Quantum Physics

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If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration
- Nikola Tesla

Life isn't what it seems to be like. Quantum physics explains that atoms aren't made out of matter, but energy. Matter is energy itself. We are all connected, whether a mineral, rock, plant, or animal. Each and everything is made out of natural waves and particles. About this, we can conclude that everything we see at an atomic level is not even there, but an illusion. However, as you perceive the world it becomes your reality.

We are the creators of our reality. We can perceive what we want to see. Our reality is our Consciousness. Our perception comes from our past thoughts, and the meanings we attach to. Quantum physics also proves to us that like attracts like. Energy and Consciousness are influenced by each other without being direct or having any physical contact with each other.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

- Wayne Dyer



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Dr. Thurman Fleet was a teacher in metaphysics and a chiropractic healer. In 1931, he developed a figure interpreting how our thoughts, images, and ideas get implanted deep in our Subconscious mind. Deeper in his teachings, he also elucidated that these thoughts, physical things, and spiritual acts that we obtain can cause sickness and diseases.

Part one- the Conscious mind

We have the power to create whatever we desire. Our Conscious mind plays a big role throughout the results in life. Although, as human beings, we have the ability for our Conscious mind to receive or neglect ideas. New thought forms arise in the Conscious mind. You either accept your beliefs, limitations, pains, and pleasures from an external source or let them mold in your Conscious Mind. The Conscious part of the Mind is in charge of the type of life you want to live.

Part two- the Subconscious mind

The Subconscious mind can only accept every thought form that you consciously accept and has no limitations. Your feelings, vibrations, and actions originate from your Subconscious mind.

Every impact and thought through repetition creates your paradigm. Paradigm- your point of view or the way you see the world, yourself, and others. It also indicates your beliefs and can cause you to put limitations on yourself. When a new thought rules over the Subconscious mind and is used through repetition, you begin to build a new paradigm.

Part 3- the body

The body is what we call our home. Every thought, image, and idea that is consciously chosen over the Subconscious mind is expressed through your body by taking action. Your actions then become your results and personality.

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