Chapter 167

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"Datang VR Mobile Cinema, tonight at 8:00 tonight to officially open for pre-sale!"

"Produced by Datang, it must be a high-quality product. Prices at Datang Cinema are as low as US$300 per pair!"

"Following [Horror Ancient Town], Datang's new VR series..."

The official website of Datang was updated at midnight on 2.25. In less than half a day, it directly swept through major domestic and foreign websites such as Weibo, Shuyin, and Twitter. There is a new silent on Datang Cinema. But its global influence is ahead of its time, and its new attention is comparable to that of the Pear mobile phone seven years ago.

Datang Cinema is more dazzling than Lizi’s new mobile phone.

Now Weibo has been slaughtered by Datang Holiday. Although it is not in the top three, on the hot search list, things like "Datang Movie" and "Global Conference" appear from time to time. Seven of the fifty hot searches are related to it. Datang is a well-deserved favorite.

"The 10D holographic movie is very interesting to listen to, but 300 dollars is a bit expensive..."

At this time, in the 306 dormitory building of Huaxia Binghe University, a tall boy was brushing Weibo and complaining. The man's name is Gao Jian, a freshman who was transferred to Binghe University after failing the college entrance examination.

Although Glacier University is a first-class undergraduate program, it is not well-known and comprehensive in the country. The Binghe campus is located in the suburbs of Ginghe City. It usually takes an hour to get into the city by bus. It is a well-deserved remote area.

"One thousand and eighty, which is enough for one month's living expenses. I heard that this is only the cost of VR, and you have to pay extra to watch movies in it. The movies are all old movies from Magic Works..." After Gao Jian finished speaking, the boy on the lower bunk picked up the conversation.

'Datang Vacation' is synonymous with high technology, and the boys' dormitory will discuss it when nothing happens. [Asphalt Racing] is the dream of the boys' dormitory, but Datang is far away overseas, so they can only do it in the clouds.

"Hey, I can't afford it. I'll buy it later when I make money..."

"There are still four more years. According to Datang's technology, maybe the seventh generation of Datang Cinemas will come out."

"Wait a minute, flat movies are also pretty good."

It is now seven o'clock in the evening, and all four members of dormitory 306 are complete. A few people started chatting and discussing. It's just that the discussion was a little sluggish at the end.

Eighteen thousand isn't expensive, but at an age when you're asking your parents for money, it's a huge sum of money.

The topic gradually ended like this.

"Canteen, does anyone want to bring food?"

"I want a piece of fried noodles and a piece of grilled sausage."

"I want dry noodles, put more chili..."

The boss of the dormitory put on his clothes and asked casually when he went out. The remaining three boys ordered food unceremoniously.

"A bunch of pigs." The dormitory boss muttered and left.

The dormitory members wash their socks and play games. The whole dormitory is very quiet.

"It would be great if Datang movies could be rented out." Gao Jian was about to watch the video, but the boy on the lower berth turned sideways and muttered softly.

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