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- next few days -

Nunew's POV.

I waited at the cafe , sighing. I wasn't ready to meet both P'Zee and Khun Janis. I wasn't ready to face him but .. I had no choice because in the end .. I am still their wedding planner.

"Khun Nu !" I turned hearing someone calling me. I soon saw Khun Janis , waving as I got up. She smile , walking over to me as she greeted me with a hug. I smile weakly as she she then pulled away before sitting across me. I then look around , not seeing P'Zee.

"Oh .. if you're wondering where's P'Zee , he can't make it today because he's been feeling sick nowadays.." she said as I look at her.

"So .. he told me to come alone .." she continued.

"Ah .. I see .." I said before look down. I then shook my head , taking out my file.

"So , I've done the final draft .." I said , handing her the final draft of the wedding.

"Omo~ suáy mak~" she sang , looking at it.

"Is it okay ?" I asked.

"Oh it's perfect .. I love it .." she answered.

"I knew trusting Zee to handle all of this was worth it .." she giggled.

"P'Zee must really love you to know all the things you loved .." I said making her smile weakly before placing the paper down.

"How I wish that was true .." she said making me frown.

"What do you mean ?" I asked as she sigh , looking at me.

"I'll tell you since we're close .." she said.

"You see .. I have to say that me and P'Zee .. we aren't really in love with each other .. yes .. I love him .. but he doesn't love me .." she said.

"Why would you say that ?" I asked , confused.

"Because .. my marriage with Zee .. is all arranged .." she said making me freeze.

"Back then .. when me and P'Zee was living in London .. our fathers were really close .. so close that my family will visit his family every Sunday .." she said.

"Me and P'Zee became really close untill I kinda of developed a crush on him .. our parents kind of realised how close we were .. so my dad .. talked to his .. he said that the only person he trust me to be with .. is P'Zee." She continued as I listened intently.

"So .. our dads agreed that when we are mature enough .. we should get married .." she said , smiling to herself.

"When I heard that , I was happy .. because .. durh , who wouldn't want to get married to their crush .." she giggled but soon sigh.

"However , I know P'Zee wasn't that happy ..because marrying me .. means that he has to let go of his first love .." she said making me frown.

"First love ? .." I asked making her nod.

"When P'Zee and I was kids .. he would always talk about this childhood friend of his .. even though I didn't know who is she .. he would still talk about her .. tell me how excited he is when it's time for him to go back to Bangkok .." she said making me freeze.

"He gets so excited when he talks about her .. he even told me how he got her a pink teddy bear .. I was a little jealous because he hasn't once gave me anything for my birthday .. can't you believe him ?" She giggled.

"He would tell me how he promised his childhood friend that when he grows up and have the money , he'll want to propose to her .. and have their dream wedding by the beach filled with her favourite flowers .." she said making me look at her as tears welled up in my eyes.

"But ever since .. he promised my dad that he'll marry me .. he had no choice to let go of that dream .. and the feelings he had for that girl .." She said softly , fiddling with her engagement ring as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Now that the wedding is coming closer .. I just feel so bad for him .. because this marriage seems like a prison for him ... but .. I hope I get to change how he feels towards me after we get married .." she said , lifting her head up to look at me and her eyes widened seeing me in tears.

"Khun Nu ? A-Are you okay ?" She asked as I quickly wiped my tears , sniffling as I force a smile.

"I am so sorry .. I was just .. very touched .. I didn't know you would go through all of that .." I said , lying.

"If you think I went through hell .. P'Zee must have been through much more than I .." she said.

"Yeah .. he must have held it in for so long .." I thought.

"Which is why .. I want to thank you .." she said placing her hand on mine.

"Thank you for making this wedding happen na .." she said making me smile weakly , nodding. She chuckled , looking at the draft as I sigh , looking down as I clutch my hand.

Zee's POV.

I look out the window as I took a sip of my wine. I sigh before looking down to my engagement ring.

"I hope you're sick because I bought you chicken soup." I turned seeing Max with a plastic bag in his hand.

"But now seeing you , you're not sick." He said , placing the bag down onto the table.

"How would you know I am not sick ?" I asked as I walked towards the sofa , sitting down as he did the same.

"Because if you were sick , you wouldn't be drinking a bottle of wine." He answered as I sigh.

"What's going on with you , Zee .. I heard from Janis that you haven't seen anyone for days .. and you've been taking off days .." He said as I sipped my wine.

"That's not the Zee I know .." he continued as I look at him.

"It's about that wedding planner of yours am I right ?" He asked making me look away.

"He's the one." I said making him frown.

"You found him ?" He asked making me nod.

"He ended up being my wedding planner , could you believe it ?" I asked , getting up as I walked towards the window.

"Did you tell him ?" He asked making me shook my head.

"But I told him I like him .." I said making Max frown.

"I wanted to find the right time to tell him who I really was ..." I said as Max sigh.

"When you told him you like him .. what did he say ?" He asked.

"He said we couldn't be together .. because .. I am getting married to Janis." I said.

"Did you tell him that it was all an arrange marriage ?" He asked.

"I did .. but it didn't change his mind about it .. because at the end of the day , I have no rights to like him .. because I am getting married to someone who I don't love." I said , clutching my fist.

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