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Zee's POV.

I packed my bag , placing everything I need. I soon hear a knock on the door making me turn to see Mae.

"Where are you going , Zee ?" She asked.

"I have to leave for a business trip tonight .." I answered.

"Aow , how long are you going to be out for ?" She asked.

"A few days." I said , zipping up my bag.

"Zee , you can't always be busy with work na , you're getting married soon." She said making me freeze. I breathe out before continuing packing.

"Zee did you hear what I say ?" She asked making me sigh.

"Mae , for once , could you just stop with the wedding first ? I know it's important but I also take my work seriously." I said sighing before placing my bag on the ground.

"Tell dad I'll be out for a few days. I'll be back soon." I said coldly , walking pass her. I walked downstairs , leaving the house to see Max and Nat in the car. I breathe out before walking towards the car. Max helped me with my luggage as I then got in. He got in the car as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Are you sure you want to do this ?" Asked Max as I then look at Nat through the rear mirror.

"Er. I need to get Nunew back." I said as Max smile slightly before driving off to the airport. I look out the window , sighing.

"I am coming Nhu." I thought.

- next day -

Nunew's POV.

I frown hearing the sound of birds chirping loudly. I slowly open my eyes , squinting them due to the sunlight. I turn on my side , sighing as I rubbed my face , sitting up. I stretch my arms, yawning as I sigh in relief feeling fresh from a good night sleep. I got out of bed , ruffling my hair as I walked out of the room. I soon hear voices coming from downstairs making me frown.

"Aow , did mae invited her friends over again ?" I thought before heading downstairs. I held the wall as I went down , walking towards the living room lazily as I was still trying to wake up.

"Mae , who did you in-." I lifted my head up and soon I froze in my place seeing the one person that I wish I would not see again talking to Mae.

"Aow Nhu , you're awake .." said Mae as she smile slightly.

"P-P'Zee .." I said as he turned , locking eyes with me.

"Nhu .." he said as I then turned to see Nat , sitting down next to an unfamiliar man.

"Nhu .. I am sorry .." said Nat as I clutch my phone.

I sat there with my arms folded , looking at P'Zee coldly.

"What do you want ? How did you know I was here ?" I asked coldly.

"I've been wanting to see you." He answered.

"But I don't want to." I said before turning to Nat.

"Nat , you promised that you wouldn't tell anyone about where I am. How could you break the promise huh ?" I asked frustrated.

"Nhu~ I am sorry na .. I didn't mean to .. it's just that .. P'Zee really wants to fix things with you .. so I thought maybe it's best if you talk things out with him face to face .." answer Nat.

"But I have nothing to say to you." I said.

"Did you forget that you are getting married in one and a half month ?" I asked.

"Nhu. Please just give me a chance to explain myself .. just hear me out first .." said P'Zee.

"I don't think I need to." I fought back.

"I am just a wedding planner. I know the one you really love is your bride. Not me." I said.

"And what we have between us ... was just a memory .. a mistake too." I said softly , clutching my fist.

"So please , go back to Khun Janis krub. I don't want to be the bad guy who causes the pain in your love story." I said as P'Zee look at me.

"Nat , send them back to the airport." I said coldly before getting up , leaving the room. I walked towards the balcony , breathing out as I clutch my fist , trying to hold back my tears.

"Why did you have to come back ?" I asked before ruffling my hair in frustration.

"Nhu." I sigh , hearing P'Zee's voice.

"Why are you here ? I told you to go back." I said.

"Please .. just give me a chance to explain everything .." he said as I sigh , turning back to him.

"What's there to explain ?" I asked.

"What ? You're just gonna say that you're in love with me and not Khun Janis ? And that the marriage was just based on a promise that you and her father had." I said.

"I am not stupid , P'Zee." I said as he walked towards me.

"Yes , that's right .. I don't love Janis. I love you. And yes , I know how much I've hurt you. I am well aware that I am getting married but that's just a stupid promise I made because I had to live up to my family's expectations. I only see Janis as a sister , not more than that. The only person I love has always been you. Since day one , since we were kids. You are the reason why I came back to Bangkok. I came back to find you." He said as I look at him softly.

"I hate that I have to find you in such situations like this. I hate that I have to be stuck in this situation because of a promise. I know I was scaredy cat .. making you feel as if you are the bad guy in this story but the actual bad guy is me. I am so sorry for making you have mixed feelings. I never wanted to hurt you. I was just confused with what I want." He said as I look down. He then slowly held my hand making me look up to him.

"But now I know .. that what I really wanted was you. The one I am in love with .. is you .." He said.

"I love you , Nunew. I am so in love with you." He confessed making my heart beat fast as he then sigh.

"I don't expect you to say it back now but all I ask .. is a chance .." he continued.

"I know I hurt you .. I know I broke my promise .. and I don't care if you hate me for that .." he said as I look at him.

"But all I am asking is for one more chance .. to fix that promise .. to fix us .." he said.

"I just want you to see me as the person who you met .. years ago .. as an ordinary guy who has feelings for you ..." he said.

"Please .." he plead softly , holding my hand tightly making me look down.

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