Chapter Six: A Call

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      I want to sleep but I can't. I want to eat but I can't. I want to go outside. I want to destroy Pal but I can't. All of these things I want are so far out of my reach that I can't even see them. It feels like years since I've eaten. Years since I've taken a rest.
I feel like I'm barely alive.
      I can't even make witty comments anymore, not that I thought my comments were witty to begin with. I feel so loopy, everything feels like I'm half asleep, half hallucinating. I keep hearing things that aren't really there. I keep seeing strange colourful shapes all over the place. The room keeps shrinking. You could tell me that elephants have started to invade the world in a mass rampage and I'd believe you. Not just because of my current, pathetic state, but also because of the fact that I don't even know what's going on in the outside world anymore. My world right now consists of two things; Me and Pal.
      Pal constantly chatters and insults me, I have it all blend in as background noise. Static. So much for him, and I quote, "loving" me. I feel like I've gotten accustomed to the dark now, as though I were some sort of nocturnal animal of some kind. I sigh. I don't even know what day it is anymore! Sometimes, on days that are really bad, I daydream that maybe the boss will come save me or some bullcrap. There are times I think I hear his voice outside of my house. The only thing that keeps me sane now are my thoughts, buzzing through my head, playing over and over again as thought it were some sort of TV. I wish I had TV right now. I wish I could just stay home in a NON PAL INFESTED living room and watch TV, knowing that I'll actually be able to do something with my life the day after that. My world's become black and white. I have two objectives in this world; Play with Pal, and getting out. The first one I'm doing just fine, the second one doesn't really look like it's going anywhere. As I complete my tasks, I look up at the calendar. I stopped keeping track of days after my 10th day in this hell. I have no food anymore. I've been running out of water. My bills are due. I've got a debt to pay. I don't care. I don't sleep anymore. There are days I can't even keep my eyes open, yet Pal still berates me for that. I wish I'd never taken him home. If I was smarter and had found a way out of Percy's Playhouse before he could kill me, if the demolition of Percy's Playhouse was moved earlier, if the boss had just taken the time to tell me where the substitute batteries were, I would be fine. I would be at home in my room, sleeping. But nooo, I have to be "taking care" of some STUPID TOY I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU.
      Ever since that horrible day, the day before I was trapped here, I meant what I said.
I really, truly do.
If I could go back in time, I'd kick myself in the balls for every taking Pal in the first place, and then I'd smash Pal to pieces.
As I told John when I spent the night at his place, "Everything's gone to crap."
Except multiply that by 100.
I wish I had something to eat too. I heard that humans could survive without eating something for months, so I reckon it wouldn't take too long before I die. My stomach is closing in on itself by the second, and for the majority of the time, I get stomach cramps. I feel like I'm dying. Well, I probably am.
To quote from something else I've thought in the past, long before any of this, "This wasn't the way I expected to go out, to be honest, being killed by a sentient Tamagotchi." I may not be directly killed by Pal, but he sure is killing me alright. And very slowly too. There were only a couple decent moments during this whole thing. A couple days ago, after a ton of prolonged begging, I managed to get Pal to turn on the power again so I could charge my phone. He did, for a couple hours. Right now, my phone is on 22%. Not very good. 'Ow!' I wince. A sharp, gnawing pain takes my head for a spin, which distracts me from the fact I have to take care of Pal. Pal immediately starts beeping. The boss was right, these things do go crazy the more people use them. I continue my work despite the waves of pain my head's been giving me. I think I'm starting to go a little crazy myself. I've stopped paying attention to Pal's minions, or the background. Just lost, in my thoughts, all alone. All of a sudden, the phone rings, making me jump. 'Is that a hallucination again?' I wondern Pal's a bit surprised too, he legitimately screams before realizing it was a call. I drop Pal, who's wires grab him to catch his fall, and I stare at my phone in shock. Someone's actually calling me!
It's been a month since I've talked to anyone!
My chance to escape!
Pal comes back, being held up by his wire, observing the phone.
      "Nick, can you turn that thing off? It's distracting!" He demands. "Pal, wait, please, just let me say something to him, PLEASE!" I beg. Pal stares at me coldly. "...Fine." He says begrudgingly. I hold up the phone. The caller is, "------.H" a former coworker at Percy's that I vaguely know, although he did lend me a good 20 dollars that I still need to pay him back for. Is he calling about that? Just before I answer the phone, Pal's wire stops me, by grabbing my wrist and pulling it away from the phone. He knows exactly what I'm going to do. "Ah ah ah, Nick!" Pal says disapprovingly. Wires start pinning me to the wall, leaving me immobile."I have to make sure that you aren't telling this guy anything wrong." He says, almost innocently. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" I'm tempted to nod, just to spite him, but I shake my head. "Good. Now, ANSWER IT AND GET BACK TO PLAYING WITH ME." He yells, the wires suddenly letting me go, dropping me to the ground with a heavy thud. I grab the phone and asnwer it. "Hey Nick! Never thought you'd pick up." He still sounds the same since the last time I saw him. Friendly and outgoing. The guy I could probably never be. I could start tearing up right about now, it's been too long since I've heard anyone else's voice other than my own and Pal's. I try to hide how tired I am in my voice when I answer. "Sorry, something just happened while you were calling." I say. Rather than coming out as a lighthearted apology like I meant for it to be, it comes out sounding pretty desperate. I notice how croaky my voice sounds. He still seems pretty polite, because he doesn't interrogate me on what happened like most people I know do. Rather, he seems a little concerned. "Hey, uh, you doing well?" He asks. "I know it must've hit you pretty hard when the boss got you laid off from work." He says sympathetically. 'Nearly forgotten about that ever since all of this stuff's been happening.' "I... No. Honestly, no." I tell him, ignoring Pal's glaring eyes. "Yeah, it must suck. Sorry to hear that man. Anyways, I've been meaning to ask you..."  'About that 20 dollars you owe me.' I think, filling in the gap for what's to come next. Rather, he says something even I wouldn't guess. "...If you're willing to come to a sort of, you know, get together with a lot of the other employees who worked at Percy's." An invitation? Not what I was expecting. It dawns on me how I'll never be able to attend events like this with the way things are going now. I might've been a bright employee, but I wasn't a very social one. Barely had any friends back then. Usually I would've come up with an excuse to avoid human interactions, but right now, I'd die just to talk to someone. Anyone. "A lot of the employees were affected pretty badly with Percy's shutting down last month, so I thought of something that might make them cheer up a little. I mean, if they're able to attend, that is." He explains. This guy's a way better guy than I thought. He's a saint. If only he could save me right about now. If only I could tell him everything that's happened.
If only...
I get lost in my thoughts until I remember I'm on a call, so I answer begrudgingly. "I'm sorry, I can't attend. I have some things to do." What a jerk I sound like compared to him. "Oh..." He sounds disappointed. "That's fine. Uh..." He says trailing off. "Thanks for inviting me." I add quickly. "It's not you, I just... There are just things that need to be done that's all." I'm on the brink of crying. If only I could tell him what's happening so that it wouldn't make me feel worse than I already do.
"Well then, uh, see you I guess!" He says awkwardly. "Yeah." I say, hanging up. I look up at Pal, tears running down my face which I quickly wipe away. I was so close to freedom, but that brat ruined it all. He ruined it all for me. I can't take it anymore. "Shall we get back to playtime?" Pal asks, clearly happy. I grab him forcefully from the wires and sit on the couch to play his stupid games. I hope that says enough about my current mood.
I feel myself crying again. I haven't cried in a while. I was so close to the exit, I really was.

      But before I knew it, I had pushed the exit off the edge against my own will.

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