Prologue: A Mistake

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      "I-I'm not..." I say in retaliation, my voice a mere whisper. There was a few couple seconds of silence before Pal spoke again.
"What did you say?" He asked, confused.
This was the confrontation I had to do. Otherwise, I'd never be free.
"I'm... I'm n-not taking you with me." I said firmly, or as firmly as I could make it sound. Deep down, I was scared to death of what this, thing, could do. Another pause in the conversation, although, I was surprised by his response. "Alright then, suit yourself!" He replied in an oddly cheerful tone, looking weirdly smug. I knew he had a trick up his sleeve, but I had to test the waters first to see if they were safe.
"W-wait, really-" I stopped dead as I felt tentical-like wires wrapping around my arms and legs, holding me in place.
      Of course not.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Pal mocked. "Choosing yourself over your friend. That's cold!" I tried pulling the wires off of me, which barely did a thing. I glared at him, frustration and fear seemed to take hold of me. I desperately needed to get out, and quick. "I DID give you a chance Nick," He began. "But it looks like I'll have to end this friendship myself...
      Well, this was the end. One tiny little favor for the boss led to this very moment right now. This wasn't the way I expected to go out, to be honest, being killed by a sentient Tamagotchi inside a storage room in Percy's Playhouse. The wires Pal, the said Tamagotchi, had wrapped around me were getting increasingly tighter and tighter. I struggled, trying to get free from his grasp.
I wouldn't take him home, I told him. I wouldn't give into his sick fantasy of a friendship.
      But right now, I'd do anything to stay alive.
Pal was busy laughing maniacally at my inevitable doom. His... Minions of some sort, were approaching me from behind him, ready to attack me and finish me off. For good. I hoped that now would be a good time for the boss to come in with the wrecking ball and beat the crap out of Pal, but I knew that would never happen. They weren't scheduled to demolish the restaurant until noon.
    It was barely 7am.
As the creatures starting moving closer and closer, I started to panic.
I was not going to die today.
I-I can't!
'John, where are you when I need you the most?!' I thought. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for the pain, until I realized something. I have to give him what he wants. He'll never let me live, not after today. I won't be able to escape unscathed from this mess if I don't do this. I have to. It's the only way out now. "WAIT STOP!" I yelled in a rush. "It's already too late for that Nick!" Pal said, a cackle shortly following afterwards. "No, wait stop PLEASE! Just listen to what I have to say!" I screamed.
"NO, Nick. I tried, SO hard to keep you here, and now you're just going to ABANDON me?! That can't happen! I WON'T STAND FOR IT!" Pal was getting upset. Real upset.
"I'll take you home, I'll take care of you, I'll play with you, just don't do this!" I blurted out in a panic. Pal's anger seemed to melt into confusion. He blinked, surprised. The wires on me loosened, thankfully.
'I would make my escape right now if I could, but the wires would most likely tighten if I tried anything. This sucks so much.' "Really? You'll really be my best pal again?" He asked, his eyes glimmering with hope. "...Yes." I answered, unsure if I just made a huge mistake. "Forever and ever?" Pal asked. "Eh..." I don't really have much of an answer that doesn't scream "LIE!". Not even half a second after not responding, the wires tighten up again unexpectedly, causing me to wince. "I need straight answers, Nick! How can I guarantee you're REALLY my best pal when you won't even promise me so?" He sounds like a little kid, whining and having drastic mood swings and throwing big temper tantrums left and right.
I suck in a breath in pain and say through a strangled voice, "I will, that's... That's what I meant to say, yeahh." I "corrected" myself.
"Oh, okay!" Pal exclaimed, the wires falling to the floor, seemingly lifeless now.
'Maayybe I should've thought this through a little more. Still seems like I'm trapped in the building no matter where I look.' I think, my eyes darting left and right. At least Pal's minions are starting to back away from me. They slowly sneak back behind Pal and scurry off to who-knows-where. "C'mon! You'll just take me with you, right?" He said happily, motioning towards the door. "I have a couple rules about this though, Pal."  Just realized that was the first time I've ever said his name. Weird.
Pal immediately stomped his foot onto the ground in a state of annoyance. "Whhhyyy???" He whined. "Just let me finish!" I say, irritated.
This is like taking care of a toddler. "Those things that you created have to stay here, in the Playhouse," I begin. "Oh, that's fine!" Pal says enthusiastically. "BUT, you can't bring your Percy suit along." Pal groans, not very happy with this development. "I like having this thing on! It's fun being able to walk, and talk, and run, and bang on doors, and-"
"Okay I get it, please shut u- I mean, please be quiet." I say. Surprisingly, he actually stays quiet. I think hard about this. Really, these are also his terms. "I'll bring it, but I'll only take it out when NECESSARY." I tell him, making sure to emphasize the word "necessary".
"Fine." Pal agrees, surprisingly easily if I say so myself. I didn't know what to think of that, but all that mattered now was the one standing fact.
I was free.
Little did I know, I'd find myself trapped once more.
And not in a way I'd ever be able to expect.

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