chapter seventeen

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Blakelyn's POV:

"Who's watching over the twins?" Tori asked me as we both sat down in a booth at Starbucks. "Harry." I said and she nodded, sipping some of her iced coffee. I stirred my cinnamon roll frappuccino and looked out the window. "How's school? Have you seen sheyenne around?" I asked her as the waiter brought over our food; I got a turkey pesto panini and Tori got a chicken Caesar salad. "Schools good. Junior year has been really hard." She pouted and I chuckled. "Are you taking any AP classes?" I asked her and she shook her head. "I bet you're taking some smarty pants." She joked and I laughed. "I'm taking AP Lit and AP Psych." I smiled and sipped from my frappuccino. "You piss me off." She joked and I pouted. "All of the hostility." I smiled and finished my panini. "I'm sorry. It's just been a while." She smiled back, making me laugh.

"When do you want us to come over and help with Josh's party?" I asked Tori as I patted Trevor's back gently. "You can come tomorrow around 6. His party is starting at 8." She said to us and Harry nodded. "We need to buy him a present." I looked at Harry. "We can go tonight and then get dinner there." He said to me as Ryan ran over. "What's up bud?" I asked him as he sat beside me. "Mommy said she wants you to take me to Papa's house." He smiled, holding his Spider-Man bookbag. I nodded. "First were going to the mall because we have to get Josh something for his birthday." I said to Ryan as I put Trevor in his car seat. "Birthday! Can I come?" Ryan smiled and watched me as I put his car seat in the back of my car. "You can't babe. This is a big kids party." I said as he pouted. "I'm a big kid!" He sat down in his booster seat and I hooked him in. "This is a party for big kids like me, Jake, Sam, and Will." I said and he nodded. "Speaking of them, we need to call them about his party anyway." I said to Harry, who nodded. "I will."

I moved my hair to the right side and pinned back my bangs with a bobby pin. "Ready Harry?" I asked him, grabbed the party bag with Josh's gift in it. "Yeah." He walked out with a muscle tank and a pair of swim trunks on. "Why are you so handsome?" I asked and bit my lip. He smirked a little before wrapping his arms around my waist and squeezing my butt a little. "I try to look my best for you." He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip hard as he gently kissed my earlobe and went down to my neck, sucking on it gently. I held my breath as he continued to tease me with gentle kisses and sucking. "What's taking you guys so-" Jacob came into my room and gasped. "What the hell Jake!" I yelled at him and pushed him out. "I was just wondering what was taking you guys so long!" He yelled back before walking away. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "We'll continue this later." Harry smirked before we walked downstairs.

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