Han - Are we a Secret just for a Secret?

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You and Han had been dating for about 3 months. You tried to stay low-key with the relationship, and therefore didn't tell the rest of your friend group.

It was hard to keep it a secret sometimes, but you knew Han wasn't ready to tell them yet.

Today was your and Han's 100-day anniversary. You were sitting under a tree holding hands with your head on his shoulder. He was reading a book by Jane Austen for you, and it was a lot of fun. You wished this moment would last forever, but you knew it had to end soon, as you couldn't risk anyone seeing you.

With a sigh you looked at the time. Han knew what this meant and closed the book.

"I'm sorry we couldn't make this a bigger thing." He apologised and helped you up.

You kissed his cheek lightly. "It's okay Hannie. I'm just happy to be with you."

He smiled and brought you into his arms. "I'm so lucky to have you Y/N..."

Suddenly someone interrupted your little moment. It was Hyunjin from your friend group. He gave you a disgusted look as he passed by.

It was normal for your friends to see you and Han being cuddly, so nothing suspicious here.

You both burst out laughing when Hyunjin was out of sight.

"When do you think you are ready to tell them about us?" You abruptly asked.

Han immediately stopped laughing and you deeply regretted asking. (Nooo, it rhymes.)

He quickly smiled, when he saw you becoming nervous, but you knew he was faking it.

"I haven't really figured that out yet. Plus it's kinda fun having this little secret of our own." He answered.

You nodded understandingly. Yeah. Very fun.

-A year later-

Oh, how the time flew. To you though, time seemed stuck in an empty loop.

You were sitting with your friend group of 5. You called yourself the 2000z as all of you were born in the year 2000.

Han hadn't talked about revealing you guys ever since that day last year. It pained you that he wouldn't tell something this meaningful to your friends, but you gave him the time and space for him to be comfortable.

"Are you there Y/N?" Felix asked.

Everybody was looking at you. You had probably spaced out or something again.

It started to happen more often, where you would just randomly fly out of the world into your own thoughts. You wouldn't realise it happening, so the others had to keep calling you back to reality.

In a calm manor Han grabbed your hand. "Can we talk?" He asked looking into the depths of your eyes.

You looked at the others and followed him.

When he finally stopped walking, he had a worried look on his face, but not like a mad-worried look. It was calm.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strange." He told.

You mentally fought yourself whether or not to say what was on your mind. In the end your heart won, and you decided to be honest.

"Are we together just for the secret of it?" You quietly asked.

A question that seemed to puzzle him a lot. He looked confused for a while, but his expression later turned into an understanding look. He seemed like a doctor who had just listened to all of your concerns.

"I'm sorry if it felt like that Y/N... No, I'm not dating you just because it's fun having a secret nobody knows of. In reality, I love you for your honesty and kindness towards everybody around you. It's inspiring. Really!" A light tear fell down your cheek as you kept your gaze to the ground. 

He continued: "You might be confused why I wanted to keep us hidden for so long... Well. I actually don't really know myself. I just... I don't know. No, I should tell the truth. The reason behind my quietness of us is because, Felix likes you too." He took a deep shaky breath after confessing.

It was like your tears froze from surprise. Not a single drop slipped any further down your cheeks.

"What?" You were shook. Felix? Liking you? No..... Or really?

He nodded. "It's true. I hoped his feelings would disappear sooner or later, so I wouldn't break his heart when we told them, but they increased. I don't want to lose him... He's one of my best friends Y/N."

You hugged him. "Why didn't you tell me."

"I... I don't know. It was stupid of me." He told.

"We can wait as long as it's needed. I love you Han." You comforted. 

I don't like this one lol

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