Chapter One: A New Day

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       It's not everyday you get to see some sleep deprived man being followed around by a huge, corrupted Percy Poodle animatronic all over the streets as he makes his way home.
I feel tempted to shove the thing out onto the streets for the cars to run over, but I know I probably couldn't. He's far too heavy, as in 20-pound-metal thing-covered-in-thick-black-wires kind of heavy. Pal insisted on walking with me, but I told him we needed another route to avoid being seen around town, which happened to be a lot longer. He then proceeded to tell me that it was a stupid idea, and threatened me until we went the shorter way. Why did I take him with me again? I could practically feel all the stares glaring at me through windows and cars. I haven't felt like this since highschool. Pal was asking me a lot of things too, like "What's your favorite food?", "What's your favorite game?", "What's that thing?", "Is that thing dead?", and so many more. I mainly answered him with "Yes", "No", and shrugs, the only exceptions being the first 3 questions.
I need sleep. We start to see my house, thank goodness. I suddenly speed up, hoping to lose Pal, as I desperately fumble the keys into the door lock. Unfortunately, Pal runs up ahead, trying to catch up.
Before I know it, he's already standing beside me, asking what's wrong. "It's... It's nothing bud." I tell him, defeated. As we enter my home, I watch Pal look around curiously. I then realize that he's never been anywhere other than that little cubby I found him in on the first night at Percy's. I'm relieved to finally be home though. It feels like I haven't been home in days. It's stupid, despite my logical thinking, I expected something to change since I left yesterday. The couch is where it's always been, as well as the cushioned arm chair and the depressing calender right beside it. I sit down and close my eyes, not willing myself to open them to see what Pal's doing. Something tugs at the back of my mind though, which prevents me from getting any amount of rest. I try shaking it off, but my mind seems to be telling me that it's something important. Something that we passed by as we exited, although I just can't put my finger on it...
      "Pal, stay here, I'm heading back, I forgot something." I said hurridly, as I walked right over to the front door. I stopped as Pal started speaking. "But why? I wanna come with you!"
"I thought you didn't like walking."
"I do now!"
"No." I replied bluntly. Actually, if I leave him here, he'll probably trash the place. Worth the risk.
"Did you see my car before we left Percy's Playhouse?" I asked him. "What's a car?" You've got to be kidding me.
"Those metal things with 4 wheels on it that move. We saw like 30 pass us by while we were walking on the road!"
"What are wheels? What's a road?"
I sigh, agitated. I pull out my phone to search up tire wheels and roads to show Pal. This guy's stupid so stupid, I swear. "Ohhhh, those!" He says as I show him my phone. "So?" I ask. "Yeah, I did." He replies. "Why didn't you say anything!?" I yell.
"I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE, NICK." Good point. Oh, I nearly forgot something. I start to approach Pal, who looks confused as to what I'm doing, before suddenly yanking him out of the stomach hatch of the corrupted Percy animatronic. "NICK-" He begins to yell, as I pull him out. "What was that for?!" He screams. Dude, chill. "I told you that you can't have the suit on as long as you don't need it!" I say, placing Pal onto one of my drawer tops. "But Nick-" He begins. "Nuh uh." I interrupt him. "I'll be going back now. DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID WHILE I'M GONE." I make sure to say that last part as loudly as I can. I mean it. I slam the door shut as I leave.
      As I walk down the streets, WITHOUT a psychopathic Tamagotchi following me, I think about how my life is going so far. All the events that have unfolded until now seem to be like something from a dream. Something people would call you crazy for (and rightfully so.) I'm not sure how I'm supposed to deal with Pal, to be honest. I definitely should've thought this plan through a little better. I don't know how to feel about constantly taking care of him. Then again, if I was able to use him for 6 hours a day, then there's a chance his constant need for time and attention might be bearable. Maybe I could just toss him out later? Not sure why I didn't do that actually. I should be getting close to Percy's soon. Oh, right, I'm supposed to meet the boss for lunch later. I approach Percy's Playhouse and almost immediately find my car parked in the parking lot. 'How did I miss this?' I ask myself. Seems like a fairly rhetorical question until I hear myself answer, 'Because I was almost murdered, that's why.'
I approach my car, reaching into my pocket for the car keys. I stop, hearing something coming from the restaurant. I walk a little closer to see a, weirdly enough, tiny Percy shaped animatronic in the corner of the room staring at me through the front window.
"Oh no." I say out loud. I rush back to the car and quickly unlock it (why couldn't I have done that at my house?), before slamming the car door shut, and driving away as quickly as possible. 'I keep forgetting those things are still alive.' I think to myself, gripping my hand firmly onto the steering wheel, not willing myself to let go.
'Weird, I only saw one of them. Where'd the other 2 go?' I wonder. Lunch with my boss is about 3 hours from now. He told me to meet him at a restaurant. Can't remember where, I'll have to call him about it when I get home. 'Actually, those other corrupted Poodle Pals are probably somewhere in the restaurant. As well as those corrupted Pal Percy's. Ugh, those guys are creepy.' A couple minutes afterwards, I arrive home. I notice something though, something's off. Actually, all the lights are off. I hesitantly unlock the door, opening it slowly.
    My heart skips a beat at the sight that lays before me.
"PAL??" I Yell.

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