who is she?

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Oliver woke up, at the edge of his bed, almost falling out of it. Slowly he sits up and rubs his palms against his, swollen from sleep, eyes. Every sound around him seems so much more intense than usual, oh he definitely has a hangover.

When we vaguely remembers what happened last night, he can not believe what he did. He doesn't like boys. And he doesn't like cooper that way, or does he? He was just drunk, right? It was a stupid mistake and yes even if he likes his best friend in a very not straight nor platonic way, he could not act on it in a sober state of mind. It would ruin their friendship and he loved their friendship. He really did.

Since the whole room around him is moving way to fast, I tries to get up as slow as possible. As his naked feet touch the cold wooden floor, he feels something for the first time this morning.

His body still feels numb and like it's on fire, so he decides to lay on the cold floor to cool down, just for a little bit. Just for a short moment he closes his eyes.

When his eyes open again, Cooper stand in front of him, looking down on him with a questionable look.

"Fuck dude, are you okay?"
"Hmm? Yeah yeah sure. The floor is just really cold and I feel extremely hot."
"Oh okay sure, I get that."
The vibe between them was kinda weird and not as it was usually. But neither of them were ready to talk about the event of the previous night. So they both were silence for a moment, before cooper offers oliver a helping hand to stand up from the ground. For a short moment oliver considers his options, but then decide to just take his hand. As soon as they hands meet, they both feel a weird fuzzy feeling.

"Cooper.." oliver starts but before he can say anything, Cooper let's go of his hand, turning around walking towards the bathroom. Only when oliver hears the lock turn he dares to breath again. Why did he suddenly feel like this around his best friend?


Later that day, they all sit around the table, enjoying lunch when Katie starts asking questions about yesterday.
"How was it? What did you do? And most importantly did you drink, well i hope for the sake of your life you both didn't"
Cooper frezzes, for Katie it has to seem like he stiffens because of the question about the alcohol consume, but it just because of the kiss he and oliver have shared. Now that he finally got what he wanted for so damn long, he got scared. Oliver doesn't like him like that, or does he? He only wanted to give him what he knew cooper needed so desperately.
He just couldn't think of a reason why oliver suddenly should also have feelings for him.

While Cooper is lost in his thoughts, there is a ring on the door, and at that oliver stiffens.
"Ahm so, I invited a girl over, we study together. No big deal. I know I should have ask before."
"Oh its okay, don't worry. We are happy to meet her." Greg answers with a bright smile.

Cooper's accusations on how his best friend doesn't like him back, were proven to be right. He stands up without another word, walking past the girl and oliver, towards his car.

After a few hours of just driving, listening to Taylor swift, he comes back to find oliver and this girl still sitting together, doing school work.

"Oh hey dude, you are back. Where have you been?"
Cooper says looking directly at the girl, and than asking.
"Who is she?"
"That's sarah, she is in my history class."
"Oh right. Cool cool. I will go downstairs, see you later, bro"
The word "bro", makes oliver feel a physical pain in his chest. Maybe he really couldn't deny it anymore, how much he liked Cooper.
"Umm so cooper, about yesterday.."
"Oh dude, that was nothing. We were drunk. Right?" Cooper says even though it was everything for him.
"Yeah exactly" Oliver whisperes while he felt like it was everything.

That night cooper drinks some of the Alcohol he has in his dresses for emergency. When oliver comes down, cooper's already lays there completely waisted, looking at the ceiling while listen to K. by cigarettes after sex. And when the line "but i could tell that something has changed how you looked at me then", he finally realize what that line really means. He started to see cooper in a different light and he can't believe that cooper doesn't feel like same.

As he sits next to coopers head on the couch, Cooper raises his head and lays it on olivers lap, they did these kind of things before, but now it felt somehow different and more meaningful. Oliver closes his eyes for a moment and as he opens them again, he looks down and sees that cooper is already looking at him. For a brief moment oliver forgets how to breath, as cooper's eyes lock with his. Cooper sits up and looks at oliver intensly.

This time Cooper is the one kissing oliver. As cooper's soft lips hit oliver lips, he feels like he can breath normally for the first time since they kissed last time. He places his hands on cooper's waist pulling him closer, while they tongues fight for dominance. When oliver tightens his grip on coopers waist, Cooper tugs roughly at Oliver's hair, which causes him to tilt his head back. Giving cooper access to attack his neck. Cooper trails sloopy, wet kisses along Oliver's jaw, which causes oliver to whimper slightly.
Olivers grip wanderes down to the other boys hips. Cooper takes the opportunity to slide onto Oliver's lap, and kiss him on the mouth again.

As oliver slides his hands to cooper ass, slightly squezzing it, Cooper quietly moans in his mouth. Just now understanding what is happening here. He breaks the kiss and attempts to stand up.

All oliver can say at the time, since he is still very overwhelmed, is:

"Please stay."

boyfriend or boy that's a friend ? (Cooper and Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now