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"There are no accidents or coincidences in life – everything is synchronicity – because everything has a frequency. It's simply the physics of life and the universe in action." 

– Rhonda Byrne

What are Synchronicities?
They are reoccurring messages that come in many forms or coincidences. These messages can mean many different things depending on how you see these synchronicities. Sometimes they can tell you're on the right path or give you clarification. Others believe these messages are from the unconscious mind that is trying to reach you or even from the Universe/God whatever you believe in. It's all connected, for we are all one.

Types of Synchronicities
Numbers: You probably have come across a number synchronicity, but without awareness, you weren't able to acknowledge it. It's like constantly seeing 11:11 and making a wish. Believing that it won't come true. But in the energetic world, you are still manifesting that wish. Synchronizing with that vibration. Often people refer to these numbers as angel numbers like 111, 222, 333, and so forth. To get an idea of what these mean you might want to refer to numerology. Below are some of the meanings:
1 strength, confidence, leadership
2 duality, partnership, opposition
3 success, intuition, luck, the divine principle
4 groundedness, calmness, stability
5 freedom, sensuality, adventure
6 intuition, the balance between earth/spirit
7 spiritual awakening, synchronicity, introspection
8 prosperity, financial well-being, abundance
9 higher consciousness, enlightenment, wisdom
10 integration, wholeness, completion

If you also see numbers like 123 constantly. You can add them up.
The sum will give you its numerology meaning. In this case, it's 6. Six is all about intuition, duality, and balance between the earth and the spirit.

Throughout my Spiritual journey, I noticed that I have been seeing the number 23. To this day I still see it, every time I look at the clock, people's license plates, on my phone everywhere. I was born at 11:21 AM which adds up to 2:3 or 23. Whenever I add these I get 5. Since I was a young girl the number 5 has always been a lucky number for me.

Other Beings
On many occasions, synchronicities can come from people. Seeing them in your dreams and seeing them again out of the blue in this real world or hearing news about this significant person. This could mean something, perhaps there still healing needed within this relationship you had. Whatever it is. Dive deep into it to find out.

There was a time when I had a dream where I saw someone from my past. Someone whom I went to high school with. I didn't make any out of this until the next day when I went to the park and saw this person. 

Synchronicities can also come in the form of places, animals, objects, and visual patterns. It can be many other symbols too. Seeing it many times or hearing it can be significant to you. For example, seeing a lion many times can indicate strength. The message depends on how you resonate with it. For me a lion means strength. But it can mean something different for you. 

Another example is when you think of a song only to turn on the radio and the song is playing. There was a time when my cousin, sister, and I were going somewhere. I Had my earphones on and my cousin was about to turn on the radio. As I searched for this one song that kept playing in my head over and over, I finally found it and I clicked it. As soon as my cousin turned on the radio the same song played at the same time. I quickly took off my earphones only to realize my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. We were all shocked.

I truly believe these synchronicities are so powerful and they carry messages from God/Universe. Sometimes they can even be wake-up calls or even save your life one day. If we become more mindful and dive deep into their meanings. We can truly gain guidance from this. We aren't alone. We are being guided. 

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