Chapter 6: "Brother!"

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The doors to Eoferwic were open to us instantly, this place is full of Christians, so Cuthbert came in handy, no blood was shed. We begin to settle down, I follow Sihtric and Clapa to put our horse away, only for Uhtred to call Sihtric aside

"Sihtric." I begin to panic a little that he has noticed, but to my relief he only wishes to know the weakness of Dunholm, it is a strong fortress, there are none. But Uhtred leaves to find out himself.

"What happened at the meeting?" Hild questions as well all sit round a table with ale and food, I take a deep breath

"Peace... but they were trying to get Guthred to offer myself and Gisela. Lucky enough, Guthred denied." I can see Sihtric's jaw tense, he is not happy over this. Hild takes a deep breath

"Thank god for Guthred." I become annoyed over that, I am not liking Guthred at this moment. Clapa speaks

"We would not let them." I quickly lightly

"Thank you, Clapa." Uhtred then comes out of the main hall, he's rather happy. I become taken back

"You seem happy, brother." He kisses the top of my head and chuckles

"Can I not be?" I smile more

"Of course, you can." He chuckles and pats my shoulder

"Get some sleep. Early start tomorrow." I nod

"All right. We will." He almost prances off to his hut, we all soon decide to sleep. But what is to happen is something I would never expect.

Within the morning, Sihtric and I are suddenly woken up to Hild

"Hild? What's going on?" She seems panicked, she groans

"It's your brother. Get ready, quickly!" I feel my heart begin to race, I nod. She passes me dads sword and runs out and we get ready, I grab my sword, holster dads and follow the chaos. I arrive just in time to hear the news

"You are to be sold." Guthred declares, Sihtric suddenly grabs me and pulls me back so I am not seen. I begin to panic, he has Halig as well.

"We are to be sold, why?! Lord, we are your army, we saved you!" Halig yells at him, Uhtred then screams as he's begin held down and forced into a cage, Guthred steps down from the crowd of monks

"It is not lost on me that while you gave me my freedom, I am now taking yours. You will become a slave, Uhtred." A sword is being held to Uhtred's chest

"No!" He yells, Guthred continues

"And Halig with you." Uhtred yells

"No! No, you have no argument with Halig! Let him go, please!" Halig denies

"No, Lord! I will stay beside you." Uhtred continues to yell

"Guthred, let him go free, I beg you!" I begin to try and slip out of Sihtric's grip, tears are now running down my eyes. Uhtred is punched in the stomach then jaw, I cry out

"Uhtred!" He is then chucked in the cage with Halig and it is locked, Guthred speaks

"You see. This is the reason why you are being caged. You inspire loyalty. You inspire loyalty from my men." Uhtred continues to argue

"Guthred, I gave you my word, my sword!" Guthred yells back

"But what I need is 200 swords! I need 200 men and that is your worth, 200 Christian men or Bebbanburg!" I see Uhtred's face sink, and his fight fade at this betrayal

"My uncle, Aelfric?" Guthred seems sad

"He asked for your head... but slavery will be enough, I'm sure." Uhtred argues

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