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Nunew's POV.

"Nhu .. listen to mae na .." she said , holding both of my hand as I turned to her.

"This is all part of marriage life ... marriage is not all about being a perfect and happy family .. you can't always be happy , there will be times where the both of you will have different opinions .." she continued.

"All you both have to do is to talk things out and listen to each other's opinions .." she said.

"It may not be easy .. but that's how things go .." she continued as I sigh.

"There is a reason why you're feeling this way .. and there's a reason why he is feeling that way .." advised Mae.

"I know you love Zee .. and I know he loves you so much that he wants to protect you .. both of you must come together and talk to make things right .. if not then why are you married ? You both agreed that only left will do you apart .. don't let this get in between you both's love .." she said as I sigh , nodding. She then cupped my cheeks , kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry .. everything will be okay na .." she said making me nod.

"Why don't you go and talk to Zee .. I'll take care of Nuna for the both of you .." she said making me smile. I then pout , hugging her making her cooed softly , caressing my head.

"Thank you na mae .." I said softly making her chuckle , tightening her grip around me.

"You're most welcome my baby .." she said as I then pulled away. She pat my head lovingly before getting up.

"Nuna ! Let's play inside na !" Said Mae.

"Khaaa !!" Shouted Nuna as she ran to her grandmother. I smile before walking over to Hia. I placed my hand on Hia's arm making him turn.

"Let's take a walk .." I said softly making him nod slowly.

Me and Hia walked around the huge garden with our fingers interlocked with each other.

"It's been awhile since we got a chance to be alone .." I said , breaking the silence making him chuckle softly.

"We are too busy with our princess .." he said making me chuckle.

"Remember after we got married , we had a small picnic here .." I said making him nod.

"But then it ended up raining .." he said making the both of us burst into laughter. I then sighed , stopping my tracks making Hia turned to me.

"Hia .. I .." I said softly.

"Do you remember how we slow danced here after our small wedding ?" He asked making me nod slowly. He then took out his phone making me frown. Soon a familiar melody started playing making me look at him.

Hia then pulled his hand out making me smile softly before placing my hand on his. He pulled me closer as I slowly placed my other hand on his shoulder while he pulled me closer by the waist with one hand. He smiled softly as we then leaned our forehead against each other's. I sigh softly , feeling the warmth that I missed. Tears welled up in my eyes unconsciously.

"Nhu .." said Hia softly.

"Hia .. Nhu is sorry .. Nhu didn't mean to lie you before ..." I said as Hia rubbed my waist in comfort.

"I didn't mean to bring Nuna to see mom behind your back.. I just .. wanted to fix things so that we could be a happy family .." I said softly as tears rolled down my cheeks making Hia cupped my cheeks.

"Baby ... I am not mad anymore .." he said , caressing my cheek.

"It wasn't just your fault ... it was mine too ... I just got so angry that I said words that hurt you .. instead of listening to you .." he said softly.

"I let my anger get over me .. even if I knew that all you wanted to do was to fix us .. fix our family ..." he said as I sniffled.

"But you were hurting too ... I know it isn't that easy to forgive them because of what they did .. I shouldn't force you to forgive them but I still did ... and I am so sorry Hia .." I said softly.

"Hia is sorry too .. for everything ..." he said as I then hugged him tightly. I hide my face on his shoulder as he pulled me closer , kissing my nape repeatedly.

"I can never stay mad at you baby .. no matter how mad I was .. I still love you so much ..." he said.

"I hate that we fought ... I hate that for the past few days , I had to go to bed without holding you in my arms .." he said as I hugged him tighter.

"Let's not fight anymore ... please .." he said as I slowly pulled away slightly , still holding onto him.

"Please baby .." he said making me smile , nodding. Hia chuckle before smiling. I chuckled , hugging him tightly.

"I love you na .. Nhu .. so much .." he said making me nod.

"I love you too ... so much .. Hia .." I said softly before pulling away. He then slowly placed his hand on my nape , pulling me close as he then placed his lips on mine. I close my eyes , replying to his kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer by the waist , angling his head to deepened the kiss. I pulled away , breathing hard as we leaned our foreheads against each other's.

We both smile before attaching our lips on each other back. I smile in between the kiss as Hia lifted me up slightly making me wrapped my legs around his waist. I caress his cheek as he peck my lips. The both of us giggle as I hugged him tightly.

- later -

Me and Hia breathe hard as I plopped down beside him. I pulled the sheets up to my bare chest. I leaned my head on his forearm , drawing circles on his bare-chest.

"Nhu .." Said Hia making me hum.

"I think I am ready .." said Hia making me frown , lift my head up to him.

"I think I am ready to talk to my parents .." he said.

"You are ?..." I asked.

"I've been so fixated on wanting to keep our family away from them .. but what I realise is that what you said before was true ... family will always be family .. no matter what happened .. even if I don't need them .. Nuna needs them .." he said making me nod.

"However .. I am still scared .. scared that history will repeat itself ..." he continued as I caressed his cheeks making him look down to me.

"I know it's scary .. but you still have me .. you still have Nuna .. we'll be here .." I said making him nod , smiling softly.

"We'll be okay .. you'll be okay .. I promise .." I said as he smile , leaning down to place his lips on mine while I caressed his cheek. He then hovered above me making my eyes widened.

"How about round two ?" He asked making me chuckle , hooking my finger on his necklace to pull him down closer.

"What are you waiting for Mr Panich ?" I asked as he then smirk , placing his lips on mine making the both of us smile in between the kiss.

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