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Chapter 18 Willing to Part

Before dawn Yuan Ci Xian got on the carriage going south.

After Yuan Yu returned home last night, he wanted to drive her to Yaozhou without saying a word. She was confused at first, but he insisted on dragging her into the carriage and escorting her away like a prisoner. After thinking about it, she finally understood.

Her brother’s sudden behavior must be due to what Lu Shi Qing said. Although she didn’t know the details, she could roughly guess a few points.

Chang’an was turbulent, if she stayed here, although she would be able to take care of her brother’s affairs, keep an eye on Emperor Huining and the Sixth Prince, and have the opportunity to gain favorable impression with Lu Shi Qing or the Thirteenth Prince, but there were inevitably risks. If one day, the imperial court tore their faces with Diannan, Emperor Huining would definitely use her to restrain his father. Her Brother had already suffered lose in the capital, and if she joined in, it would make it even more difficult for the Yuan family.

Thinking of this, she no longer struggled. There were pros and cons to staying, it was hard to choose. But since her brother had made the choice, she couldn’t beat him, so she had to go with the flow.

The best way right now was for her to tell her brother the content of her dream and tell him what to do next, then return to Yaozhou, analyze the situation in the court with her father, let him realize His Majesty’s attitude towards the Yuan family, and then discuss the strategies for self-preservation with him.

As for Lu Shi Qing, this backer, she didn’t plan to give up either. For her, Chang’an was a place that was easy to enter and difficult to exit. If she could leave smoothly, she could return again.

She made up her mind, wait until they went out of the city, and when they arrived at a secluded mountain road, she called Yuan Yu who escorting her all the way into the carriage, and drove away the two maids and a group of attendants on both sides.

Seeing that she had stopped making trouble, Yuan Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but when he lifted the curtain, he saw her lowering her voice mysteriously: “Brother, I have something important to tell you, but you have to swear first that no matter what, you will never tell another person.”

He was stunned: “What kind of stuff? What should I swear on? If I leak it, I will be bald the next day?”

She glared at him, not in the mood to joke at the moment: “Just swear on my, father’s and mother’s life.”

Yuan Yu was shocked: “What are you talking about!” After saying that, seeing her solemn expression, for some reason he also felt a little flustered, and murmured, “… fine.”

Hearing his clear promise, Yuan Ci Xian said in a low voice: “Brother, I have received the revelation from heaven and know a few things about the future. First, in two years, our Yuan family will… ”

Speaking until here, she seemed to feel that it was wrong to speak so bluntly, so she dipped her finger in the tea that had not been drink in the tea pot, and wrote a few words on the small sandalwood table: be charge with serious crime of treason and the whole the family was given death.

Yuan Yu’s eyes widened.

She continued: “Secondly, the person who volunteer to arrest us at that time is…”

She dipped in the water again and wrote: Sixth Prince.

Yuan Ci Xian explained the key information one by one, and then explained to Yuan Yu the whole story of the dream and the reason why she came to Chang’an this time.

The successive bad news shocked Yuan Yu so much that he couldn’t speak for a while. After a long time, he touched her forehead: “Ci Xian, you don’t have a fever, are you? You… could it be you were provoked by Lu Zishu? Or… or else brother will capture that kid and send him to Yaozhou to marry our family?”

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