What's the harm in trying?

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It had officially been a week since the four had arrived at the school camp. They'd been allowed the first two weeks to relax, settle in, and look over some material for when classes start since it was still Christmas break anyway.

The group had made some good friends during the first week, regularly going to stay the night at Nick and Jeff's room with their roommates to watch movies and read comic books. Nick had even affectionately named them, "the fantastic 8" based off of his favourite comic book series "the fantastic four".

But of course, good things tend not to last without interruption, and that was put in to play after week one when hiccup, toothless and jack had all developed a mild case of the flu.

Normally, they'd just sleep it off, but this school was determined to keep disease outbreaks to a minimum. This is what led to the three being kept in an isolation room for a week. "But what will I do without them" Connor pleaded to the nurse, "you can stay with your new friends for the week, I'll take good care of your friends, the isolation room is really fun anyway; they'll have WiFi, tv, and each other" she said comfortingly, shooing a distraught Connor back to his room.

Later that night, Connor was eating a pizza he'd ordered by himself, crying at some sappy romance when he heard someone knocking at his door.

"Come in!" He called, smiling when he saw the four from the other room come in. "Hey dude, we thought you'd wanna come over and hang with us till your buddies get out of isolation?" Jeff asked, outstretching his hand for Connor to take. "Sure, I'd love to" Connor said nervously, he'd never been alone with these four and his social anxiety was sky rocketing.

"Yes! I thought we could maybe watch a movie, then binge watch heart stoppers, then read comics, then make cupcakes and-" "will you chill out Wally?" Gar laughed, cutting his friend off. "Haha, sorry, I got carried away" Wally said chuckling with a light blush of embarrassment on his face, causing the others to giggle at his antics.

The boys all went into the room and set up the beds so they were all next to each other, giving them space to lie together whilst watching the movie. "Who's turn is it to order food?" Nick called from the kitchen where he was playing up snacks. "Gar's turn" Wally said quickly, since he often paid for the takeout.

"Ugh fine, I suppose I'd better" Gar said, stepping aside to phone the Chinese restaurant.

"Okay I'm picking the movie this time" Nick said, making it clear that he wouldn't sit through another Disney movie. "But moana is amazing!" Gar exclaimed, "what just like frozen" Nick said, giving gar a side eye. The two bickered but eventually decided that Nick could pick.

"I hope you guys are ready, cuz it's time for... TEXAS CHAINSAW BRUM BRUM" Nick shouted, holding an imaginary chainsaw.

Connor paled.

He hated horror.

With. A. Passion.

The boys all put the movie on and snuggled up. Connor was in the middle, with gar and Jeff on one side, and nick and Wally on the other side.

The boys were all comfortable with each other which is why they all sat cuddled extremely close whilst watching the movie.

It'd got to a particularly brutal scene and Connor couldn't watch. Luckily, Nick had sensed this and pulled Connor's head into his chest. At first Connor was nervous but he soon relaxed into Nick's embrace, his chest wasn't hard and built like hiccups, nor was it skinny and cold like Jack's, but it was soft and cuddly. And his scent was so calming. Connor hadn't felt himself drift off, but he knew he did when Nick was shaking him gently awake when the movie had ended and the food arrived.

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