His message

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"Rachit's point of view,"

The snow-covered mountains have always brought me joy every time I visit Shimla, but this is the first time that it is bringing me sadness instead.

I had entirely forgotten that Riya was sleeping on my shoulder on the bus and that our intimacy was merely for my fantasy.

Riya belongs to someone else. As soon as I woke up in the morning, she cleared up my confusion.

She didn't resist even while I was holding her hand in the morning. She didn't protest our proximity, even after I stopped her from falling off the bus.

Everything was going well until Riya's phone rang with Harsh's call. I'm not sure why I was upset when Riya told him she loved him in front of me. There is no harm in their expressing their love for one another, as I know they are both couples. However, despite my knowledge and awareness of the situation, I was not pleased with Riya's affectionate conversation with Harsh.

Why doesn't she speak to me with such affection?

She stated her love for Harsh.

Isn't there any love in her heart?

Maybe it won't, which is why she hasn't told me about her feelings yet.

I'm not sure why I've been upset with Riya since I heard her happily talking to Harsh.

I didn't want to talk to her, so I got up from my bus seat and sat near the driver's seat in the morning.

Because I was ignoring Riya, I didn't even eat breakfast.

I had to go for a walk with my coworkers on the hillside.

I'd like to ignore Riya entirely, but I had to come here because Mr. Shinde insisted.

While Ashish was on the phone, he approached me and said, "Sir, kindly help me."

I stood alone in a corner, staring at the plaintiffs and lost in my thoughts.

Ashish's remark caught me off guard.

"Sir, this is Riya's phone. Please snap at least two or three photographs of her. I'm on the phone, and if Riya's picture isn't taken, she'll kill me in a rage." Ashish gasped for air as he pleaded, "Save me." He hurried down the mountain, explaining his predicament to me and handing up his phone.

I'm trying to avoid Riya, but Ashish keeps pushing me back to her with one excuse after another. So that I wouldn't have to go near her, I wanted to give her phone to someone else.

Riya, with her anger, stood in front of me before I could think of a way to avoid facing her.

She demanded aggressively, "How did my phone get into your hands?"

I forgot I was upset with her when I saw her face and tried to ignore her.

I informed her that Ashish had handed me her phone and requested that I take her picture because he had some important work to do.

I couldn't take my gaze away from her. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from complimenting her.

How does someone look so wonderful in such a simple outfit?

I wanted to kiss her in front of everyone right away. I

kept my emotions under control with great difficulty, but despite my best efforts, I couldn't keep my hand from brushing against her cheeks.

When I saw her, it reminded me of a red rose.

Her face flushed as she heard my compliment.

I took her hand in mine and led her to the best spot on the hill to take her photos.

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