Chapter Ten: A Visit

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The night lamp glowed softly as I wrote hurriedly, my handwriting coming out as scratches. My desk is messy, papers spread all over as well as a couple of ballpoint pens. Same as always. Never bothered to clean it up. A stack of prefilled legal paperwork to my right, and another stack to my left.
Just the way I like it.
It's been a couple weeks since Percy's closed down. It's a shame, I always liked being able to run that place. Not necessarily with an iron fist of course. Gotta let the employees have a little bit of fun every now and then. I tap my finger against the desk, thinking. Man, when's Nick gonna hand Percy back? I've got multiple people waiting on me for it! I hope that guy's doing well. "Murderous Tamagotchis" trying to kill him does not sound very good. Surely by now he would've been able to deal with it? I mean, even though they were recalled for being "dangerous", it's just a child's plaything! I sigh, exasperated. 'Nick,' I think. 'He was a good one. I wonder if Percy's would still be open if I didn't lay him off.' Ah, oh well! Too late to do anything now, I suppose. I continue filling out the paperwork, until stopping. Was there something else I can't remember about that kid? Ever since that ominous visit he gave me, I couldn't help but wonder if I've forgotten something. I look around the office room, trying to look for something that'll get my memory workin' again.
I then remember the phone call I had with him.
"I'm not sure, what'd be in it for me?" I remember Nick asking, intrigued by my offer.
I honestly didn't expect him to take it.
"Oh, uhh..." I tap my foot against the ground, trying to think of something that maybe he'd like. "250$." I blurt. "I'll even throw in a gift basket as well."
The flashback ends there however, as I slowly start to process the huge mistake that I might've made. Did I give Nick his payment? No, right? When he came over to my house, I don't think I even had the gift basket ready.
It's been weeks since that's happened!
I quickly stop my work and rush out of the office and go downstairs to the kitchen. I skim through each cupboard to see if there's anything I could give him. Nothing. At least, I think. I look in this fridge. There's nothing I'm really willing to give up either. 'Looks like I'll have to go out for this.' I think, half exhausted but mostly glad that I could put a delay to my dull work.
Came back home with 250 dollars that I withdrew from my savings, a box of chocolate chip muffins that I bought from a nearby bakery, and a couple bottles of liquor that I bought on my way back. What else could I put in it? A card? Nah, that's too formal. Not my style. Actually, where can I even put all of these? It's not like I have a gift basket lying around, right? Oh well, guess that means I'll get to delay my work even more!
Back again, this time with a basket I got from Dollarama and some red ribbon. I stuff all of the items in and put some plastic wrap over top of it. Afterwards, I do my best to imitate a bow. Probably my best work so far, if I do say so myself. I hold the basket to my side as I walk to Nick's humble abode.
Ugh, I'm never saying that again.
Anyway, the walk itself takes about 10-15 minutes, and before I know it, I've arrived. I will admit, it's pretty small, but kind of cute. All the lights are out though. I wonder if this was a bad time to- I stop myself. Ha! That's exactly what Nick told me last time he came over! Some of his grass is a little overgrown and uneven. Guess he's been busy doing whatever he's been doing. I walk through the forestry and ring his doorbell. I wait for a couple moments before starting to become impatient. Nothing. I ring it a few more times and wait a little longer. Again, nothing. "Ah, what's this man doing right now?" I grumble. I then start to knock. Silence. My subconscious is telling me that I should probably calm down, but I don't. I end up knocking a little to aggressively, until ACCIDENTALLY BREAKING DOWN NICK'S DOOR. I gasp at what I've done, backing away.
I didn't even catch a glance at the inside.
Thick, black wires are spread all over the place, hanging from the ceiling, the walls, everywhere. 'What in the name of-' My train of thought stops, suddenly remembering the Pal Percy situation Nick was in. 'This, is what it's capable of. No WONDER these toys got recalled!' I think, carefully stepping over the wires. Wait a second. Is Nick here? Or is he... No, no he can't be. No way he's died to a...
