and gave it to Maka. She thanked me and I went to Kid.

Soon enough they stopped and a slow song came on Liz and Patty went away and danced with Leo and Dan. I stood there awkward next to Kid who was also there but he was so calm.

"Hanabi, would you give me the honor and dance with me?"

"Y-yes o-of course Kid." I blushed when he suddenly grabbed my waist. And my right hand. I placed my free hand on his right shoulder and we starter to slow dance.

I looked him in the eyes and saw his golden orbs shining. I blushed at how cute he was and looked down to hide it. But he placed a finger on my chin and lifted it up so I would face him again.

"Don't hide your face. It's cute when you blush." He smiled.

"Th-thanks and so do you." He held his cheek and felt it was a bit warm and we laughed.

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