Chapter 18: Lives To Be Lost

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Within the start of night fall we arrive to the port at Beamfleot, we settle the rowboat away, far enough that they cannot see. We hop off the boat and climb through the bushes to scout out the boat and how many men are guarding it, when I suddenly notice that their are double then Sihtric had stated. Finan, does not seem happy at all

"Twenty guards! Sihtric, you said it's be no more than eight or ten." My eyes widen as I realise how pissed Finan is, I look between them both staying completely still and with a straight frown. Clapa then adds

"He's cannot count." That snaps me out of my 'oh, shit' kinda gaze, I chuckle airily, Sihtric denies

"No, Lord. It has never been more than ten men." Uhtred takes out his blade and slices some tall grass

"Rupere's group will strike first from the water." He takes a piece of straw like grass, which has a hole in the middle, splits it in half and continues

"They look to the river and then... we kill them." He chucks one of the pipes at Rypere, Osferth seems confused

"But Lord, we are just 12." I smile at him

"Two each." He seems a little worried, Uhtred then looks forward

"We attack as soon as it is dark." And that's what we do, wait. As soon as it is dark enough, Uhtred sends Rypere and his group into the water, we get into position and wait for Rypere to attack. A man is looking over the side of the water, only for a spear to go flying into his chest and him to fall into the water, I look at my lot

"Now." We suddenly attack from the main dock and March over, I take my daggers out instantly, being greeted by a man with a shield, I chuckle lightly

"Is this all you got?" I smirk, he goes to slash me, I slide up his blade, across the floor and behind him, I slash his ankles, he falls to the floor while turning to me, I smile

"Surprise!" I slash his neck, I get back up, putting my dagger away and taking my long sword out, a quick slash across the body finishes another guy running for me. That's my two, but then

"Rypere!" I hear Clapa call, I turn quickly and see Rypere's ankles and body has been slashed, he's dying! I charge over and stab the guy that hurt him through the neck, I look at Clapa

"Cover me!" He nods, I kneel besides Clapa and place his sword in his hand

"You're not going to die alone." He grunts and gasps for air, I hold his hand over his blade

"May Odin and the Valkyrie's welcome you to the great halls of Valhalla, my friend. I'm sorry." I put my head to his and he takes his final breath... I feel my eyes begin to tear up, I hold my head to his a little longer then sit up, that's when I hear Uhtred yell

"You! That's enough! He is not your kill." I look up and see him yelling at Osferth... he has been crying. But he has killed a man, that is the first step. I then look around to make sure everyone else is okay, Clapa, of course. Finan, good! Uhtred, not surprised. Sihtric... where's Sihtric?! I stand up quickly

"Sihtric?!" I yell, my heart being to rush, my head is going crazy. It suddenly calms to his voice

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" He repeats, it sinks in, I look at him emerging from the bushes

"Someone tried to run." I let out a deep and relived sigh, I pace up to him and hold him tight, he holds me back and kisses the side of my head

"Are you okay?" I nod lightly and smile at him weakly

"You?" He nods, I then hear Uhtred again

"Or find your cross and go back to the monastery as Alfred would wish." Uhtred is yelling at Osferth, I take a deep breath and see him crying, it is hard for someone to kill for the first time, I was just a child when I killed my first. I let go of Sihtric and go up to Osferth

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