what is it, that's between us?

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"Cooper what is your problem, I kissed a girl, what's the big deal? Do you like her or something"
"No, but i am in love with you." Cooper mumbles under his breath.
"What? Can you repeat yourself?" Oliver did hear him clearly but wasn't sure he really understood him.
"This is the last straw, really, oliver. No you know what actually am not in love with you anymore, i wish I never were in the first place" cooper says as quietly as possible, while trying to avoid olivers glance.
" what? What are you talking about now? And besides I didn't know you ever were." Oliver says a little louder, to be heard over the loud music in the room.

"Oh my God, you are so intelligent but so difficult of concept have always liked you so much, but now I have stopped I guees. you have a girlfriend as I see, when i actually thought that you liked me back, all the stolen glances, all the times it was like a invisible string has torn me towards to you, but this was just one sided. God was I stupid to think that." Cooper blurts out trying not to cry, when he feels the tears in his eyes.
"Coop.." Oliver slowly starts while trying to touch cooper's shoulder softly.
"No oliver please don't, it's fine. I don't want to ruin our friendship besides It's not your fault, I know you can't decide who you fall in love with. She seems great, have fun, we'll see each other later. Bye." Cooper says while tears slowly making their way down his face. Oliver tries to stop cooper, but gets dragged away by some to him unknown people.

The rest of the night, he can't stop thinking about what Cooper has said. "I am not in love you anymore". He was so confused, because of so many things, but especially why his chest felt so weird, as if his heart actually ached. This sentence hurt him and he didn't know why. He had no idea his best friend was in love with him, but no knowing he is "no longer" in love with him hurts him immensely. Well maybe he had feelings for Cooper too, but wasn't aware of them? No, that couldn't be, or could it? Surely he loved this boy, more than anyone probably. Oliver was an arrogant, self-absorbed asshole most of the time, but cooper made him a better man and a happier one. Well, does that automatically mean he is in love with him?

While thinking of all the possibilities and how this is going to impact their friendship, this girl from earlier pulls him to the dance floor. As she tries to press her lips on his again, he pulls away and excuses himself to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror, looking at his face, feeling beyond dizzy because of how much alcohol he'd drank before. Suddenly he feels something deep inside of his throat, thinking he is just sad because of his best and only real friend being mad at him, but no, he really feels sick. As he vomits in the sink, there is a soft knock on the door which just won't stop and because oliver has stopped after a while and feels like he is possibly passing out, he unlocks the door, while sliding down to the floor. Right infront of him there he stands, beautiful as ever, his slightly curly strawberryblonde hair fall into his face and he just looks absolutely breathtaking. Indeed oliver thinks he forgot to breath as he hears himself exhale after a while.

"Fuck, dude. What happened? Are you okay?" Cooper asks, kneeling down in front of him, sounding extremely worried. Oliver heart wells up, as he hears the concern in cooper raspy, drunk voice.
"Yeah everything is fine, I just threw up" Oliver says calmly while pointing to the sink.
"Let's clean that up and then I will get you home, buddy. You are way to drunk to do anything right now. "
After cleaning everything up and saying bye to their friends, they walk back home.

"Cooper can I say something?"
"Sure dude."
"So about earlier," Oliver starts as cooper tenses and stands abruptly. "Uhm so I-"
"Oliver." Cooper says quietly with real pain in his voice. "Please just stop. I didn't mean it like that. Have as many girls as you want. I was just drunk That's it. I didn't mean it like that"
Oliver doesn't believe him one single word but than again he kinda believes him everything he says and it hurts. Yes knowing that he is not in love anymore hurts like a million little cuts,but think he was never in love with him in the first place is much more painful, it's like someone ripping open his ribcage, pulling his heart out and than stumping on it. Wow, that was dramatic. Was he really that drunk, oliver wondered.
"Oh, yeah sure. I am just glad everything is good between us, right?"
"Right" Cooper confirms while smiling, that ridiculously beautiful smile, at oliver.

As they stumble into the house, they try to make their way to the basement as quietly as possible. After pulling off their shoes, oliver tries to stand straight again, but he trips and falls onto cooper, landing on top of him on the couch.
"Good thing we put the couch there." Cooper jokes, not seeming any way affected by this scenario. Oliver could just stare at him, blushing wildly. Looking up to oliver again, he notice the stare and the blush, he is clearly confused about this reaction but also surprised in a very positive way.

"Are you okay, man?" Cooper ask slowly, oliver eyes are now fixated on cooper's full red lips, as the move at every word spoken. He stays quiet as he no longer knows how to use words properly. He is just tottally mesmerized by cooper's beauty. He never saw him like that, well who Is he lying to, he always saw him like that. How his eyebrow rais everytime he is confused about something, how his lips curl into the cutest smile ever, everytime someone compliments his cooking skills. And also how his hair fall into his eyes and he pushes them away with his long slender fingers.

"Oliver please say something, anything really. Or at least get off of me, now. I really enjoy your company but this is getting a bit-" as cooper tries to finish his sentence, oliver presses his lips already against his.

Cooper takes this by surprise, he just lays there and does nothing first. Oliver is also shocked at his own action and as he notices that cooper does nothing, he was disappointed since Cooper didn't lie and really doesn't care if he dates some random girls. But as soon as the shock as worn off, Cooper kisses him just as eager as oliver is back on the lips. Quickly burying his hands in his soft brown hair, pulling him closer.

Their chest slightly touch and this feels like no kiss oliver has shared with anyone. Not with this girl from earlier and also not with the other girls he had kissed in the past. This felt like something different, like something real. Also at the same time surreal, he could not believe this was actually happening. Oliver felt like he can die right now and if he was send to hell, he'd still could say he'd seen and felt heaven. Also he felt if they ever stopped this kiss he might actually die.

At some point he heard soft moans against his lips, as he hasn't realized that he was grinding down on his friends lap, as they kissed passionately. His movements stopped, since he wanted this to be pure, without any second thoughts, just them on their couch kissing like as if they stopped they wouldn't be able to breath anymore.

Oliver softly pushes his tongue against cooper's mouth asking for entrance, which cooper happily obligated. Oliver explores his mouth with his tongue, wanting to taste every inch of cooper. Cooper slowly reaches for the hem of Oliver's shirt and dives his hand underneath the shirt, over his bare back. A shiver runs down oliver spine. He truly wishes this will never stop. But at some point, he knew it had to.

Cooper also felt that couldn't last forever, but just as oliver he wanted it to. That is the reason he'd never kissed him before. Knowing if he started, he'd never be able to stop again. Oliver presses one more long kiss against cooper's lips, holding him as close as possible, before breaking the kiss. Cooper slowly opens his eyes again, honestly afraid to look at oliver.
"Well I think I wanted to do this for a long time now. But apparently you did too." Oliver says before raising from his lap, walking to his bed. As his body was covered with the blanket, he says "good night coop, sleep well."

Cooper can't believe what just happened, but he is also a little drunk and really tired so he can't really think about it before falling asleep on the couch.
"Good night. Well i guess i am still very much in love with you." Cooper mumbles as quiet as possible before drifting into a deep, drunk sleep.

boyfriend or boy that's a friend ? (Cooper and Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now