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Nunew's POV.

"So Khun Janis , according to what we discussed earlier on the phone , the wedding will take place in 3 months am I right ?" Asked Nat.

"Kha.." She answered as I look at the schedule.

"3 months is a pretty tight timeframe na .." I said.

"Why ? Can't you do it ?" Asked Khun Zee making me look at Nat , taken aback.

"It's not that we can't do it , it's just that three months is a short time for both bride and groom to prepare .. it will be exhausting , especially for the both of you." I said , smiling as Nat nod.

"Well then it shouldn't be problem. That's the reason why we came to you. As what I heard many of your clients say that you are the best wedding planner so far .. so your job is to help us prepare the best wedding for us within three months .." he said , throwing me aback. I clutch my fist under the table as he smile , raising an eyebrow. Both Nat and Khun Janis look at us with awkward smile.

"We didn't say we couldn't do it , Khun Zee. I am sorry if whatever I said caused a miscommunication." I said , smiling sarcastically as Nat cleared his throat.

"Aow , Zee .. enough teasing Khun Nu here .." scolded Khun Janis as she slapped Khun Zee's arm.

"In your face." I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something ?" Asked Khun Zee making me hum , shaking my head.

"Huh ? Did anyone said something ? No right ? Isn't that right , Nat .." I said as Nat smile , nodding. Nat look at me , shaking his head as I smile , turning back to Khun Zee.

"Okay , moving on .. is there any specific location that you both will like ?" Asked Nat.

"I am actually okay with whatever Zee picks .." answer Khun Janis.

"So Khun Zee is there any specific location you want the wedding to be held at ?" I asked as he smile , looking at me.

"I haven't thought about it." He said straightforwardly making me and Nat freeze before looking at each other.

"Then .. what about your parents ? Do they have any specific places they want the wedding to be at ?" I asked.

"Nope. Our parents will not be interfering with our wedding .." he answered.

"That's right kha .. we told our parents if they want us to speed up our wedding , they can't interfere , the only thing that they will be handling is the guest list .." Said Khun Janis.

"Okay .. then .. let's move on to other things na .." I said , smiling awkwardly.

- later -

I groan , slamming my head onto the table.

"That went well don't you think ?" Asked Nat awkwardly as I groan , lifting my head up.

"What was that huh ?!" I exclaimed.

"Nhu .. calm down na .." said Nat.

"At the end of the day , they are still our customers .." he said as I whine , gripping my hair.

"All you need to do now .. is draft a plan for them .." he said , pushing my book and pen towards me.

"Draft a plan ?! Didn't you hear what they said ?! Their answers was basically 'do anything that's the best' ... how am I supposed to do a draft when all of this answers is anything ?!" I babbled , slamming my head down.

"And .. did you see how that thick eye browed man  was teasing me the whole time ?! Hoiiii~" I ruffled my hair.

"At least they are better then picky clients .." said Nat trying to make me feel better.

"Picky clients are better because at least I know what they want ! But this ! Hoi~" I whine , gripping my hair.

"And now ! My head is blank ! I have zero ideas !!" I exclaim as Nat sigh.

"Then .. you should do what you always do when you run out of ideas .." said Nat calmly making me frown , looking at him.

"What do I do ?" I asked confused making him chuckle.

"Go out and get ideas .." he said making me pout.

"Where am I supposed to go ?" I asked as he smile , placing a business card in front of me. I frown , grabbing it. I look at it and my eyes widened.

"You want me to go to that jerk's office ?!" I asked as Nat sigh.

"Why can't you go ?" I whine.

"Because I am busy with other customers .. and plus .. you are the best wedding planner out there .." he said as I pout.

"But he is a jerkk !!" I exclaimed.

"Oh come Nhu. Don't call our customer a jerk .. and plus .. the Nhu I know would not back down with the word 'anything' .." he said as I look at him , sighing before groaning in defeat.

"Fine." I said in defeat making him smile proudly.

- next day -

I look at my watch , sighing as I tapped my feet , waiting.

"Khun Nu krub .. Khun Zee is ready to see you." Said the worker.

"Krub .." I said , getting up with my laptop. I smile to her before walking in the office.

"Nice to meet you again , Khun Zee , I wou-."

"I need to attend a meeting now." He said making me frown.

"Aow , but you scheduled a appointment with me today though .." I said.

"I did but that's before .. I have an urgent meeting .." he said as he then packed his stuff.

"Then what ab-."

"I am not free tomorrow." He cut me off.


"I am not free the next day either." He said as I stood there frozen.

"Well , it's time for me to go .." he said , getting up before walking past me but I breathe out , grabbing his arm making his turn.

"I really don't mean to be rude , Khun Zee Pruk but we only have 3 months to the wedding and I really need the time with you to discuss about it. You don't have a venue nor a theme. It's a huge problem na. Therefore if you could give me an hour .. actually no , half an hour of your time , I would really much appreciate it !" I babble leaving him speechless.

"Please .. I beg you .." I said , desperately. He then look down to my hand that was gripping his arm tightly. I quickly move my hand away , clearing my throat.

"Sorry .." I said softly.

"Well , I guess what you say is true. Then , why don't you meet me tomorrow in the evening .." he said making me frown.

"Didn't you say you're busy tomorrow ?" I asked.

"Well , I could slot in a time for you." He said making me smile.

"Khob khun krub !" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I'll see you tomorrow evening then !" I said , walking past him but soon trip onto the rug making me lose my balance. I was about to fall onto the ground when an arm grab my waist. I gasp , looking up seeing Khun Zee.

Is anyone's heart beating fast ? Or is it just me ?

𝐂𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 [ ZNN FF ]Where stories live. Discover now