Chapter Five: A N3w D@y

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      Well, it's a new day alright. I was spared by Pal, the "oh so merciful", Tamagotchi. Or, was I? I'm not sure. The last couple days after that dreaded one all seemed to blend together. I've been doing nothing but playing with a Tamagotchi for hours on end. Pal's blocked up the doors and the windows, having his creatures block each and every single one of them. He's turned off the power, so that "nothing will distract me from him". The food in the fridge has all gone bad. I've got nothing to eat now, not that I could eat something in the first place without stopping to tend to Pal. So far, it's been pretty insufferable. It really has. My cuts ache and my stomach feels like it's collapsing in on itself.
I need a break, away from all of this. Surely his battery's gotta run out soon, right? I know I'm wrong. I know it's pointless waiting things out. I've worked on the animatronics for far too long to know that those things can go years without having it's battery replaced.
      I complete a couple of tasks on him in the dark, cold living, basically overrun by Pal's wires. Since the power's been turned off, ny phone hasn't been doing very well. Right now, it's on 10%. I check it occasionally for texts while I multitask. It's funny, really, I'm practically being held hostage in my own house. I feel trapped. Pal complains to me constantly while I "take care of him". Sometimes all I can do to tune out those complaints is mindlessly complete these pointless tasks. I have to find a way out of this, more than ever, or else I'll die of starvation if Pal doesn't get to me first. I keep nearly passing out, and Pal keeps beeping at me constantly to wake me up. Sometimes he screams at me too, though I much prefer the beeping. I can barely keep my eyes open right now, actually. I only have about a couple minutes of sleep a day. At least, that's what I've been noticing since the first and second day of this nightmare.
      On the day after I "became his best pal again", I remember being seated right on the living room chair, being held down by his wires and forced to play. The spot he chose was, oddly enough, the same spot that I sat in when I got a call from the boss to look after Percy's Playhouse. "Pal wait a minute!" I remember yelling at him. "What?!" He yelled, annoyed. "Wha... What is this?!" I asked, panicked. "Isn't it obvious? This is the place you'll stay while we're playing!" Pal said enthusiastically. "Pal, what?" I say in disbelief. "SHUT UP AND PLAY WITH ME." He yelled suddenly. "OKAY, OKAY, fine, stop whining and yelling at me!" At least I can insult him now that I know death isn't hanging over my head. I grudgingly start playing with him. Which I did, for an hour or so. "Hey, Pal, is it really just going to be THIS for the entire day?" I say. "Yep! This is what it means to be best pals, right?" He answers. I want to object, but I know that nothing I say will really matter anyway. So I kept quiet and continued playing. I started to get hungry a couple hours later, and when I asked Pal about the food, he replied with a simple "SHUT UP."
That day was the day I realized how much trouble I was in for. It was like that for a couple more hours, until I realized that this will never, ever stop. This was like my own personal hell for doing who-knows-what. 
      It was by hour 6 when I started getting, desperate. "Pal, is it just me or are one of your, uh, minions broken." I say. I remember seeing Pal turn off for a couple seconds, and just as I was about to try and get free, he turns back on and answers "No they aren't.", as if he had to check to see if I was telling the truth. 'Maybe they really are a hivemind.' I thought to myself. "Oh, whoops." I said, not feeling very guilty for misleading him at all. "Let's continue!" He told me. We did continue for ànother 5 hours or so, until I started getting tired. "Pal, how come you only limit yourself to those 3 games?" I try asking him, yawning. "Why don't we do something else?" He turned off for a moment. After turning back on, weirdly enough, his sprite switched to his original Percy Poodle sprite to talk. "My favorite games are water, catch, and matching!" He then quickly turned off and returned me to my current minigame. The way he said it sounded almost like a prerecorded voiceline, which reminds me of the fact that he is literally a children's toy holding me hostage. I can practically feel my ego crumbling. 'His favorite game is... Water???' I think, amused by his horrible grammer in the voiceline.
      Somewhere a couple hours into the night, I start falling asleep. Pal got a little confused as I slowly started to drift into sleep, before beeping like some sort of alarm clock. I wake up with a flinch, nearly dropping Pal. I wish I had dropped him. "What were you doing Nick?" He asked, genuinely curious. "Have you ever heard of sleeping?" I grumble. "Hmmm, nope!" He answers. No wonder I called him brain dead, he really is an idiot! "Ughhhh..." I groan, until continuing to play. It was like that all night. Me falling asleep, him beeping to wake me up. Over and over until the morning.
      The next day after that, it was the same, only until around noon, I managed to convince him to let me out of the seat. It was getting hot and uncomfortable. Honestly, it took a lot of yelling at him, but it happened. Thank goodness it did, I was going to die if I had to stay there any longer.  I tried a little experiment somewhere in the day, where I asked Pal multiple questions. I was testing out what voicelines Pal had prerecorded in him. The voicelines automatically switched him unconscious, giving me a chance to escape for a couple seconds. I just had to figure out which voiceline went on the longest. Pal started getting irritated though. It went on like that for a long time until he yelled at me after the voiceline played, saying "STOP DOING THAT!" Which I did. So far, the longest ongoing voiceline is his answer to the question "Can a Pal Percy replace a battery for any other objects?" As the night began, I started to wonder if this was going to be my whole life.
Trapped inside of my house playing on a Pal Percy. That did not sound like the fulfilling life of an engineer that I dreamed of since I was little. That night, it was a little more difficult to stay awake. If only Pal had let me take a nap or something, then at least I wouldn't have to wake up every ten minutes to  obnoxious beeping noises or Pal yelling "WAKE UP NICK!".
      I snapped back to reality and stopped reminiscing on the past couple days. I look to the calendar. 'Huh, today I'm supposed to meet up with my mom and my sister.' I frown. 'Looks like I have to cancel because, CLEARLY, I have some "more important things to do." ' I wonder why I didn't just let Pal kill me on the spot, this is way worse than death. I look at my phone and grimace. 6%. I can't even call them either! I hear my stomach growl. The fact I haven't slept or eaten in days makes me feel loopy, as if I just spent the past 5 minutes spinning round and round. I sigh. Looks like it's going to be a long, long night coming.
And I'm going to hate every second of it. Suddenly, Pal interrupts his minigames to speak to me.
"I love you, you know that Nick?" He says, almost as if he's half there. He sounds... Weirdly drunken. I'm not even sure what's going on anymore.
"Don't leave me, ever. Please." He sounds desperate, for some reason.
What bullcrap. I wish I could just chuck Pal out of the window.

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