3. Birthday party II

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Irene's pov

"It's okay joohyun, I don't want you to live alone here and plus your grandparents house is too far from the office." My dad has renovated my grandparents' house for me to live there. And here uncle doesn't want me to stay alone so he wanted to take me to his home but maybe he has changed his mind, and now I don't know where we're going.

"You will be fine with Lisa and Seulgi and if those two bother you then just give me a call." Oh so we're going to lisa's house? Yeah i know lisa, manoban uncle's daughter.
Last year uncle and all his family came to my mom dad's anniversary, and there I met Lisa. She's so sweet and cute.

My dad's all friends lives in Korea my dad's the only who left Korea for work. I heard all about my dad's all friends and after hearing all of my dad's friends from my dad, I think my dad was pretty cool and had a whole squad of friends.

With my dad all of his friends started businesses. Our grandparents were all fat wealthy so all his friends didn't work until they all get married and have children. My dad moved to USA and started cosmetic company, and kang uncle started modeling company and I heard Lisa's dad started restaurant because of mr.parks daughter

I hear that mr. Park used to cook for his daughter and his niece back then and one day his daughter unintentionally told him to open a restaurant. And that was a signal for him to start his own business. So he moved to Jeju Island with his brother and uncle manoban, and he opened his first restaurant. His restaurant is now famous all over the world.

And thier othe friends like mr.son is a successful hotelier now, and kim uncle they're in entertainment industry and famous for they're k-pop idols. They're all so successful in they're life and I'm walking on my path of success too.

"Lisa live with seulgi, I see." Lisa is so admirable and cute tho. I clicked so fast with her, she's talkative and attractive and looks dumb at the same time tho. And about the other girl I really don't know about her, I only heard about her from my dad. As far as I know, Uncle Kang has two children, a girl and a boy, and I don't know what happened to his son.

No one knows, maybe my dad knows but I never felt the need to ask because I don't like to interfere in people's lives. i just mind my own business. When we moved to US it was so hard for me to approach people and make friends and and it hasn't changed yet, I'm the same. The problem was language And I didn't know English, so all the kids in school used to tease me and make fun of me.

No one would talk to me then because I am Asian, so I used to spend all my time in the library and eat my lunch there alone. But my sister was there for me though she accompanied me and taught me English. But even after that I never had the courage to talk to anyone at school.

My sister teayoen, she's so sweet and caring for us so I don't have to worry about my parents. She started her business own as soon as she graduated, but she come to dads office often and help him and me. She's such ideal type everyone loves her and some envy her.

I focused my whole school life on my studies and then on my dad's office and that's why I don't have any friends. "Yeah they both are in same line and working togather so they're decided to live togather too." Ohh yeah I forgot about Lisa also owns a dance academy so it was with seulgi huh?

"here we are." Uncle voice dragged me out of my chain of thoughts and I realised that we're stopped in front of a house now it's a pretty big house for just two girls though.

"I would have come inside with you and introduced you to everyone and also wished Wendy but I have an important work right now." I can see he's so sad that he can't accompany me. "It's okay uncle, I know you're busy I can handle don't worry"

I got out of the car and took my luggage from the driver. Uncle said goodbye to me and left in his car in a huff. Now I am standing in front of the gate of that house and I can see the lights of that house still on and the sound of music is coming from inside the house. Seem like they're partying.

Why am I feeling nervous though

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