Their Resignation?

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"Riya's point of view,"

After that day, all the employees of the office split into two groups: those who wanted to include Shilpi in my team because of the plant head's flattery, and those who didn't.

However, some individuals want me to retract my resignation and give up my tenacity on the matter. In both conditions, no one will go up against the plant's head.

Until now, I have kept Harsh in the dark about my resignation and the events unfolding in my office. I don't want to bother him any further by calling him and discussing my concerns, especially since I know he is already overworked. As a result, he only calls me once or twice a week.

Yes, you are entirely correct. You don't want to bother Harsh; didn't you tell him everything about your office before? You're forgetting that you used to tell him everything about your office gossip. And don't you think he should know now that you've made such a major decision to leave your job? Because of my mistakes, even my subconscious taunts me these days.

Is it all right if I inform him about this? According to you, the ideal time to tell him something never comes. You're already hiding the truth about Rachit and your relationship. Yes, it's a different matter since you've ended your relationship with him, but that doesn't mean you should never tell him the truth about Rachit and your relationship.

But if he already suspects you.


Do you remember what Harsh said to you before he went to Hyderabad, that clearly indicates that Harsh has doubts about you?

Maybe you're right, but I'm already upset, and I don't want Harsh to add to the drama by telling him everything now. Oh my God, what have I done with my life?

"Riya, would you stare at the food or would you eat it?" As I sat down to have lunch in the cafeteria, Ashish stormed through the door from the front.

"Oh, I was going to take a bite." I stared at the food in the dish in front of me, and I'm not sure why I felt sick after looking at it. Before I puked in front of everyone, I leaped to my feet and dashed to the restroom.

I'm not sure why I've been feeling so weak for the past two or three days. I've been vomiting since this morning after everything I eat.

"Come to the plant head's office right away." On my phone, Mr. Shinde's message was displayed.

What's going on now, and what do they expect of me? It was becoming more difficult for me to spend even a single day in this office. However, as long as I am employed by this company, I am bound by its rules and regulations. Mr. Shinde will be upset if his policies are broken, right?

Before entering the plant's head cabin, I asked for his permission.

"Yes, please come in; I'd like to speak with you about something very important." That the plant head has asked me to his cabin alone suggests that this is a tense situation.

"Riya, I'd like you to revoke your resignation."

I was stunned, not surprised when I heard his statement. I have to figure out how he can alter his mind and what has happened so fast that he has consented to obey me by ignoring his only daughter's request.

"What's the matter, sir?" I tried to understand his facial expression.

"I know you're a talented, professional employee with a lot of potentials. Their work is nearly impossible to find a flaw in, and I cannot let one of my company's best employees leave like this."

After listening to him, I had the feeling he wasn't telling me the real reason for the stay. And the long speech he just gave me was not given by the plant head but by the HR manager, but this is nothing to be astonished about; maybe the plant head and Mr. Shinde have changed their work responsibilities between themselves, and they can change this as well.

I was smiling, thinking of my hilarious thoughts at this point in the meeting. But the plant head's solemn face kept hinting at me that there was something dark in the lentils. But what?

"Sir, I am opposed to your decision, not yours. So please explain the situation to me in simple terms."

Riya, you've gotten into the habit of going into detail and arguing your points. It overjoyed my subconscious to notice this recent development in me.

"Do you have any idea, Riya, how many additional members of your team have resigned since you announced your resignation?"

"What? Resign?" It took aback me when I heard him and glanced at him in amazement.

"Hmm... "He inhaled deeply and scratched his head.

"Sir, I do not know what you're talking about." I wanted to dispel his worries about me before he formed any additional false impressions about me.

"I'm confident, Riya, that you would never do something like that, and I've told Mr. Shinde as much, so I've requested that he keep this information confidential as well."

"But, sir, I do not know what's going on here, and how can those people resign without my permission?" This was a question I was asking myself more than the plant's head.

"Policy Riya, Policy,"plant head started chuckling as he reflected on his remarks. Perhaps he, like me, remembered my statements from that day.

My face lit up as I remembered the incident from that day. But there's no time to joke now; I need to know who in my team is resigning without my permission.

"Can you tell me the names of the people who have resigned?" I inquired, my tone serious.

"The following is a list of people who have resigned." He said this as he placed a list of names on a piece of paper in front of me.

That list included the names of more than half of the members of my team. I was also astonished to see Shweta's name at the top of the list of the first to quit. Angad wasn't behind Shweta either; do those guys not realize that this is not a list of recommendations for a raise or promotion, but a request to resign?

"Sir, do not be concerned; I will speak with those people and advise them not to engage in such foolish behavior." I assured him that my presence would have no negative impact on the office environment.

I got out of my chair and asked him if I could leave. Before leaving the cabin, he once requested that I revoke my resignation. He advised I give it some thought. But I've decided; that if this were the sole reason for my resignation, I would have stayed, but the actual reason is to get away from Rachit.

I left his cabin and went immediately to my team, where they probably guessed why I had come, so Shweta refused to withdraw her resignation without first asking me, Angad, who, to my surprise, also denied it. And so did the rest of the team. Even before I tried to get those guys to change their minds, I couldn't keep my balance and my vision became dark.

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