Maya: Illusion of Self

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"The Lord dwells in the hearts of all creatures and whirls them around upon the wheel of Maya (the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world)."
- Bhagavad Gita

Maya: The Dance of Illusion: Maya, derived from Sanskrit, embodies the illusion that veils our understanding of reality. At its core, Maya is the fleeting dance of illusion that distorts our perception of the world. It suggests that what we perceive with our senses is not an accurate representation of the ultimate truth. The concept of impermanence is a central theme in Maya, reminding us that everything is in a constant state of change. The ever-changing material world becomes a mirage that hides the reality beneath. The illusion lies in our tendency to attach a sense of permanence to temporary elements – be it our physical bodies, emotions, or material possessions. Being aware of our attachments can help us lift the Maya veil.

The idea of duality within Maya implies a fundamental division and separation, causing us to perceive the world as fragmented and disconnected. It's like saying we're split between being the one looking at things and the things we're looking at. Duality makes us feel torn between what we like and dislike, what we're attached to, and what we want to avoid, all feeding into the idea that we're separate from the rest. Maya posits that the ego plays a pivotal role in constructing the illusion of duality. The ego, shaped by societal conditioning, experiences, and desires, becomes the illusory center of our identity. It is through the ego that we perceive ourselves as separate entities, distinct from the world around us. The illusion of duality intensifies as the ego reinforces a sense of self apart from the interconnected whole.

Samadhi: when you become aware that you aren't just a physical body but a spiritual being having a human body experience. You wake up from the illusion of self or what others call 'the matrix'. You realize that you are being conditioned by society. Only to find out that you were playing the game of life. You have control of yourself. You were conditioned to believe we are just these bodies in this physical reality. Feeding you lies about the world and how it evolved. When you become aware that you're a player, you evolve and play in your truest form. You no longer resonate with being the player but to keep evolving to be your highest self. When you are aligned with your highest form, you naturally become aligned with love and no longer vibrate with judgment.

From the day you are in the womb, you are being programmed

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From the day you are in the womb, you are being programmed. As you grow your mind is taking this information/beliefs and is subconsciously molding you. Creating who you are today. Nowadays it's so easy for a multitude of information to be programmed into you, that even your mind can barely catch up. You are ingesting so much subliminal's while scrolling through your phone, watching TV, and even listening to music. Where does all this information go? Well, it is subconsciously imprinting into your mind. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you are doing with your energy. We continually don't question our beliefs or mindset, let alone where these beliefs come from. What's real? Why do I believe this about myself? What is the real world? Why am I here? This is when you stop and breathe to become aware. You realize the real lies. The more you become conscious, the more you awaken the mind (where your third eye is located).

Now, how do you get past the illusion?Automatically when you become aware your journey of self-awareness starts. Acknowledging the illusion of Maya allows you to detach from duality questioning the narratives shaped by the ego and the complexities of our minds. Realizing the impermanence of the self and the interconnectedness of all things. When you detach from your ego identity and dualistic thinking, you move towards a more authentic understanding of the self and its place in the vast tapestry of existence. This is where Mindfulness becomes a powerful tool, allowing one to discern thoughts, emotions, and sensations without immediate judgment. Through this awareness, the illusion begins to lose its grip.

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