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"You don't have to learn to attract what you need. Be the vibration that you prefer in alignment with your truth, and let go of the things that are blocking what it is that your truth is attracting and you will flow and manifest in an accelerated way."

- Bashar

Manifesting allows you to bring your thoughts into this physical realm by feeding it energy. The more energy, intention, and emotions one gives it, the denser it becomes and manifests into this realm. You are always manifesting, it doesn't matter what you're thinking or whether it's positive or negative. Everything is always in motion. It is influenced by the subconscious mind. Your beliefs and limitations manifest what you think you have. Although some manifest faster than others. Only because they are constantly practicing. The more you intentionally manifest the more energy you are giving. What you focus on grows. You can start by trying to manifest small things.  For instance, say you are in a drive-through for coffee. You are trying to manifest it to be free. So you imagine as if you are in that situation already. How do you feel when they give you a free coffee? How does it taste? What do you hear in the moment? Be in the moment as if you are in that moment. 

How to Practice Manifesting:

CREATIVE VISUALIZATION                                                                                                                                                Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Really ground into your body. Allow yourself to visualize what you want to manifest. Endure positive energy into your vision. The more vivid, the better the results. Involve your five senses.

What do you see?

What does it feel like?

What do you hear?

What does it taste like?

What does it smell like?

GROUP THOUGHT FORM/EGREGORE                                                                                                                            A group thought form or Egregore is when two or more people put their energies into the same goal. When you create thoughts and other energies are involved it becomes powerful. The groups' energies build a universe and allow manifestations to happen. Any type of energy can latch on to your thoughts, even if one's intention is negative. They are still energies. It's the intentions that are important. An example of an egregore is posting a status saying "I am so happy to have my dream car, Tesla. It is white with a spacious interior.." Everyone's energy that is seeing this status will go to this manifestation. Even if it's negative or positive. Energy is energy. This is such a powerful way to manifest. 


 A vision board acts as a visual representation of your goals, offering clarity and focus on what you want to achieve in various aspects of your life – be it career, relationships, health, or personal development. By regularly engaging with your vision board, you reinforce your intentions and align your thoughts with your goals. This process aids in the manifestation of your desires, attracting positive energy and opportunities that resonate with your aspirations. Through the act of creating and regularly observing your vision board, you engage in a form of visualization. This mental imagery helps program your subconscious mind, making your goals seem more attainable and fostering a positive mindset. Placing your vision board in a visible and accessible location (like a poster on your wall or your screensaver) serves as a constant source of inspiration and motivation. The visuals and affirmations act as daily reminders of your dreams, encouraging you to take consistent steps towards them. 

To Create a Vision Board:

Collect materials such as a board (cork, foam, or poster), magazines, scissors, glue, and markers. Choose materials that align with your personal style and preferences. Before diving into the visuals, take some time to clarify your goals in different areas of your life. This will guide your selection of images and words that align with your aspirations. Browse through magazines, print materials, or online resources to find images and words that resonate with your goals. Cut out these elements to create a diverse and visually appealing collection. Consider organizing your vision board into themes or categories, such as career, relationships, health, and personal development. This segmentation helps maintain focus and clarity. Play around with the arrangement of your chosen images and words on the board. Once satisfied with the layout, glue them down securely. Be creative and allow your personal touch to shine through. 

Display your vision board in a prominent and frequently visited space, such as your bedroom, office, or any area where you spend significant time. Regular visibility reinforces your goals and keeps them top of mind. Also, engage with your vision board regularly. Spend a few moments each day visualizing your goals, affirming your intentions, and soaking in the positive energy emanating from the board.                                                                                                                                                          

ACT AS IF                                                                                                                                                                                You attract what you radiate and you radiate what you attract. Act as if you already have what you want. When you act as if you already have what you want, your energy is going to align with that specific thing that you want. Adding the cherry on top, be thankful for it every day. The Universe/God delivers that of what youre grateful for, or multiples what you already have. Feel it within your heart. Connect your mind with your heart. But make sure to gave thanks in past tense. For instance, say I want to manifest a healthy body. So in this case I'll affirm "I gave thanks to the Universe for my healthy, strong body." Aside from that, remember you do have to meet the Universe half way. The universe does deliver but you have to take action too.Take the steps to get closer to your goal. It's all about being aligned with the same frequency as what you want to manifest.

SCRIPTING /AFFIRMATIONS                                                                                                                             

Scripting is a creative and expressive form of writing where you pen down your desires, goals, and intentions in a past tense form as if you are describing your life that youre trying to manifest. You speak these out loud with intention. Allow the words to resonate within you. Hearing the script spoken aloud reinforces your intentions and enhances the manifestation process.

Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that are repeated consistently to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. They are concise, powerful declarations that reshape your mindset and help align your thoughts with the reality you wish to create. Select affirmations that reflect the positive aspects of your desires. For example, if you are manifesting career success, affirm, "I am confident and successful in my career." Consistency is key. Repeat your affirmations daily, ideally in the morning and before bedtime. Repetition helps embed these positive statements into your subconscious mind, reinforcing a positive and confident mindset. If you don't believe in these affirmations, it will be a little uncomfortable at first but when you start to rewrite your mind you'll feel it becoming your truths. 

There are many more ways to manifest. These are just a few that I personally believe are great to start with. Remember to be really specific when you manifest because the Universe does deliver what you want. I once heard a story where a person was trying to manifest driving their dream car and will the Universe did come through. The person was indeed driving their dream car but it wasn't theirs. They weren't specific enough. And well I'll leave you with that. 

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