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- next few days -
Nunew's POV.

I ate my breakfast quietly as I watch Hia feed Nuna. This past few days , me and Hia have been on and off which I hate so much.

"So what's your plan today ?" Asked Hia , breaking the silence.

"I am going to meet Nat later .." I said.

"Again ? This past few days you have been meeting Nat so frequently , is there an upcoming wedding ?" He asked.

"Krub .." I answered making him sigh.

"Aren't you supposed to take a few days off from work before we go to Chiang Mai ?" He asked.

"It's a last minute thing .. I can't really do anything .." I said making him sigh before placing his hand on mine.

"Well then .. be careful na at work .." he said making me nod.

"Krub .. Hia .." I said as his phone then buzz making him look down to his phone.

"I gotta go .. I'll see you later na .." he said making me nod.

"See you later my princess .." said Hia as he kissed Nuna on the top of her head. He then walked over to me , giving my lips a peck making me smile softly.

"I love you .." he said , rubbing my arms.

"I love you too .." I said as he then smile , grabbing his blazer before walking out of the door. I sigh before fishing my phone out. I dialed a phone number.

"Hello na Nhu .." said Hia's mom.

"Hi mom .. we are still meeting at the cafe right ?" I asked.

"Kha~ I'll see you soon na .." she said making me hum before hanging up. This past few days I have been seeing Hia's mom secretly behind his back. I know if I tell him , he'll burst out. I am not doing for the sake of me but for the sake of Nuna. All my baby ever wanted was to spend time with her grandmother who she only knew recently. I know if I get caught by Hia , everything will go down hill terribly.

"Come on baby .. let's get ready to meet grandma .." I said making Nuna cheer as I smile , lifting her up from her chair.

Zee's POV.

I sigh , looking at my laptop blankly. I rubbed my temple before looking at the picture frame of me , Nunew and Nuna.

"Yo .. I got the files you needed .." I heard Max walking in.

"Okay .. something is wrong .. what's up ?" He asked , sitting across me making me sigh.

"This must be something to do with Nunew." He said as I look at him.

"Did you guys fight again ?" He asked.

"I don't get why would he want to fix things with my parents .. do you know that he met my mom before this ?" I asked , rubbing my temple.

"I hate how because of this .. me and Nhu are always on and off .." I said.

"Maybe you should talk it out with him .. I mean this is the perks of being married you know ... it takes two hands to clap remember .. all you need to do is just talk it out slowly .. tell him how you feel and also .. then listen to how he feels about the situation .." he said as I look at him.

"Yeah .. I guess you're right .." I said before getting up , grabbing my phone.

"Wait where are you going ?" He asked , confused.

"I am going to go and make up with my husband of course .." I said as I then walked towards the door.

- later -

I pulled up to Nunew's office , looking out the window. I then look down to the roses on the empty seat beside me.

"Let's talk it out , Zee Pruk." I said to myself , breathing in and out slowly before unbuckling my seatbelt. I took the roses with me , getting out of the car as I walked towards the office. I pushed the door open , walking towards the Nhu's office.

"Aow , Khun Zee , what are you doing here ?" I turned seeing Fae.

"Sorry for coming unexpectedly but I am here to see Nunew .." I said making her frown in confusion.

"Khun Nhu is not in the office though .." she said making me frown.

"What do you mean he is not here ? He told me that he have a meeting with Nat here ..." I said , confused.

"Khun Nhu didn't inform us about any meeting he has .. he didn't even come in the office today .." he said as I then frown.

"If you want , I can call-." I clutch the roses , walking out of the office once realization struck me. I got into the car as I then placed the roses at the back. I dialed Nunew's phone number.

"Sorry the number you have dialed is not available , please try again later."

I sigh , clutching my phone as I rubbed my temple , trying to reach Nunew again.

"Where are you , Nhu ?" I said , clenching my jaw. I soon realized that I have Nunew's location on my phone. I quickly look up Nunew and soon saw that he was in a cafe.

"So much for a meeting hm." I thought before buckling my seatbelt , starting the car before driving out of the place.

Nunew's POV.

"Papa , do you think grandma would love the flowers I pick for her ?" Asked Nuna.

"Of course baby .." I said , caressing her head. I soon heard footsteps making me turn to see Hia's mother.

"Hey , I am sorry I am late .." she said making me chuckled.

"No problem mom .." I said as she then turned to Nuna.

"There's my princess !" She coeed making Nuna hug her tightly , giggling.

"Grandma , I bought you flowers .." said Nuna as Mom gasp , looking at the bouquet of flowers.

"They are beautiful sweetheart ..." said Mom as I watch the both of them fondly.

"Nuna couldn't wait to give you the flowers that she personally picked .." I said making her chuckle.

"Well then to reward this princess, how about you we go and buy some cake at the cashier.." she said as Nuna cheered making me chuckle.

"We will be back na .." said mom.

"Krub~" I said as the both of them went to see the cakes at the cashier. I smile , sighing happily as I then took my phone out. I soon frown seeing multiple missed calls from Hia.

"Aow , Hia called me .." I thought as I pout.

"Nunew Chawarin Panich." I froze , hearing a familiar deep voice making me lift my head up from my phone.

"H-Hia .." I said , frozen as he then walked over to me.

"H-Hia , I-."

"What the hell do you think you are doing here ?!" He asked angrily.

"Hia .. I can explain na .." I said as he then look at the bouquet of flowers.

"So much for a meeting with Nat huh ..." he said as I look at him , breathing hard.

"Hia , it's all a misunderstanding , I can ex-."

"Really ? You can explain huh .. who are you meeting with huh?! Answer me !" He exclaim.

"We're leaving now." He said , grabbing my wrist as I got up.

"Hia , wait !" I said , holding his arm , trying to stop him.

"NuNew Chawarin Panich , I said we are leaving." He said coldly.

"Hia , please I-."

"Enough , let's go." He said.

"Zee .." Hia froze as we slowly turn our heads seeing mom.

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