I feel my breathing becoming shallow as I walk through his mess of a house. I try turning on the lightswitches, only to find that the power's been turned off. I have the odd feeling that I'm being watched. "Nick?" I call out against my better judgement. "You in here?" I walk a bit through his house. I've only been here a few times, specifically back when I first gave him the job. There's a horrible, rotting smell that becomes more intense the more I tread through. It becomes unbearable when I go into the kitchen. I check the fridge. There's rotting meat inside of the fridge, as well as some past expired milk and other beverages. I feel nauseous. How long has this been going on for? I tread through the wires to find his bedroom. 'Maybe he's in here...' I think to myself. I gently open the door...
He was, but not in the way I thought.
'He's dead.' I think. 'No... What? How'd he die? Huh?' There lies the sight of Nick, hanging from the wires against the wall. His throat's been slit open. His chest has cuts upon cuts, and, I can't even being myself to look at what happened to his stomach. It's all a mess, gouged open, sliced up, I can't breathe. 'I've got to get out of here, tell the cops or, SOMETHING!' I think in a panic. I rush out of the room, not worrying about making any noise, until I accidentally stumble over one of the wires and trip, delaying my escape. I feel something crawling on me though, something bigger than a regular bug. "What the..." I say as I look over my shoulder. A Pal Percy toy, with weirdly enough, jaws where it's screen should be, and six insect-like legs on it's sides. "AH!" I yell, surprised. I try to shake the thing off, but it doesn't work. It's latched right onto my suit. Guess I'll have to throw it off of me by force. I grab the little thing and throw it onto the ground, stomping it until it's destroyed. I sigh in relief when I think it's dead. "There's no way this is it..." I tell myself, not letting my gaurd down. And I'm right.
This isn't over yet.
Out of the darkness, emerges a twisted version of Percy Poodle, with a Pal Percy inside of it's battery compartment.
A reminder that this is technically all my fault.
I back away to the front door, until it speaks. "Who are you?" It asks, curious. I don't know what to say. "I said, WHO ARE YOU!?" It yells suddenly. "John! My name's John." I answer. It squints at me as if it's trying to recognize me. "Are you my new pal?" It asks.
"Are. You. My. New. Pal?" It states slowly.
"I'm sorry? No!" I yell. It seems like it has a conscience. I want to ask it about Nick, and what it's done to him, but something in the back of my mind tells me I shouldn't.
"If you aren't my new pal, then WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" It's screen glitches into an eye, before going back to normal. "I'm... I'm just here to give this to Nick, but-" I try to explain through my fear, but it yells before I could finish. "NICK?" "Yes. Nick." I'm starting to get annoyed. It looks angry at first before it calms down. Out of nowhere, it asks "Do you wanna be my new Pal?" "No! I already told you no!" I have to get someone to deal with this, anyone. I'm not going to die today like Nick did. I drop my gift basket as I try to make a run for it to the front door, but I feel a wire drag me back. It's strong, but not strong enough, as I get free and nearly fall, but I catch my fall before I hit the ground. I run. I run and run and run all the way back home. By the time I get there, I'm already out of breath. I take my landline phone in my office and quickly dial 911. I'm not sure what they can do, but hopefully they'll do something.
I'm with the police as they investigate the crime scene. I'm a suspect, apparently. I couldn't tell them that a Tamagotchi inside of the house holding Nick hostage had killed him! They'd think I was crazy! So, I hoped for the best and hoped that they'd figure it out themselves. I see the police officers go in and try to follow them, until one of them urge me not to go inside. I hope they'll come back outside, alive.
Just as I think they haven't found anything, the wires inside the house start to move. I watch as they all look around, confused and panicked. "Get out!" I yell. "Get out of there!" They try to get out, but soon enough, they're dragged by the wires, and a small face inside of a glowing green screen emerges from the darkness.
It's him.
And he's free.


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