kiss me sober

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The whole next day, cooper ignores oliver completely. Not even looking directly at him.
This serious confuses oliver and gives him a serious bad gut-feeling. Everytime he tried to talk about it with cooper, he got to scared at the end, he wasn't ready for the rejection he might has to face.

Later that day, almost midnight, Cooper and oliver were the only ones in the house when oliver finally found the courage to talk to cooper.

He doesn't even look up from his phone as oliver approaches him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?? It's getting annoying, why do you act like that now?"
"I don't even know what you mean. Yeah we didn't really talk today, but everything is great between us, buddy."
As he looks into coopers eyes, he sees a shadow of pure anxiety in them. After all cooper was actually the one who confessed first, but he took it back again. Everything was just to much for oliver so he pushes Cooper roughly against the fridge, getting really close.
"Why don't you kiss me sober? You were the one confessing me in the first place just tell me what you want. You being a bad friend or whatever we are right now." Oliver half-screamed.

"For fuck sakes oliver. Why don't you get anything?" Cooper scoffs angrily at his best friend, while grabbing him by the collar.

"And what exactly should I get?" Oliver asks, just as angry as cooper. Cooper looks down to him, directly into his eyes. His eyes wander down to his lips, and suddenly he also forgot why he was mad at him in the first place.

"This." Cooper just says before smashing their lips together. This is what oliver has been waiting for since the last stolen kisses, that previous night. He grabs cooper by the waist and pulls him as close as possible. They stumble against the counter. Tottaly objectively, this wasn't a good idea, making out in the upstairs kitchen. No one was home, but they could have barge into the house and see them fall upon each other in their kitchen.

But due to the situation, neither one of them could care. So when oliver lifts cooper by the thighs up the counter, dragging himself between cooper's legs, it doesn't occurre to them that was a stupid idea. And when Cooper starts unbotting Oliver's shirt and starts to kiss Oliver's neck, they also really do not think of anything but them and how their bare skin feels great against one another. Only when they hear the lock of the front door click, they break apart in an instant, trying to play it cool.

When only Taylor and Trip walk in, they start to relax a bit since they wouldn't notice anything.  Or so they thought.

"Hey, what are you two doing up here, since you have your basement apartment I barely see you both"
"We eat diner every night, Taylor. Don't be so dramatic. "
As Taylor proceedes to talk about her day and how her friends did something stupid again.
She notices, a what seems like a hickey, on her brother's neck.
"Oliver what is that on your neck?"

"What exactly do you mean? I would say there is my skin and that's it."

"No, it's not that." She pauses for a brief moment
"Oh my god, it is a hickey."
Clearly she is thinking about who did this to her brother, telling him she is going to find out, not even considering cooper.

After Taylor and Trip have walked away, oliver can't loose anymore time and jumps back onto cooper. And tries to kiss him passionatly again, but cooper pushes him away slightly.

"Let's not do this here. It's to risky."

boyfriend or boy that's a friend ? (Cooper and Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now