don't think about it

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Please stay."

After the words have left his mouth, he already regrets them. He doesn't want to show to much vulnerability, since he doesn't know what that is between them.

As cooper hears olivers words, he smiles to himself. Who is to deny his boy any wishes. So he sits back on his lap, looking directly into his eyes.

"I really like the colour of your eyes." Cooper said, as he couldn't tear his eyes away.

"Just shut up and kiss me again."

And again Cooper couldn't say no. He was just way to desperate. No matter if it was something serious and oliver liked him back or just a one time thing. He wanted whatever he could get from this night.

This time the kiss was not rough at all, which confused oliver but on the other hand he also enjoys the pleasant feeling on his lips. Oliver's hands found their way back to coopers waist, holding him close. As their kisses grew more passionate and rough again, Cooper unbuttons the first few buttons of Oliver's shirt and breaks the kiss, to softly kiss Oliver's neck. Cooper starts to be a little rougher on his neck, sucking the sensetive skin between his teeth. A shaky moan escapes from Oliver's lips, as he tugs on cooper's hair, to hold on something.

Only now noticing how fluffy cooper's hair is. After some while of cooper sucking on his neck, he pulls him softly by the hair, to face him again. Smashing his mouth on his again, not long though, before breaking the kiss again to pull off coopers shirt. As soon as that is done, oliver kisses his neck, all the way to his collarbone and down to his chest. Cooper quietly moans at this sensation and burries one of his hands in Oliver's brown hair and opens with the other the rest of Oliver's buttondown.

Now that their are both shirtless, oliver wants to take this to his bed, but doesn't know if Cooper would freak out about this.

"Cooper..." Oliver tries to speak, while also trying to continue to kiss cooper.

"Hmm?" is all cooper answers.

"Let's take this to my bed."

Cooper laughs quietly, he is really anxious about what is going to happen, so he doesn't exactly know what to answer.

"Ahmm well-"

"What do you want? Tell me. Don't think about it."

"I want you."

And that's all oliver needed to hear, so he picks cooper up and walks them over to his bed, putting cooper on the bed, crawling between his legs, and kissing him again. Cooper's hand find their way to Oliver's sipper, and tries to yank it down, when oliver stops him.

"Eager much, huh? Slow down a bit."

Cooper just kisses him again and pulls his pants down anyway. At his action oliver smiles into the kiss. Just as oliver is about to pull his best friend's pants down, there is a knock on the door.

Cooper panics and pushes oliver of off him, causing him to fall to the ground, bouncing quite loud.

"Is everything okay in here? What was that?" It was Katie's voice, going through the walls.

"Yeah mom, everything is perfectly fine. What dk you want?" Oliver says while looking down at his looking at his crotch and freaking out. What if his mom comes in now?

"I just wanted to say goodnight! Can I come in?"

In a hurry oliver puts on the shirt that lays on the floor, which appears to be cooper's and throwing the covers over cooper's body, before he walks to the door and opens it a crack.

"Good night mom. Love you."

" you sure everything is okay? Are you two fighting?" At that statement oliver has to try to suppress his wide smile, while thinking about what they were doing.

Just as he closes the door again and walks back to cooper, he sees the boy already sleeping and snoring quietly.

"Sleep well cooper. Maybe next time..." Oliver whisperes into coopers ear and kissing his forehead before he lays next to cooper and falls asleep as well after some time.

boyfriend or boy that's a friend ? (Cooper and Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now